1985-04-01 14:44:26 +00:00

197 lines
2.8 KiB

.define _read,_write,_ioctl,_getpid,_open,_close,_exit,_errno
ld (savebc),bc
push af
pop bc
ld (saveaf),bc ! save all registers in savereg
ld (savede),de
ld (savehl),hl
ld (saveix),ix
ex (sp),hl ! return address in hl
pop bc ! skip return address
pop bc ! get fd
ld a,b ! check fd = 0
or c
jr nz,errrd
pop de ! get buffer
pop bc ! get count
ld ix,0 ! reset counter
push bc
push de
push ix
push hl ! return address
ex de,hl ! buffer to hl
1: ld a,b
or c
jr z,done ! done if count = 0
call getchr
ld (hl),a
inc hl ! increment pointer
inc ix ! increment char counter
dec bc ! decrement count
cp 0xA
jr nz,1b ! done if char = CR
ld bc,(saveaf)
push bc
pop af
ld bc,(savebc)
ld de,(savede)
ld hl,(savehl)
ld ix,(saveix)
push bc
push hl ! return address
ld bc,(saveaf)
push bc
pop af
ld bc,(savebc)
ld de,(savede)
ld hl,(savehl)
ld ix,(saveix)
ld ix,-1
ld (savebc),bc
push af
pop bc
ld (saveaf),bc ! save all registers in savereg
ld (savede),de
ld (savehl),hl
ld (saveix),ix
ex (sp),hl ! return address in hl
pop de ! skip return address
pop de ! get fd
ld a,e ! check for fd = 1
cp 1
jr nz,errwr
ld a,d
or a
jr nz,errwr
pop de ! buffer in de
pop bc ! count in bc
push bc
push de
push de
push hl
ex de,hl ! buffer in hl
ld e,c
ld d,b ! count also in de
1: ld a,b
or c
jr z,exit
ld a,(hl)
call putchr
inc hl
dec bc
jr 1b
push de
push hl
ld bc,(saveaf)
push bc
pop af
ld bc,(savebc)
ld de,(savede)
ld hl,(savehl)
ld ix,(saveix)
ld ix,-1 ! error in fd
push de ! count on stack
ld bc,(saveaf)
push bc
pop af
ld bc,(savebc)
ld de,(savede)
ld hl,(savehl)
ld ix,(saveix)
pop ix ! return count to caller
! open return a file descriptor (0,1,2)
! depending on 'mode'
! mode 2 doesn't work!!
ld (savebc),bc
push af
pop bc
ld (saveaf),bc ! save all registers in savereg
ld (savede),de
ld (savehl),hl
ld (saveix),ix
pop bc ! return address
pop de ! name pointer
pop ix ! mode (0 for read,
! 1 for write)
push ix
push de
push bc
ld bc,(saveaf)
push bc
pop af
ld bc,(savebc)
ld de,(savede)
ld hl,(savehl)
ld ix,(saveix)
ret ! return fd = 0 for read
! fd = 1 for write
ld ix,0 ! return succes
jp 0x38
.word 0
! output routine in monitor
CRT = 0x013B
! output a charcter
! entry: ascii character in a
! push hl
! push bc
! ld hl,tab
! ld b,5
!1: cp (hl)
! jr z,fetch
! inc hl
! inc hl
! djnz 1b
!2: call CRT
! pop bc
! pop hl
! ret
!fetch: inc hl
! ld a,(hl)
! jr 2b
!! conversion table for nascom characters
!tab: .byte 0x0D,0x00
! .byte 0x1B,0x1E
! .byte 0x08,0x1D
! .byte 0x0A,0x1F
! .byte 0x7F,0x00
KBD = 0x69
! get character from keyboard
call KBD
jr nc,getchr
cp 0x1F
jr z,CR
cp 0x1D
jr z,BS
CR: ld a,0xA
BS: ld a,0x8