2250 lines
48 KiB
2250 lines
48 KiB
rscid = "$Header$"
#define UNTESTED
FORMAT = "%d"
illins = "Illegal"
GENREG /* All PDP registers */
REG /* Normal registers (allocatable) */
ODDREG /* All odd registers (allocatable) */
REGPAIR(4) /* Register pairs for division */
FLTREG(4) /* Floating point registers, single precision */
DBLREG(8) /* Same, double precision */
GENFREG(4) /* generic floating point */
GENDREG(8) /* generic floating point */
FLTREGPAIR(8) /* register pair for modf */
DBLREGPAIR(16) /* same, double precision */
LOCALBASE /* Guess what */
r2 : GENREG,REG regvar.
r4 : GENREG,REG regvar.
r01("r0")=r0+r1 : REGPAIR.
fr0("r0"),fr1("r1"),fr2("r2"),fr3("r3") : GENFREG,FLTREG.
dr0("r0")=fr0,dr1("r1")=fr1,dr2("r2")=fr2,dr3("r3")=fr3 : GENDREG,DBLREG.
fr01("r0")=fr0+fr1,fr23("r2")=fr2+fr3 : FLTREGPAIR.
dr01("r0")=dr0+dr1,dr23("r2")=dr2+dr3 : DBLREGPAIR.
const2 = { INT num; } 2 "$" num .
LOCAL = { INT ind; INT size; } 2 ind "(r5)" .
ILOCAL = { INT ind; } 2 "*" ind "(r5)" .
DLOCAL = { INT ind; INT size; } 4 ind "(r5)" .
addr_local = { INT ind; } 2 .
addr_external = { ADDR off; } 2 "$" off.
regdef2 = { GENREG reg; } 2 "*" reg.
regind2 = { GENREG reg; ADDR off; } 2 off "(" reg ")" .
reginddef2 = { GENREG reg; ADDR off; } 2 "*" off "(" reg ")" .
regconst2 = { GENREG reg; ADDR off; } 2 .
relative2 = { ADDR off; } 2 off .
reldef2 = { ADDR off; } 2 "*" off.
regdef1 = { GENREG reg; } 2 "*" reg.
regind1 = { GENREG reg; ADDR off; } 2 off "(" reg ")" .
reginddef1 = { GENREG reg; ADDR off; } 2 "*" off "(" reg ")" .
relative1 = { ADDR off; } 2 off.
reldef1 = { ADDR off; } 2 "*" off.
autodec = { GENREG reg; } 2 "-(" reg ")".
autoinc = { GENREG reg; } 2 "(" reg ")+".
ftoint = { GENFREG reg; } 2 .
ftolong = { GENFREG reg; } 4 .
regind4 = { GENREG reg; ADDR off; } 4 off "(" reg ")".
reginddef4 = { GENREG reg; ADDR off; } 4 "*" off "(" reg ")".
relative4 = { ADDR off; } 4 off.
reldef4 = { ADDR off; } 4 "*" off.
regdef4 = { GENREG reg; } 4 "*" reg.
regind8 = { GENREG reg; ADDR off; } 8 off "(" reg ")".
reginddef8 = { GENREG reg; ADDR off; } 8 "*" off "(" reg ")".
relative8 = { ADDR off; } 8 off.
reldef8 = { ADDR off; } 8 "*" off.
regdef8 = { GENREG reg; } 8 "*" reg.
label = { ADDR off; } 2 off.
src2 = GENREG + regdef2 + regind2 + reginddef2 + relative2 +
reldef2 + addr_external + const2 + LOCAL + ILOCAL +
autodec + autoinc .
dst2 = src2 - ( const2 + addr_external ) .
xsrc2 = src2 + ftoint .
src1 = regdef1 + regind1 + reginddef1 + relative1 + reldef1 .
dst1 = src1 .
src1or2 = src1 + src2 .
src4 = relative4 + regdef4 + DLOCAL + regind4 .
dst4 = src4 .
long4 = src4 + REGPAIR .
longf4 = src4 + reldef4 + reginddef4 + FLTREG .
f4src = longf4 + autoinc + autodec .
f4dst = f4src .
long8 = relative8 + regdef8 + regind8 + DBLREG .
double8 = long8 + reldef8 + reginddef8 .
freg = FLTREG + DBLREG .
fsrc = FLTREG + double8 + autoinc + autodec .
fdst = fsrc .
indexed2 = regind2 + reginddef2 .
indexed4 = regind4 .
indexed8 = regind8 .
indexed = indexed2 + indexed4 + indexed8 .
regdeferred = regdef2 + regdef4 + regdef8 .
indordef = indexed + regdeferred .
locals = LOCAL + DLOCAL .
variable2 = relative2 + reldef2 .
variable4 = relative4 .
variable8 = relative8 .
variable = variable2 + variable4 + variable8 .
noconst2 = src2 - const2 - addr_external .
allexeptcon = ALL - ( regs + const2 + addr_local + addr_external ) .
externals = relative1 + relative2 + relative4 + relative8 .
posextern = variable + regdeferred + indexed + externals .
diradr2 = regconst2 + addr_external .
/* default cost */
/* Normal instructions */
adc dst2:rw:cc .
add src2:ro,dst2:rw:cc .
ash src2:ro,REG:rw:cc .
ashc src2:ro,REGPAIR+ODDREG:rw kills :cc .
asl dst2:rw:cc .
asr dst2:rw:cc .
bxx "syntax error" label . /* generic branch used only as bxx* */
bcc label .
bcs label .
beq label .
bge label .
bgt label .
bhi label .
bhis "bcc" label .
bic src2:ro,dst2:rw:cc .
bis src2:ro,dst2:rw:cc .
bisb src1or2:ro,REG:rw kills :cc .
bit src2:ro,src2:ro kills :cc.
ble label .
blo "bcs" label .
blos label .
blt label .
bmi label .
bne label .
bpl label .
br label .
bvc label .
bvs label .
clr dst2:wo:cc .
clrb dst1:wo kills :cc .
cmp src2:ro,src2:ro kills :cc .
cmpb src1or2:ro,src1or2:ro kills :cc .
com dst2:rw:cc .
dec dst2:rw:cc .
div src2:ro,REG:rw kills :cc .
inc dst2:rw:cc .
jbr label .
jeq label .
jne label .
jxx "syntax error" label .
jmp dst2+label kills :cc r0 r1 r3.
jsr GENREG:rw,dst2+label kills :cc r0 r1 r3.
mov src2:ro,dst2:wo:cc .
movb src1or2:ro,dst1+REG:wo kills :cc .
mul src2:ro,ODDREG:rw:cc .
neg dst2:rw:cc .
rol dst2:rw:cc .
ror dst2:rw:cc .
rts GENREG:rw .
sbc dst2:rw:cc .
sob REG:rw,label .
sub src2:ro,dst2:rw:cc .
sxt dst2:wo .
tst src2:ro:cc .
xor REG:ro,dst2:rw:cc .
/* floating point instructions */
cfcc .
setf .
setd .
seti .
setl .
clrf fdst.
negf fdst .
absf fdst .
tstf fsrc .
movf fsrc,freg .
movf freg,fdst .
movif src2,freg .
movif src4,freg .
movfi freg,dst2 .
movfi freg,dst4 .
movof f4src,freg .
movfo freg,f4dst .
movie src2,freg .
movei freg,dst2 .
addf fsrc,freg .
subf fsrc,freg .
mulf fsrc,freg .
divf fsrc,freg .
cmpf fsrc,freg .
ldfps src2 .
stfps dst2 .
stst dst2 .
/* weirdo instructions */
mfpt kills r0 .
from const2 %num==0 to dst2
gen clr %2
from src2 to dst2
gen mov %1,%2
from FLTREG to longf4-FLTREG
gen movfo %1,%2
from longf4-FLTREG to FLTREG
gen movof %1,%2
gen movf %1,%2
from DBLREG to double8
gen movf %1,%2
from double8 to DBLREG
gen movf %1,%2
from const2 %num==0 to src1
gen clrb %2
from src1or2 to src1
gen movb %1,%2
from ftoint to dst2
gen movfi %1.reg,%2
to test src2
gen tst %1
from const2 %num==0 to STACK
gen clr {autodec,sp}
from src2 to STACK
gen mov %1,{autodec,sp}
from regconst2 to STACK
gen mov %1.reg,{autodec,sp}
add {addr_external, %1.off},{regdef2,sp}
from addr_local to STACK
gen mov lb,{autodec,sp}
add {const2, %1.ind},{regdef2,sp}
gen movf %1,{autodec,sp}
gen movfo %1,{autodec,sp}
gen mov %1.2,{autodec,sp}
mov %1.1,{autodec,sp}
from regind4 to STACK
gen mov {regind2, %1.reg, 2+%1.off},{autodec,sp}
mov {regind2, %1.reg, %1.off},{autodec,sp}
from relative4 to STACK
gen mov {relative2, 2+%1.off},{autodec,sp}
mov {relative2, %1.off},{autodec,sp}
from regdef4 to STACK
gen mov {regind2, %1.reg, 2},{autodec,sp}
mov {regdef2, %1.reg },{autodec,sp}
from regind8 to STACK
uses REG
gen move %1.reg,%a
add {addr_external, 8+%1.off},%a
mov {autodec, %a},{autodec,sp}
mov {autodec, %a},{autodec,sp}
mov {autodec, %a},{autodec,sp}
mov {autodec, %a},{autodec,sp}
from regind8 to STACK
gen mov {regind2, %1.reg, 6+%1.off},{autodec,sp}
mov {regind2, %1.reg, 4+%1.off},{autodec,sp}
mov {regind2, %1.reg, 2+%1.off},{autodec,sp}
mov {regind2, %1.reg, %1.off},{autodec,sp}
from relative8 to STACK
uses REG
gen mov {addr_external, 8+%1.off},%a
mov {autodec, %a},{autodec,sp}
mov {autodec, %a},{autodec,sp}
mov {autodec, %a},{autodec,sp}
mov {autodec, %a},{autodec,sp}
from relative8 to STACK
gen mov {relative2, 6+%1.off},{autodec,sp}
mov {relative2, 4+%1.off},{autodec,sp}
mov {relative2, 2+%1.off},{autodec,sp}
mov {relative2, %1.off},{autodec,sp}
from regdef8 to STACK
gen mov {regind2, %1.reg, 6},{autodec,sp}
mov {regind2, %1.reg, 4},{autodec,sp}
mov {regind2, %1.reg, 2},{autodec,sp}
mov {regdef2, %1.reg },{autodec,sp}
gen mov {LOCAL, 2+%1.ind, 2},{autodec,sp}
mov {LOCAL, %1.ind, 2},{autodec,sp}
from src1 to STACK
gen clr {autodec,sp}
movb %1,{regdef1,sp}
from ftoint to STACK
gen movfi %1.reg,{autodec,sp}
from ftolong to STACK
gen setl.
movfi %1.reg,{autodec,sp}
from STACK
uses REG
gen mov {autoinc,sp},%a yields %a
from STACK
uses REG
gen mov {autoinc,sp},%a yields {regconst2, %a, 0}
from STACK
gen movof {autoinc,sp},%a yields %a
from STACK
gen movf {autoinc,sp},%a yields %a
from STACK
gen mov {autoinc,sp},%a.1
mov {autoinc,sp},%a.2 yields %a
from LOCAL yields {regind2,lb,%1.ind}
from DLOCAL yields {regind4,lb,%1.ind}
from regconst2
uses reusing %1,REG=%1.reg
gen add {addr_external, %1.off},%a yields %a
from addr_local
uses REG
gen mov lb,%a
add {const2, %1.ind},%a yields %a
from REG yields {regconst2, %1, 0}
from xsrc2
uses reusing %1, REG=%1 yields %a
from xsrc2
uses reusing %1, REG=%1 yields {regconst2, %a, 0}
from longf4
gen move %1,%a yields %a
from double8
gen move %1,%a yields %a
from src1
uses REG={const2,0}
gen bisb %1,%a yields %a
from REGPAIR yields %1.2 %1.1
from regind4 yields {regind2,%1.reg,2+%1.off}
from relative4 yields {relative2,2+%1.off}
from regdef4 yields {regind2,%1.reg,2}
from DLOCAL yields {LOCAL, %1.ind+2, 2}
{LOCAL, %1.ind, 2}
* from double8 to long4 *
from regind8 yields {regind4,%1.reg,4+%1.off}
from relative8 yields {relative4,4+%1.off}
from regdef8 yields {regind4,%1.reg,4}
* Group 1 : load instructions. *
* *
* For most load instructions no code is generated. *
* Action : put something on the fake-stack. *
pat loc yields {const2, $1}
pat ldc yields {const2, loww($1)}
{const2, highw($1)}
pat lol yields {LOCAL, $1,2}
pat loe yields {relative2, $1}
pat lil yields {ILOCAL, $1}
pat lof
with REG yields {regind2,%1,$1}
with exact regconst2 yields {regind2,%1.reg,$1+%1.off}
with exact addr_external yields {relative2,$1+%1.off}
with exact addr_local yields {LOCAL, %1.ind + $1,2}
pat lal yields {addr_local, $1}
pat lae yields {addr_external, $1}
pat lpb leaving adp SL
pat lxl $1==0 yields lb
pat lxl $1==1 yields {LOCAL ,SL,2}
pat lxl $1==2
uses REG={LOCAL, SL, 2} yields {regind2,%a, SL}
pat lxl $1==3
uses REG={LOCAL, SL, 2}
gen move {regind2,%a, SL},%a yields {regind2,%a, SL}
pat lxl $1>3
uses REG={LOCAL, SL, 2},
gen 1:
move {regind2,%a, SL},%a
sob %b,{label,1b} yields %a
pat lxa $1==0 yields {addr_local, SL}
pat lxa $1==1
uses REG={LOCAL, SL, 2 } yields {regconst2, %a, SL }
pat lxa $1==2
uses REG={LOCAL, SL, 2 }
gen move {regind2, %a, SL }, %a yields {regconst2, %a, SL }
pat lxa $1==3
uses REG={LOCAL, SL, 2 }
gen move {regind2, %a, SL }, %a
move {regind2, %a, SL }, %a yields {regconst2, %a, SL }
pat lxa $1 > 3
uses REG={LOCAL, SL, 2},
gen 1:
move {regind2,%a, SL},%a
sob %b,{label,1b} yields {regconst2, %a, SL }
pat dch leaving loi 2
pat loi $1==2
with REG yields {regdef2, %1}
with exact regconst2 yields {regind2, %1.reg, %1.off}
with exact relative2 yields {reldef2, %1.off}
with exact regind2 yields {reginddef2, %1.reg, %1.off}
with exact regdef2 yields {reginddef2, %1.reg, 0}
with exact addr_local yields {LOCAL, %1.ind,2}
with exact addr_external yields {relative2, %1.off}
with exact LOCAL yields {reginddef2, lb, %1.ind}
pat loi $1==1
with REG yields {regdef1, %1}
with exact regconst2 yields {regind1, %1.reg, %1.off}
with exact addr_external yields {relative1, %1.off}
with exact addr_local yields {regind1, lb, %1.ind}
with exact relative2 yields {reldef1, %1.off}
with exact regind2 yields {reginddef1, %1.reg, %1.off}
with exact regdef2 yields {reginddef1, %1.reg, 0}
with exact LOCAL yields {reginddef1, lb, %1.ind}
pat loi $1==4
with REG yields {regdef4, %1}
with exact regconst2 yields {regind4, %1.reg, %1.off}
with exact addr_local yields {DLOCAL,%1.ind,4}
with exact addr_external yields {relative4, %1.off}
pat loi $1==8
with REG yields {regdef8, %1}
with exact regconst2 yields {regind8, %1.reg, %1.off}
with exact addr_local yields {regind8, lb , %1.ind}
with exact addr_external yields {relative8, %1.off}
pat loi
with exact addr_local
kills ALL
uses REG={const2,$1/2}, REG
gen move lb,%b
add {const2,%1.ind+$1},%b
mov {autodec,%b},{autodec,sp}
sob %a,{label,1b}
with exact addr_external
kills ALL
uses REG={const2,$1/2}, REG
gen mov {addr_external,%1.off+$1},%b
mov {autodec,%b},{autodec,sp}
sob %a,{label,1b}
with REG
kills ALL
uses REG={const2,$1}
gen add %a,%1
asr %a
mov {autodec,%1},{autodec,sp}
sob %a,{label,1b}
pat ldl yields {DLOCAL, $1,4}
pat lde yields {relative4, $1}
pat ldf
with regconst2 yields {regind4,%1.reg,$1+%1.off}
with exact addr_external yields {relative4, $1+%1.off}
with exact addr_local yields {DLOCAL, %1.ind+$1,4}
pat lpi yields {addr_external, $1}
* Group 2 : Store instructions. *
* *
* These instructions are likely to ruin the fake-stack. *
* We don't expect many items on the fake-stack anyway *
* because we seem to have evaluated an expression just now. *
pat stl with xsrc2
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen move %1,{LOCAL,$1,2}
pat ste with xsrc2
kills posextern
gen move %1, {relative2, $1 }
pat sil with xsrc2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %1, {reginddef2,lb,$1}
pat stf
with regconst2 xsrc2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{regind2,%1.reg,$1+%1.off}
with addr_external xsrc2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{relative2,$1+%1.off}
pat sti $1==2
with REG xsrc2
kills allexeptcon
gen move%2,{regdef2,%1}
with regconst2 xsrc2
kills allexeptcon
gen move%2,{regind2,%1.reg,%1.off}
with addr_external xsrc2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{relative2,%1.off}
with addr_local xsrc2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{LOCAL, %1.ind, 2}
with relative2 xsrc2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{reldef2,%1.off}
with regind2 xsrc2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{reginddef2,%1.reg,%1.off}
pat sti $1==1
with REG src1or2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{regdef1,%1}
with exact regconst2 src1or2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{regind1,%1.reg,%1.off}
with exact addr_external src1or2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{relative1,%1.off}
with exact addr_local src1or2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{regind1, lb, %1.ind}
with exact relative2 src1or2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{reldef1,%1.off}
with exact regind2 src1or2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{reginddef1,%1.reg,%1.off}
pat sti $1==4
with exact REG FLTREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movfo %2,{regdef4,%1}
with exact regind2 FLTREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movfo %2,{reginddef4,%1.reg,%1.off}
with exact relative2 FLTREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movfo %2,{reldef4,%1.off}
with exact REG ftolong
kills allexeptcon
gen setl.
movfi %2.reg,{regdef2,%1}
with exact regind2 ftolong
kills allexeptcon
gen setl.
movfi %2.reg,{reginddef2,%1.reg,%1.off}
with exact relative2 ftolong
kills allexeptcon
gen setl.
movfi %2.reg,{reldef2,%1.off}
with exact regconst2 FLTREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movfo %2,{regind4,%1.reg,%1.off}
with exact regconst2 ftolong
kills allexeptcon
gen setl.
movfi %2.reg,{regind2,%1.reg,%1.off}
with exact addr_local FLTREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movfo %2,{DLOCAL,%1.ind,4}
with exact addr_local ftolong
kills allexeptcon
gen setl.
movfi %2.reg,{DLOCAL,%1.ind,4}
with exact addr_external FLTREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movfo %2,{relative4,%1.off}
with exact addr_external ftolong
kills allexeptcon
gen setl.
movfi %2.reg,{relative2,%1.off}
with REG src2 src2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{regdef2,%1}
move %3,{regind2,%1,2}
with REG
kills ALL
gen mov {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%1}
mov {autoinc,sp},{regdef2,%1}
pat sti $1==8
with exact REG DBLREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movf %2,{regdef8,%1}
with exact regind2 DBLREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movf %2,{reginddef8,%1.reg,%1.off}
with exact relative2 DBLREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movf %2,{reldef8,%1.off}
with exact regconst2 DBLREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movf %2,{regind8,%1.reg,%1.off}
with exact addr_local DBLREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movf %2,{regind8, lb, %1.ind}
with exact addr_external DBLREG
kills allexeptcon
gen movf %2,{relative8, %1.off}
with REG regind8
kills allexeptcon
gen mov {regind2,%2.reg,%2.off },{autoinc,%1}
mov {regind2,%2.reg,%2.off+2},{autoinc,%1}
mov {regind2,%2.reg,%2.off+4},{autoinc,%1}
mov {regind2,%2.reg,%2.off+6},{regdef2,%1}
with REG relative8
kills allexeptcon
uses REG={addr_external,%2.off}
gen mov {autoinc,%a},{autoinc,%1}
mov {autoinc,%a},{autoinc,%1}
mov {autoinc,%a},{autoinc,%1}
mov {regdef2,%a},{regdef2,%1}
with REG
kills ALL
gen mov {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%1}
mov {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%1}
mov {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%1}
mov {autoinc,sp},{regdef2,%1}
pat sti
with REG
kills ALL
uses REG={const2,$1/2}
gen 1:
mov {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%1}
sob %a,{label,1b}
pat lal sti $2>2 && $2<=8
with exact xsrc2
yields %1
leaving stl $1 lal $1+2 sti $2-2
yields {addr_local,$1}
leaving sti $2
pat sdl
with exact FLTREG
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1+2 && %ind+%size > $1
gen move %1,{DLOCAL,$1,4}
with exact ftolong
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1+2 && %ind+%size > $1
gen setl.
movfi %1.reg,{DLOCAL,$1,4}
with src2 src2
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1+2 && %ind+%size > $1
gen move %1,{LOCAL,$1,2}
move %2,{LOCAL,$1+2,2}
pat sde
with exact FLTREG
kills posextern
gen move %1,{relative4,$1}
with exact ftolong
kills posextern
gen setl.
movfi %1.reg,{relative4,$1}
with src2 src2
kills posextern
gen move %1, {relative2, $1 }
move %2, {relative2, $1+2}
pat sdf
with exact regconst2 FLTREG
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{regind4,%1.reg,$1+%1.off}
with exact regconst2 ftolong
kills allexeptcon
gen setl.
movfi %2.reg,{regind4,%1.reg,$1+%1.off}
with exact addr_external FLTREG
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{relative4,$1+%1.off}
with exact addr_external ftolong
kills allexeptcon
gen setl.
movfi %2.reg,{relative4, $1+%1.off}
with regconst2 src2 src2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{regind2,%1.reg,$1+%1.off}
move %3,{regind2,%1.reg,$1+2+%1.off}
with addr_external src2 src2
kills allexeptcon
gen move %2,{relative2,$1+%1.off}
move %3,{relative2,$1+2+%1.off}
* Group 3 : Integer arithmetic. *
* *
* Implemented (sometimes with the use of subroutines) : *
* all 2 and 4 byte arithmetic. *
pat adi $1==2
with exact REG const2 yields {regconst2,%1,%2.num}
with exact REG addr_external yields {regconst2,%1,%2.off}
with exact REG addr_local
gen add lb,%1 yields {regconst2,%1,%2.ind}
with exact REG addr_local
uses REG
gen mov lb,%a
add %1,%a yields {regconst2,%a,%2.ind}
with exact REG regconst2
gen add %2.reg,%1 yields {regconst2,%1,%2.off}
with exact src2-REG const2+addr_external+addr_local
uses reusing %1,REG=%1 yields %2 %a
leaving adi 2
with exact regconst2 const2 yields {regconst2,%1.reg,%2.num+%1.off}
with exact regconst2 addr_external yields {regconst2,%1.reg,%2.off+%1.off}
with exact regconst2 addr_local
gen add lb,%1.reg yields {regconst2,%1.reg,%2.ind+%1.off}
with exact regconst2 regconst2
gen add %2.reg,%1.reg yields {regconst2,%1.reg,%2.off+%1.off}
with exact regconst2 noconst2
gen add %2,%1.reg yields %1
with exact REG noconst2
gen add %2,%1 yields %1
with exact src2 regconst2
gen add %1,%2.reg yields %2
with exact regconst2 src2
gen add %2,%1.reg yields %1
with src2 REG
gen add %1,%2 yields %2
pat adi $1==4
with REG REG src2 src2
gen add %4,%2
adc %1
add %3,%1 yields %2 %1
with REG REG src2 STACK
gen add {autoinc,sp},%2
adc %1
add %3,%1 yields %2 %1
gen add {autoinc,sp},%1
add {autoinc,sp},%2
adc %1 yields %2 %1
with src2 src2 REG REG
gen add %2,%4
adc %3
add %1,%3 yields %4 %3
pat sbi $1==2
with src2 REG
gen sub %1,%2 yields %2
with exact REG src2-REG
gen sub %2,%1
neg %1 yields %1
pat sbi $1==4
with src2-REG src2-REG REG REG
gen sub %2,%4
sbc %3
sub %1,%3 yields %4 %3
with src2 src2 STACK
gen sub %2,{regind2,sp,2}
sbc {regdef2,sp}
sub %1,{regdef2,sp}
pat mli $1==2
with ODDREG src2
gen mul %2,%1 yields %1
with src2 ODDREG
gen mul %1,%2 yields %2
pat mli $1==4
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "mli4~"} yields r1 r0
pat dvi $1==2
with src2 src2
uses reusing %2,REGPAIR
gen mov %2,%a.2
sxt %a.1
div %1,%a.1 yields %a.1
with src2 src2 STACK
gen mov %1,{autodec,sp}
mov %2,r1
sxt r0
div {autoinc,sp},r0 yields r0
pat dvi $1==4
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "dvi4~"} yields r1 r0
pat rmi $1==2
with src2 src2
uses reusing %2,REGPAIR
gen mov %2,%a.2
sxt %a.1
div %1,%a.1 yields %a.2
with src2 src2 STACK
gen mov %1,{autodec,sp}
mov %2,r1
sxt r0
div {autoinc,sp},r0 yields r1
pat rmi $1==4
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "rmi4~"} yields r1 r0
pat ngi $1==2
with REG
gen neg %1 yields %1
pat ngi $1==4
with REG REG
gen neg %1
neg %2
sbc %1 yields %2 %1
pat loc sli $1==1 && $2==2
with REG
gen asl %1 yields %1
pat sli $1==2
with src2 REG
gen ash %1,%2 yields %2
pat sli $1==4
with src2 REGPAIR
gen ashc %1,%2 yields %2
pat loc sri $1==1 && $2==2
with REG
gen asr %1 yields %1
pat loc sri $2==2
with REG
gen ash {const2,0-$1},%1 yields %1
pat sri $1==2
with REG REG
gen neg %1
ash %1,%2 yields %2
pat loc sri $2==4
gen ashc {const2,0-$1},%1 yields %1
pat sri $1==4
gen neg %1
ashc %1,%2 yields %2
* Group 4 : unsigned arithmetic *
* *
* adu = adi *
* sbu = sbi *
* slu = sli *
* *
* Supported : 2- and 4 byte arithmetic. *
pat adu leaving adi $1
pat sbu leaving sbi $1
pat mlu $1==2 leaving mli 2
pat mlu $1==4
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "mlu4~"} yields r1 r0
pat dvu $1==2
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "dvu2~"} yields r0
pat dvu $1==4
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "dvu4~"} yields r1 r0
pat rmu $1==2
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "rmu2~"} yields r1
pat rmu $1==4
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "rmu4~"} yields r1 r0
pat slu leaving sli $1
pat sru $1==2
with REG xsrc2
uses reusing %2,REGPAIR
gen move %2,%a.2
move {const2,0},%a.1
neg %1
ashc %1,%a yields %a.2
pat loc sru $2==2
with xsrc2
uses reusing %1,REGPAIR
gen move %1,%a.2
move {const2,0},%a.1
ashc {const2,0-$1},%a yields %a.2
pat sru $1==4
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "sru~"}
* Group 5 : Floating point arithmetic *
* *
* Supported : 4- and 8 byte arithmetic. *
pat adf $1==4
gen addf %1,%2 yields %2
gen addf %2,%1 yields %1
pat adf $1==8
with double8 DBLREG
gen addf %1,%2 yields %2
with DBLREG double8
gen addf %2,%1 yields %1
pat sbf $1==4
gen subf %1,%2 yields %2
pat sbf $1==8
with double8 DBLREG
gen subf %1,%2 yields %2
pat mlf $1==4
gen mulf %1,%2 yields %2
gen mulf %2,%1 yields %1
pat mlf $1==8
with double8 DBLREG
gen mulf %1,%2 yields %2
with DBLREG double8
gen mulf %2,%1 yields %1
pat dvf $1==4
gen divf %1,%2 yields %2
pat dvf $1==8
with double8 DBLREG
gen divf %1,%2 yields %2
pat ngf $1==4
gen negf %1 yields %1
pat ngf $1==8
gen negf %1 yields %1
pat fif $1==4
with longf4 FLTREG
gen move %1,%a.1
modf %2,%a yields %a.1 %a.2
pat fif $1==8
with double8 double8
gen move %1,%a.1
modf %2,%a yields %a.1 %a.2
pat fef $1==4
uses REG
gen movei %1,%a
movie {const2,0},%1 yields %1 %a
pat fef $1==8
uses REG
gen movei %1,%a
movie {const2,0},%1 yields %1 %a
* Group 6 : pointer arithmetic. *
* *
* Pointers have size 2 bytes. *
pat adp
with REG yields {regconst2, %1, $1}
with exact regconst2 yields {regconst2, %1.reg, $1+%1.off}
with exact addr_external yields {addr_external, $1+%1.off}
with exact addr_local yields {addr_local,%1.ind+$1}
pat ads $1==2 leaving adi 2
pat sbs $1==2 leaving sbi $1
* Group 7 : increment/decrement/zero *
pat inc
with REG
gen inc %1 yields %1
pat inl
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen inc {LOCAL,$1,2}
pat ine
kills posextern
gen inc {relative2, $1}
pat dec
with REG
gen dec %1 yields %1
pat del
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen dec {LOCAL, $1, 2}
pat dee
kills posextern
gen dec {relative2, $1}
pat lol loc sbi stl $1==$4 && $3==2
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen sub {const2,$2},{LOCAL,$1,2}
pat lol ngi stl $1==$3 && $2==2
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen neg {LOCAL, $1, 2}
pat lil ngi sil $1==$3 && $2==2
kills allexeptcon
gen neg {ILOCAL, $1}
pat lil inc sil $1==$3
kills allexeptcon
gen inc {ILOCAL, $1}
pat lol adi stl $2==2 && $1==$3
with src2
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen add %1,{LOCAL, $1, 2}
pat lol adp stl $1==$3 && $2==1
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen inc {LOCAL, $1, 2}
pat lol adp stl $1==$3
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen add {const2, $2},{LOCAL, $1, 2}
pat loe adi ste $2==2 && $1==$3
with src2
kills posextern
gen add %1,{relative2, $1}
pat loe adp ste $1==$3
kills posextern
gen add {const2, $2},{relative2, $1}
pat lol ior stl $2==2 && $1==$3
with src2
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen bis %1,{LOCAL, $1, 2}
pat loe ior ste $2==2 && $1==$3
with src2
kills posextern
gen bis %1,{relative2, $1}
pat lol and stl $2==2 && $1==$3
with REG
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen com %1
bic %1,{LOCAL, $1, 2}
pat loe and ste $2==2 && $1==$3
with REG
kills posextern
gen com %1
bic %1,{relative2, $1}
pat loc lol and stl $3==2 && $2==$4
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $2 && %ind+%size > $2
gen bic {const2, ~$1},{LOCAL, $2, 2}
pat loc loe and ste $3==2 && $2==$4
kills posextern
gen bic {const2, ~$1},{relative2, $2}
pat zrl
kills indordef, locals %ind <= $1 && %ind+%size > $1
gen clr {LOCAL, $1, 2}
pat zre
kills posextern
gen clr {relative2, $1}
pat zrf $1==4
gen clrf %a yields %a
pat zrf $1==8
gen clrf %a yields %a
pat zer $1==2 yields {const2, 0}
pat zer $1==4 yields {const2,0} {const2,0}
pat zer $1==6 yields {const2,0} {const2,0} {const2,0}
pat zer $1==8 yields {const2,0} {const2,0}
{const2,0} {const2,0}
pat zer defined($1)
with STACK
gen move {const2,$1/2},r0
clr {autodec,sp}
sob r0,{label, 1b}
* Group 8 : Convert instructions *
pat cii
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "cii~"}
pat cfi leaving cfu
pat ciu leaving cuu
pat cui leaving cuu
pat cfu
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "cfi~"}
pat cif
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "cif~"}
pat cuf
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "cuf~"}
pat cff
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "cff~"}
pat cuu
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "cuu~"}
pat loc loc cii $1==1 && $2==2
with src1or2
uses reusing %1,REG
gen movb %1,%a yields %a
pat loc loc cii $1==1 && $2==4
with src1or2
uses reusing %1,REG,REG
gen movb %1,%a
sxt %b yields %a %b
pat loc loc cii $1==2 && $2==4
with src2
uses reusing %1,REG,REG
gen move %1,%a
test %a
sxt %b yields %a %b
pat loc loc loc cii $1>=0 && $2==2 && $3==4 leaving loc $1 loc 0
pat loc loc loc cii $1< 0 && $2==2 && $3==4 leaving loc $1 loc 0-1
pat loc loc cii $1==4 && $2==2
with src2
pat loc loc cuu $1==2 && $2==4 leaving loc 0
pat loc loc cuu $1==4 && $2==2
with src2
pat loc loc cfu $1==4
with FLTREG yields {ftolong,%1}
leaving loc 4 loc $2 cuu
pat loc loc cfu $1==8
with DBLREG yields {ftolong,%1.1}
leaving loc 4 loc $2 cuu
pat loc loc cfi $1==4 && $2==2
with FLTREG yields {ftoint,%1}
pat loc loc cfi $1==4 && $2==4
with FLTREG yields {ftolong,%1}
pat loc loc cfi $1==8 && $2==2
with DBLREG yields {ftoint,%1.1}
pat loc loc cfi $1==8 && $2==4
with DBLREG yields {ftolong,%1.1}
pat loc loc cif $1==2 && $2==4
with src2
gen movif %1,%a yields %a
pat loc loc cif $1==2 && $2==8
with src2
gen movif %1,%a yields %a
pat loc loc cif $1==4 && $2==4
with exact long4-REGPAIR
gen setl.
movif %1,%a
seti. yields %a
with STACK
gen setl.
movif {autoinc,sp},%a
seti. yields %a
pat loc loc cif $1==4 && $2==8
with exact long4-REGPAIR
gen setl.
movif %1,%a
seti. yields %a
with STACK
gen setl.
movif {autoinc,sp},%a
seti. yields %a
pat loc loc cuf $1==2 && $2==4
with STACK
gen clr {autodec,sp}
movif {autoinc,sp},%a
seti. yields %a
pat loc loc cuf $1==2 && $2==8
with STACK
gen clr {autodec,sp}
movif {autoinc,sp},%a
seti. yields %a
pat loc loc cuf $1==4 leaving loc $1 loc $2 cif
pat loc loc cff $1==4 && $2==8
with longf4 - FLTREG
gen movof %1,%a yields %a
gen move %1,%a.1 yields %a
pat loc loc cff $1==8 && $2==4
with DBLREG yields %1.1
* Group 9 : Logical instructions *
pat and $1==2
with const2 REG
gen bic {const2,~%1.num},%2 yields %2
with REG const2
gen bic {const2,~%2.num},%1 yields %1
with REG REG
gen com %1
bic %1,%2 yields %2
pat and defined($1)
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1}, r0
jsr pc,{label, "and~"}
pat ior $1==2
with REG src2
gen bis %2,%1 yields %1
with src2 REG
gen bis %1,%2 yields %2
pat ior $1==8
with exact src2 src2 src2 src2 STACK
gen bis %1,{regdef2,sp}
bis %2,{regind2,sp,2}
bis %3,{regind2,sp,4}
bis %4,{regind2,sp,6}
with STACK
uses REG={const2,$1}
gen add sp,%a
bis {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%a}
bis {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%a}
bis {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%a}
bis {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%a}
pat ior defined($1)
with STACK
uses REG={const2,$1},REG={const2,$1/2}
gen add sp,%a
bis {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%a}
sob %b,{label,1b}
pat xor $1==2
with REG REG
gen xor %1,%2 yields %2
with REG REG
gen xor %2,%1 yields %1
pat xor defined($1)
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "xor~"}
pat com $1==2
with REG
gen com %1 yields %1
pat com defined($1)
with STACK
uses REG={const2,$1/2},REG
gen mov sp,%b
com {autoinc,%b}
sob %a,{label,1b}
pat rol $1==2
with const2 ODDREG
gen ashc {const2,%1.num-16},%2 yields %2
gen sub {const2,16},%1
ashc %1,%2 yields %2
pat rol defined($1)
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "rol~"}
pat ror $1==2
with const2 ODDREG
gen ashc {const2,0-%1.num},%2 yields %2
gen neg %1
ashc %1,%2 yields %2
pat ror defined($1)
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "ror~"}
pat com and $1==2 && $2==2
with src2 REG
gen bic %1,%2 yields %2
pat com and $1==$2
with STACK
uses REG={const2,$1},REG
gen mov sp,%b
add %a,%b
asr %a
bic {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,%b}
sob %a,{label,1b}
* Group 10 : Set instructions *
pat inn $1==2
with REG REG
gen neg %1
ash %1,%2
bic {const2,0177776},%2 yields %2
pat loc inn $2==2 && $1==0
with REG
gen bic {const2,0177776},%1 yields %1
pat loc inn $2==2 && $1==1
with REG
gen asr %1
bic {const2,0177776},%1 yields %1
pat loc inn $2==2
with REG
gen ash {const2,0-$1},%1
bic {const2,0177776},%1 yields %1
pat loc inn zeq $2==2 yields {const2, 1<<$1}
leaving and 2 zeq $3
pat inn zeq $1==2
with src2
uses REG={const2,1}
gen ash %1,%a yields %a
leaving and 2 zeq $2
pat loc inn zne $2==2 yields {const2, 1<<$1}
leaving and 2 zne $3
pat inn zne $1==2
with src2
uses REG={const2,1}
gen ash %1,%a yields %a
leaving and 2 zne $2
pat inn defined($1)
with src2
kills ALL
gen move %1,r1
move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "inn~"} yields r0
pat set $1==2
with REG
uses REG={const2,1}
gen ash %1,%a yields %a
pat set defined($1)
with src2
kills ALL
gen move %1,r1
move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "set~"}
* Group 11 : Array instructions *
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)==0 leaving adi 2
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)!=0 leaving adi 2 adp 0-rom($1,1)
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==2 && rom($1,1)==0
with REG
gen asl %1 yields %1 leaving adi 2
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==2 && rom($1,1)!=0
with REG
gen asl %1 yields {regconst2,%1,(0-2)*rom($1,1)}
leaving adi 2
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)==0
with REG
gen ash {const2,2},%1 yields %1 leaving adi 2
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)!=0
with REG
gen ash {const2,2},%1 yields {regconst2,%1,(0-4)*rom($1,1)}
leaving adi 2
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==8 && rom($1,1)==0
with REG
gen ash {const2,3},%1 yields %1
leaving adi 2
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==8 && rom($1,1)!=0
with REG
gen ash {const2,3},%1 yields {regconst2,%1,(0-8)*rom($1,1)}
leaving adi 2
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,1)==0
gen mul {const2,rom($1,3)},%1 yields %1 leaving adi 2
pat lae aar $2==2 && defined(rom($1,1))
gen mul {const2,rom($1,3)},%1 yields {regconst2,%1,(0-rom($1,3))*rom($1,1)}
leaving adi 2
pat aar $1==2
kills ALL
gen mov {autoinc,sp},r0
mov {autoinc,sp},r1
jsr pc,{label, "aar~"}
pat lae sar defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar $2 sti rom($1,3)
pat lae lar defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar $2 loi rom($1,3)
pat sar $1==2
kills ALL
gen mov {autoinc,sp},r0
mov {autoinc,sp},r1
jsr pc,{label, "sar~"}
pat lar $1==2
kills ALL
gen mov {autoinc,sp},r0
mov {autoinc,sp},r1
jsr pc,{label, "lar~"}
pat aar !defined($1)
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "iaar~"}
pat sar !defined($1)
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "isar~"}
pat lar !defined($1)
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "ilar~"}
* group 12 : Compare instructions *
pat cmi $1==2
with src2 src2
uses REG = {const2,0}
gen cmp %1,%2
beq {label,2f}
bgt {label,1f}
inc %a
br {label,2f}
dec %a
2: yields %a
pat cmi $1==4
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "cmi4~"} yields r0
pat cmf defined($1)
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "cmf~"} yields r0
pat cmu $1==2 leaving cmp
pat cmu $1==4
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "cmu4~"} yields r0
pat cmu defined($1)
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "cmu~"} yields r0
pat cms $1==2 leaving cmi $1
pat cms defined($1)
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "cms~"} yields r0
pat cms !defined($1)
with src2
kills ALL
gen move %1,r0
jsr pc,{label, "cms~"} yields r0
pat cmp
with src2 src2
uses REG = {const2,0}
gen cmp %1,%2
beq {label,2f}
bhi {label,1f}
inc %a
br {label,2f}
dec %a
2: yields %a
proc txxand
with src2 REG
gen test %1
bxx* {label,1f}
clr %2
1: yields %2
proc txxior
with src2 REG
gen test %1
bxx* {label,1f}
bis {const2,1},%2
1: yields %2
proc txx
with src2
uses REG={const2,0}
gen test %1
bxx* {label,1f}
inc %a
1: yields %a
pat tlt and $2==2 call txxand("blt")
pat tle and $2==2 call txxand("ble")
pat teq and $2==2 call txxand("beq")
pat tne and $2==2 call txxand("bne")
pat tgt and $2==2 call txxand("bgt")
pat tge and $2==2 call txxand("bge")
pat tlt ior $2==2 call txxior("bge")
pat tle ior $2==2 call txxior("bgt")
pat teq ior $2==2 call txxior("bne")
pat tne ior $2==2 call txxior("beq")
pat tgt ior $2==2 call txxior("ble")
pat tge ior $2==2 call txxior("blt")
pat tlt call txx("bge")
pat tle call txx("bgt")
pat teq call txx("bne")
pat tne call txx("beq")
pat tgt call txx("ble")
pat tge call txx("blt")
proc andtxx
with src2 src2
uses REG={const2,0}
gen bit %1,%2
bxx* {label,1f}
inc %a
1: yields %a
pat and tne $1==2 call andtxx("beq")
pat and teq $1==2 call andtxx("bne")
proc cmitxxand
with src2 src2 REG
gen cmp %2,%1
bxx* {label,1f}
clr %3
1: yields %3
proc cmitxxior
with src2 src2 REG
gen cmp %2,%1
bxx* {label,1f}
bis {const2,1},%3
1: yields %3
proc cmitxx
with src2 src2
uses REG={const2,0}
gen cmp %2,%1
bxx* {label,1f}
inc %a
1: yields %a
pat cmi tlt and $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxand("blt")
pat cmi tle and $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxand("ble")
pat cmi teq and $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxand("beq")
pat cmi tne and $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxand("bne")
pat cmi tgt and $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxand("bgt")
pat cmi tge and $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxand("bge")
pat cmi tlt ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxior("bge")
pat cmi tle ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxior("bgt")
pat cmi teq ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxior("bne")
pat cmi tne ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxior("beq")
pat cmi tgt ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxior("ble")
pat cmi tge ior $1==2 && $3==2 call cmitxxior("blt")
pat cmi tlt $1==2 call cmitxx("bge")
pat cmi tle $1==2 call cmitxx("bgt")
pat cmi teq $1==2 call cmitxx("bne")
pat cmi tne $1==2 call cmitxx("beq")
pat cmi tgt $1==2 call cmitxx("ble")
pat cmi tge $1==2 call cmitxx("blt")
pat loc cmi teq and $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2 && $4==2
with exact src1 REG
gen cmpb %1,{const2,$1}
beq {label,1f}
clr %2
1: yields %2
with yields {const2, $1}
leaving cmi 2 teq and 2
pat loc cmi teq ior $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2 && $4==2
with exact src1 REG
gen cmpb %1,{const2,$1}
bne {label,1f}
bis {const2,1},%2
1: yields %2
with yields {const2, $1}
leaving cmi 2 teq ior 2
pat loc cmi teq $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2
with exact src1
uses REG={const2,0}
gen cmpb %1,{const2,$1}
bne {label,1f}
inc %a
1: yields %a
with yields {const2, $1}
leaving cmi 2 teq
pat loc cmi tne and $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2 && $4==2
with exact src1 REG
gen cmpb %1,{const2,$1}
bne {label,1f}
clr %2
1: yields %2
with yields {const2, $1}
leaving cmi 2 tne and 2
pat loc cmi tne ior $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2 && $4==2
with exact src1 REG
gen cmpb %1,{const2,$1}
beq {label,1f}
bis {const2,1},%2
1: yields %2
with yields {const2, $1}
leaving cmi 2 tne ior 2
pat loc cmi tne $1>=0 && $1<=127 && $2==2
with exact src1
uses REG={const2,0}
gen cmpb %1,{const2,$1}
beq {label,1f}
inc %a
1: yields %a
with yields {const2, $1}
leaving cmi 2 tne
proc cmptxx
with src2 src2
uses REG={const2,0}
gen cmp %2,%1
bxx* {label,1f}
inc %a
1: yields %a
pat cmp tlt call cmptxx("bhis")
pat cmp tle call cmptxx("bhi")
pat cmp teq call cmptxx("bne")
pat cmp tne call cmptxx("beq")
pat cmp tgt call cmptxx("blos")
pat cmp tge call cmptxx("blo")
proc cmf4txx
uses REG={const2,0}
gen cmpf %2,%1
bxx* {label,1f}
inc %a
1: yields %a
pat cmf tlt $1==4 call cmf4txx("bge")
pat cmf tle $1==4 call cmf4txx("bgt")
pat cmf teq $1==4 call cmf4txx("bne")
pat cmf tne $1==4 call cmf4txx("beq")
pat cmf tgt $1==4 call cmf4txx("ble")
pat cmf tge $1==4 call cmf4txx("blt")
proc cmf8txx
with DBLREG double8
uses REG={const2,0}
gen cmpf %2,%1
bxx[1] {label,1f}
inc %a
1: yields %a
with double8 DBLREG
uses REG={const2,0}
gen cmpf %1,%2
bxx[2] {label,1f}
inc %a
1: yields %a
pat cmf tlt $1==8 call cmf8txx("bge","ble")
pat cmf tle $1==8 call cmf8txx("bgt","blt")
pat cmf teq $1==8 call cmf8txx("bne","bne")
pat cmf tne $1==8 call cmf8txx("beq","beq")
pat cmf tgt $1==8 call cmf8txx("ble","bge")
pat cmf tge $1==8 call cmf8txx("blt","bgt")
* Group 13 : Branch instructions *
pat bra
with STACK
gen jbr {label, $1}
proc bxx example beq
with src2 src2 STACK
gen cmp %2,%1
jxx* {label, $1}
pat blt call bxx("jlt")
pat ble call bxx("jle")
pat beq call bxx("jeq")
pat bne call bxx("jne")
pat bgt call bxx("jgt")
pat bge call bxx("jge")
pat loc beq $1>=0 && $1<=127
with exact src1 STACK
gen cmpb %1,{const2,$1}
jeq {label, $2}
with yields {const2, $1}
leaving beq $2
pat loc bne $1>=0 && $1<=127
with exact src1 STACK
gen cmpb %1,{const2,$1}
jne {label, $2}
with yields {const2, $1}
leaving bne $2
proc zxx example zeq
with src2 STACK
gen test %1
jxx* {label, $1}
pat zlt call zxx("jlt")
pat zle call zxx("jle")
pat zeq call zxx("jeq")
pat zne call zxx("jne")
pat zgt call zxx("jgt")
pat zge call zxx("jge")
proc cmpzxx example cmp zeq
with src2 src2 STACK
gen cmp %2,%1
jxx* {label, $2}
pat cmp zlt call cmpzxx("jlo")
pat cmp zle call cmpzxx("jlos")
pat cmp zeq call cmpzxx("jeq")
pat cmp zne call cmpzxx("jne")
pat cmp zgt call cmpzxx("jhi")
pat cmp zge call cmpzxx("jhis")
proc cmf4zxx example cmf zeq
gen cmpf %2,%1
jxx* {label, $2}
pat cmf zlt $1==4 call cmf4zxx("jlt")
pat cmf zle $1==4 call cmf4zxx("jle")
pat cmf zeq $1==4 call cmf4zxx("jeq")
pat cmf zne $1==4 call cmf4zxx("jne")
pat cmf zgt $1==4 call cmf4zxx("jgt")
pat cmf zge $1==4 call cmf4zxx("jge")
proc cmf8zxx example cmf zeq
with DBLREG double8 STACK
gen cmpf %2,%1
jxx[1] {label, $2}
with double8 DBLREG STACK
gen cmpf %1,%2
jxx[2] {label, $2}
pat cmf zlt $1==8 call cmf8zxx("jlt","jgt")
pat cmf zle $1==8 call cmf8zxx("jle","jge")
pat cmf zeq $1==8 call cmf8zxx("jeq","jeq")
pat cmf zne $1==8 call cmf8zxx("jne","jne")
pat cmf zgt $1==8 call cmf8zxx("jgt","jlt")
pat cmf zge $1==8 call cmf8zxx("jge","jle")
proc andzen example and zeq
with src2 src2 STACK
gen bit %1,%2
jxx* {label, $2}
pat and zeq $1==2 call andzen("jeq")
pat and zne $1==2 call andzen("jne")
* group 14 : Procedure call instructions *
pat cal
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, $1}
pat cai
with REG
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{regdef2,%1}
pat lfr $1==2 yields r0
pat lfr $1==4 yields r1 r0
pat lfr $1==8 yields {relative8,"retar"}
pat lfr
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "lfr~"}
pat lfr ret $1==$2 leaving ret 0
pat ret $1==0
with STACK
gen mov lb,sp
mov {autoinc, sp},lb
rts pc
pat ret $1==2
with src2 STACK
gen move %1,r0
mov lb,sp
mov {autoinc, sp},lb
rts pc
pat ret $1==4
with STACK
gen mov {autoinc,sp},r0
mov {autoinc,sp},r1
mov lb,sp
mov {autoinc, sp},lb
rts pc
pat ret $1==8 yields {addr_external, "retar"}
leaving sti 8 ret 0
pat ret
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jmp {label,"ret~"}
* Group 15 : Miscellaneous instructions *
pat asp $1==2
with STACK
gen tst {autoinc,sp}
pat asp $1==4
with STACK
gen cmp {autoinc,sp},{autoinc,sp}
pat asp $1==0-2
with STACK
gen tst {autodec,sp}
pat asp
with STACK
gen add {const2,$1},sp
pat ass $1==2
with STACK
gen add {autoinc,sp},sp
pat blm $1==4
with REG REG
gen mov {autoinc,%2},{autoinc,%1}
mov {regdef2,%2},{regdef2,%1}
pat blm $1==6
with REG REG
gen mov {autoinc,%2},{autoinc,%1}
mov {autoinc,%2},{autoinc,%1}
mov {regdef2,%2},{regdef2,%1}
pat blm $1==8
with REG REG
gen mov {autoinc,%2},{autoinc,%1}
mov {autoinc,%2},{autoinc,%1}
mov {autoinc,%2},{autoinc,%1}
mov {regdef2,%2},{regdef2,%1}
pat blm
with REG REG
uses REG={const2,$1/2}
gen 1:
mov {autoinc,%2},{autoinc,%1}
sob %a,{label,1b}
pat bls $1==2
asr %1
beq {label,1f}
mov {autoinc,%3},{autoinc,%2}
sob %1,{label,2b}
pat lae csa $2==2
with src2
kills ALL
gen move %1,r1
move {addr_external,$1},r0
jmp {label, "csa~"}
pat csa $1==2
kills ALL
gen mov {autoinc,sp},r0
mov {autoinc,sp},r1
jmp {label, "csa~"}
pat lae csb $2==2
with src2
kills ALL
gen move %1,r1
move {addr_external,$1},r0
jmp {label, "csb~"}
pat csb $1==2
kills ALL
gen mov {autoinc,sp},r0
mov {autoinc,sp},r1
jmp {label, "csb~"}
pat dup $1==2
with REG yields %1 %1
pat dup $1==4
with exact long4 yields %1 %1
with src2 src2 yields %2 %1 %2 %1
pat dup $1==8
with exact long8 yields %1 %1
with STACK
kills ALL
gen move {const2, $1}, r0
jsr pc,{label, "dup~"}
pat dup
kills ALL
gen move {const2, $1}, r0
jsr pc,{label, "dup~"}
pat dus $1==2
with src2
kills ALL
gen move %1,r0
jsr pc,{label, "dup~"}
pat gto
kills ALL
gen mov {addr_external, $1},{autodec,sp}
jmp {label, "gto~"}
pat fil
gen mov {addr_external, $1},{relative2, "hol0"+4}
pat lim yields { relative2, "trpim~"}
pat lin
gen mov {const2,$1},{relative2, "hol0"}
pat lni
gen inc {relative2, "hol0"}
pat lor $1==0 yields lb
pat lor $1==1
with STACK
uses REG
gen mov sp,%a yields %a
pat lor $1==2 yields {relative2,"reghp~"}
pat mon
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "mon~"}
pat nop
kills ALL
#ifdef DEBUG
gen jsr pc,{label, "nop~"}
pat rck $1==2
with src2
pat rtt leaving ret 0
pat sig
with src2
uses REG
gen move {relative2,"trppc~"},%a
mov %1,{relative2,"trppc~"} yields %a
pat sim
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "sim~"}
pat str $1==0
with src2
kills ALL
gen mov %1,lb
pat str $1==1
with src2
kills ALL
gen mov %1,sp
pat str $1==2
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "strhp~"}
pat trp
kills ALL
gen jsr pc,{label, "trp~"}
pat exg $1==2
with src2 src2 yields %1 %2
pat exg defined($1)
kills ALL
gen move {const2,$1},r0
jsr pc,{label, "exg~"}
pat lol lal sti $1==$2 && $3==1 /* throw away funny C-proc-prolog */
pat los
gen jmp {label, illins}
pat sts
gen jmp {label, illins}
pat inn
gen jmp {label, illins}
pat set
gen jmp {label, illins}