1987-07-03 16:07:18 +00:00

140 lines
5.5 KiB

(* This module provides for I/O that is essentially equivalent to the I/O
provided by Pascal with "text", or "file of char".
However, the user must call a cleanup routine at the end of his program
for the output buffers to be flushed.
CONST Eos = 0C; (* End of string character *)
TYPE Text;
VAR Input, Output: Text; (* standard input and standard output available
Standard output is not buffered when
connected to a terminal.
VAR Notext: Text; (* Initialize your Text variables with this *)
PROCEDURE Reset(Filename: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR InputText: Text);
(* When InputText indicates an open textfile, it is first flushed
and closed. Then, the file indicated by "Filename" is opened for reading.
If this fails, a runtime error results. Otherwise, InputText is
associated with the new input file.
PROCEDURE Rewrite(Filename: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR OutputText: Text);
(* When OutputText indicates an open textfile, it is first flushed
and closed. Then, the file indicated by "Filename" is opened for writing.
If this fails, a runtime error results. Otherwise, OutputText is
associated with the new output file.
PROCEDURE CloseOutput();
(* To be called at the end of the program, to flush all output buffers *)
Input routines;
All these routines result in a runtime error when not called with either
"Input", or a "Text" value obtained by Reset.
Also, the routines that actually advance the "read pointer", result in a
runtime error when end of file is reached prematurely.
PROCEDURE NextChar(InputText: Text): CHAR;
(* Returns the next character of the InputText, 0C on end of file.
Does not advance the "read pointer", so behaves much like "input^"
in Pascal. However, unlike Pascal, if Eoln(InputText) is true, it
returns the newline character, rather than a space.
PROCEDURE Get(InputText: Text);
(* Advances the "read pointer" by one character *)
PROCEDURE Eoln(InputText: Text): BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if the next character of the InputText is a linefeed *)
PROCEDURE Eof(InputText: Text): BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if the end of the InputText is reached *)
PROCEDURE ReadChar(InputText: Text; VAR Char: CHAR);
(* Read a character from the InputText, and leave result in "Char" *)
PROCEDURE ReadLn(InputText: Text);
(* Skip the rest of the current line of the InputText,
including the linefeed
PROCEDURE ReadInteger(InputText: Text; VAR Integer: INTEGER);
(* Skip leading blanks, read an optionally signed integer from the
InputText, and leave the result in "Integer".
If no integer is read, or when overflow occurs, a runtime error results.
Input stops at the character following the integer.
PROCEDURE ReadCardinal(InputText: Text; VAR Cardinal: CARDINAL);
(* Skip leading blanks, read a cardinal from the InputText, and leave the
result in "card".
If no cardinal is read, or when overflow occurs, a runtime error results.
Input stops at the character following the integer.
PROCEDURE ReadReal(InputText: Text; VAR Real: REAL);
(* Skip leading blanks, read a real from the InputText, and leave the
result in "Real".
real --> [(+|-)] digit {digit} [. digit {digit}]
[ E [(+|-)] digit {digit} ]
If no real is read, or when overflow/underflow occurs, a runtime error
Input stops at the character following the integer.
Output routines;
All these routines result in a runtime error when not called with either
"Output", or a "Text" value obtained by Rewrite.
PROCEDURE WriteChar(OutputText: Text; Char: CHAR);
(* Writes the character "Char" to the OutputText *)
PROCEDURE WriteLn(OutputText: Text);
(* Writes a linefeed to the OutputText *)
PROCEDURE Page(OutputText: Text);
(* Writes a form-feed to the OutputText *)
PROCEDURE WriteInteger(OutputText: Text; Integer: INTEGER; Width: CARDINAL);
(* Write integer "Integer" to the OutputText, using at least "Width" places,
blank-padding to the left if needed.
PROCEDURE WriteCardinal(OutputText: Text; Cardinal, Width: CARDINAL);
(* Write cardinal "Cardinal" to the OutputText, using at least
"Width" places, blank-padding to the left if needed.
PROCEDURE WriteBoolean(OutputText: Text; Boolean: BOOLEAN; Width: CARDINAL);
(* Write boolean "Boolean" to the OutputText, using at least "Width" places,
blank-padding to the left if needed.
Equivalent to WriteString(" TRUE", Width), or
WriteString("FALSE", Width)
PROCEDURE WriteString(OutputText: Text;
(* Write string "String" to the OutputText, using at least "Width" places,
blank-padding to the left if needed.
The string is terminated either by the character Eos, or the upperbound of
the array "String".
PROCEDURE WriteReal(OutputText: Text; Real: REAL; Width, Nfrac: CARDINAL);
(* Write real "Real" to the OutputText. If "Nfrac" = 0, use scientific
notation, otherwise use fixed-point notation with "Nfrac" digits behind
the dot.
Always use at least "Width" places, blank-padding to the left if needed.
END PascalIO.