226 lines
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OpenEdge ABL
226 lines
7.2 KiB
OpenEdge ABL
{ $Id$ }
procedure machar (var ibeta , it , irnd , ngrd , machep , negep , iexp,
minexp , maxexp : integer ; var eps , epsneg , xmin , xmax : real ) ;
var trapped:boolean;
procedure encaps(procedure p; procedure q(i:integer)); extern;
procedure trap(i:integer); extern;
procedure catch(i:integer);
const underflo=5;
begin if i=underflo then trapped:=true else trap(i) end;
procedure work;
{ This subroutine is intended to determine the characteristics
of the floating-point arithmetic system that are specified
below. The first three are determined according to an
algorithm due to M. Malcolm, CACM 15 (1972), pp. 949-951,
incorporating some, but not all, of the improvements
suggested by M. Gentleman and S. Marovich, CACM 17 (1974),
pp. 276-277. The version given here is for single precision.
Latest revision - October 1, 1976.
Author - W. J. Cody
Argonne National Laboratory
Revised for Pascal - R. A. Freak
University of Tasmania
ibeta is the radix of the floating-point representation
it is the number of base ibeta digits in the floating-point
irnd = 0 if the arithmetic chops,
1 if the arithmetic rounds
ngrd = 0 if irnd=1, or if irnd=0 and only it base ibeta
digits participate in the post normalization shift
of the floating-point significand in multiplication
1 if irnd=0 and more than it base ibeta digits
participate in the post normalization shift of the
floating-point significand in multiplication
machep is the exponent on the smallest positive floating-point
number eps such that 1.0+eps <> 1.0
negeps is the exponent on the smallest positive fl. pt. no.
negeps such that 1.0-negeps <> 1.0, except that
negeps is bounded below by it-3
iexp is the number of bits (decimal places if ibeta = 10)
reserved for the representation of the exponent of
a floating-point number
minexp is the exponent of the smallest positive fl. pt. no.
maxexp is the exponent of the largest finite floating-point
number xmax
eps is the smallest positive floating-point number such
that 1.0+eps <> 1.0. in particular,
eps = ibeta**machep
epsneg is the smallest positive floating-point number such
that 1.0-eps <> 1.0 (except that the exponent
negeps is bounded below by it-3). in particular
epsneg = ibeta**negep
xmin is the smallest positive floating-point number. in
particular, xmin = ibeta ** minexp
xmax is the largest finite floating-point number. in
particular xmax = (1.0-epsneg) * ibeta ** maxexp
note - on some machines xmax will be only the
second, or perhaps third, largest number, being
too small by 1 or 2 units in the last digit of
the significand.
i , iz , j , k , mx : integer ;
a , b , beta , betain , betam1 , one , y , z , zero : real ;
irnd := 1 ;
one := ( irnd );
a := one + one ;
b := a ;
zero := 0.0 ;
determine ibeta,beta ala Malcolm
while ( ( ( a + one ) - a ) - one = zero ) do begin
a := a + a ;
end ;
while ( ( a + b ) - a = zero ) do begin
b := b + b ;
end ;
ibeta := trunc ( ( a + b ) - a );
beta := ( ibeta );
betam1 := beta - one ;
determine irnd,ngrd,it
if ( ( a + betam1 ) - a = zero ) then irnd := 0 ;
it := 0 ;
a := one ;
repeat begin
it := it + 1 ;
a := a * beta ;
end until ( ( ( a + one ) - a ) - one <> zero ) ;
determine negep, epsneg
negep := it + 3 ;
a := one ;
for i := 1 to negep do begin
a := a / beta ;
end ;
while ( ( one - a ) - one = zero ) do begin
a := a * beta ;
negep := negep - 1 ;
end ;
negep := - negep ;
epsneg := a ;
determine machep, eps
machep := negep ;
while ( ( one + a ) - one = zero ) do begin
a := a * beta ;
machep := machep + 1 ;
end ;
eps := a ;
determine ngrd
ngrd := 0 ;
if(( irnd = 0) and((( one + eps) * one - one) <> zero)) then
ngrd := 1 ;
determine iexp, minexp, xmin
loop to determine largest i such that
(1/beta) ** (2**(i))
does not underflow
exit from loop is signall by an underflow
i := 0 ;
betain := one / beta ;
z := betain ;
repeat begin
y := z ;
z := y * y ;
check for underflow
i := i + 1 ;
end until trapped;
i := i - 1;
k := 1 ;
determine k such that (1/beta)**k does not underflow
first set k = 2 ** i
for j := 1 to i do begin
k := k + k ;
end ;
iexp := i + 1 ;
mx := k + k ;
if ( ibeta = 10 ) then begin
for decimal machines only }
iexp := 2 ;
iz := ibeta ;
while ( k >= iz ) do begin
iz := iz * ibeta ;
iexp := iexp + 1 ;
end ;
mx := iz + iz - 1 ;
repeat begin
loop to construct xmin
exit from loop is signalled by an underflow
xmin := y ;
y := y * betain ;
k := k + 1 ;
end until trapped;
k := k - 1;
minexp := - k ;
{ determine maxexp, xmax
if ( ( mx <= k + k - 3 ) and ( ibeta <> 10 ) ) then begin
mx := mx + mx ;
iexp := iexp + 1 ;
maxexp := mx + minexp ;
{ adjust for machines with implicit leading
bit in binary significand and machines with
radix point at extreme right of significand
i := maxexp + minexp ;
if ( ( ibeta = 2 ) and ( i = 0 ) ) then maxexp := maxexp - 1 ;
if ( i > 20 ) then maxexp := maxexp - 3 ;
xmax := one - epsneg ;
if ( xmax * one <> xmax ) then xmax := one - beta * epsneg ;
xmax := ( xmax * betain * betain * betain ) / xmin ;
i := maxexp + minexp + 3 ;
if ( i > 0 ) then begin
for j := 1 to i do begin
xmax := xmax * beta ;
end ;