264 lines
5.6 KiB
264 lines
5.6 KiB
* (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
* Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
* obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
* Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
* Wiskundig Seminarium
* Vrije Universiteit
* Postbox 7161
* 1007 MC Amsterdam
* The Netherlands
/* Author: E.G. Keizer */
char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ;
/* Test initialisation of a V7 C-compiler */
/* 1 sept 1980 */
#include "../local.h"
/* Integers and constant expressions */
int in1 = 4 ;
int in2 = MAXINT ;
int in3 = MININT ;
int in4 ;
int inzero ;
int ice1 = (1-2+3*4/2)%3 ;
int ice2 = ((((1&3)|4)^014) >> 1) <<1 ;
int ice3 = ( (1==2) & (3<4) ) | (4>3) | (0<=0) | -2>=17 ;
int ice4 = (~-1) ;
int ice5 = (1==1 ? 3+4 : 5+6 ) ;
int ice6 = (1!=1 ? 7+8 : 9+10 ) ;
int ina[] = { 1, 3, 5 } ;
pint() {
static int sint = -1 ;
int lint = in1+in3+sint ;
printf("Integers:\n\n") ;
in1,in2,in3,in4,inzero ) ;
ice1,ice2,ice3,ice4,ice5,ice6 ) ;
printf("ina\t%d,%d,%d\n\n",ina[0],ina[1],ina[2]) ;
printf("sint\t%d\nlint\t%d\n\n",sint,lint) ;
/* Characters */
char ch1 = 'a' ;
char ch2 ;
char cha1[] = "Mesg" ;
char cha2[] = "" ;
char cha3[] = "1" ;
char cha4[] = "12" ;
char cha5[] = "0123456789112345678921234567893123456789412345678951234567896123456789712345678981234567899123456789" ;
char cha6[2][3] = {
{ 1, 2, 3 },
{ 4, 5, 6 }
char *pch1 = cha2 ;
char *pch2 = "pch2" ;
char *pch3 = "ppch3" ;
char *pch4 = 0 ;
pch() {
static char stc[] = "123" ;
static char stc1[] = "1234" ;
static char *mult[] = { "ab" , "bc" , "de" } ;
printf("Characters:\n\n") ;
printf("ch1\t%c(%d)\n",ch1,ch1) ;
printf("ch2\t%d\n",ch2) ;
cha1,cha2,cha3,cha4 ) ;
printf("cha5\t%s\n\n",cha5) ;
printf("cha6\t%d, %d, %d\n\t%d, %d, %d\n",
printf("pch1==cha2\t%s\n",(pch1 == cha2 ? "yes" : "no" ) ) ;
printf("pch2\t%s\npch3\t%s\n",pch2,pch3+1) ;
printf("pch4==0\t%s\n\n",(pch4 != 0 ? "no" : "yes" ) ) ;
printf("stc\t%s\nstc1\t%s\n",stc,stc1) ;
printf("mult[0],mult[1],mult[2] %s, %s, %s\n",mult[0],mult[1],mult[2]);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
/* floats */
float fl1 = 0 ;
float fl2 = 2 ;
float fl3 = 2e-10 ;
float fl4 = 4.0 ;
float fl5 = EPSFLOAT ;
float fl6 = MAXFLOAT ;
float fl7 ;
float fla1[4][3] = {
{ 1, 3, 5 },
{ 2, 4, 6 },
{ 3, 5, 7 }
} ;
float fla2[4][3] = {
} ;
float fla3[4][3] = {
{ 11 } , { 12 } , { 13 } , { 14 }
} ;
pflt() {
register i,j ;
printf("Floats:\n\n") ;
fl1,fl2,fl2,fl4,fl5,fl6,fl7 ) ;
printf(" fla1 fla2 fla3\n") ;
for ( i=0 ; i<4 ; i++ ) {
for ( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) {
printf(" %20e %20e %20e\n",
fla1[i][j],fla2[i][j],fla3[i][j]) ;
printf("\n") ;
/* doubles */
double dbl1 = 0 ;
double dbl2 = 2 ;
double dbl3 = 2e-10 ;
double dbl4 = 4.0 ;
double dbl5 = EPSDOUBLE ;
double dbl6 = MAXDOUBLE ;
double dbl7 ;
double dbla1[4][3] = {
{ 1, 3, 5 },
{ 2, 4, 6 },
{ 3, 5, 7 }
} ;
double dbla2[4][3] = {
} ;
double dbla3[4][3] = {
{ 11 } , { 12 } , { 13 } , { 14 }
} ;
pdbl() {
register i,j ;
printf("Doubles:\n\n") ;
dbl1,dbl2,dbl2,dbl4,dbl5,dbl6,dbl7 ) ;
printf(" dbla1 dbla2 dbla3\n") ;
for ( i=0 ; i<4 ; i++ ) {
for ( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) {
printf(" %20e %20e %20e\n",
dbla1[i][j],dbla2[i][j],dbla3[i][j]) ;
printf("\n") ;
/* long */
long lo1 = 14L ;
long lo2 = -17 ;
long lo3 = MAXLONG ;
long lo4 = MINLONG ;
long lo5 ;
long lo6 = ( 0==1 ? -1L : 1L ) ;
plong() {
printf("long\n\n") ;
lo1,lo2,lo3,lo4,lo5,lo6 ) ;
/* structures and bit fields */
struct s1 {
int s_i ;
char s_ca[3] ;
long s_l ;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
double s_f ;
struct s1 *s_s1 ;
} ;
struct s1 st1 ;
struct s1 sta[3] = {
#ifndef NOFLOAT
1 , { 'a' , 'b' , 'c' } , 10 , -10 , &sta[0] ,
1 , { 'a' , 'b' , 'c' } , 10 , &sta[0] ,
{ 2 } ,
} ;
struct s2 {
int s2_1 :1 ;
int s2_2 :2 ;
int s2_3 :4 ;
int s2_4 :7 ;
int s2_5 :2 ;
int s2_6 :11 ;
int s2_7 :6 ;
} stb = {
} ;
pstruct() {
printf("structures\n\n") ;
printf("\t st1 sta[0..2]\n") ;
st1.s_i,sta[0].s_i,sta[1].s_i,sta[2].s_i) ;
st1.s_ca[0],sta[0].s_ca[0],sta[1].s_ca[0],sta[2].s_ca[0]) ;
st1.s_ca[1],sta[0].s_ca[1],sta[1].s_ca[1],sta[2].s_ca[1]) ;
st1.s_ca[2],sta[0].s_ca[2],sta[1].s_ca[2],sta[2].s_ca[2]) ;
st1.s_l,sta[0].s_l,sta[1].s_l,sta[2].s_l) ;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
printf("s_f\t %13e %13e %13e %13e\n\n",
st1.s_f,sta[0].s_f,sta[1].s_f,sta[2].s_f) ;
printf("(sta[0].s_s1)->s_i = %d\n",(sta[0].s_s1)->s_i) ;
printf("\nbit fields:\n\n") ;
printf("sizeof stb %d\n",sizeof stb) ;
printf("stb\t%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n\n",
main() {
pint() ;
pch() ;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
pflt() ;
pdbl() ;
plong() ;
pstruct() ;
return(0) ;