EM instructions _rol_ and _ror_ do rotate an integer left or right. Our compilers and optimizers never emit _rol_ nor _ror_, but I might want to use them in the future. Add _rol_ and _ror_ to powerpc. Fix `rol 4` and `ror 4` in both i80 and i86, where the rules for `rol 4` and `ror 4` seem to have never been tested until now.
52 lines
570 B
52 lines
570 B
.define .ror4
.sect .text
.sect .rom
.sect .data
.sect .bss
.sect .text
! Rotate 4 bytes right
! Expects in de-reg: number of rotates
! Expects on stack: operand
! Yields on stack: result
.ror4: pop h
shld .retadr
mov h,b
mov l,c
shld .bcreg
pop h ! low-order bytes of operand
pop b ! high order bytes of operand
mov a,e
ani 31
jz 2f
mov e,a
mov a,l
1: rar
mov a,b
mov b,a
mov a,c
mov c,a
mov a,h
mov h,a
mov a,l
mov l,a
dcr e
jnz 1b ! keep looping
2: push b
push h
lhld .bcreg
mov b,h
mov c,l
lhld .retadr