carl 10717cc791 Better ANSI C compatibility and portability:
+ Addition of function prototypes and include files.
+ Change function definitions to ANSI C style.
- Remove support for generating K&R code.
- Remove mkstemp and replace by tmpnam (more portable but less safe)
2019-02-19 00:54:23 +08:00

89 lines
1.7 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 1991 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
* For full copyright and restrictions on use see the file COPYING in the top
* level of the LLgen tree.
* L L G E N
* An Extended LL(1) Parser Generator
* Author : Ceriel J.H. Jacobs
* global.c
* Contains declarations visible in several other source files
#include <stdio.h>
# include "types.h"
# include "extern.h"
# include "io.h"
# ifndef NORCSID
static string rcsid4 = "$Id$";
# endif
char ltext[LTEXTSZ];
p_nont nonterms;
p_nont maxnt;
int nnonterms;
p_token tokens;
p_token maxt;
int ntokens;
int nterms, nalts;
int norder, torder;
int nsubstarts;
p_set start_firsts;
p_start start;
int linecount;
int assval;
FILE *fout;
FILE *fpars;
FILE *finput;
FILE *fact;
char f_pars[L_tmpnam+sizeof(char)]; /* Add one more character for NULL, just in case of buggy implementations. */
char f_temp[L_tmpnam+sizeof(char)];
char f_nc[20];
char f_out[20];
string f_input;
char f_include[20];
char f_rec[20];
string e_noopen = "Cannot open %s";
int verbose;
int wflag;
string lexical;
string prefix;
string onerror;
int ntneeded;
int ntprint;
# ifndef NDEBUG
int debug;
#endif /* not NDEBUG */
p_file files;
p_file maxfiles;
p_file pfile;
string LLgenid = "/* LLgen generated code from source %s */\n";
t_token lextoken;
int nerrors;
string rec_file, incl_file;
string nc_rec_file, nc_incl_file;
int low_percentage = 10, high_percentage = 30;
int min_cases_for_jmptable = 8;
int jmptable_option;
int non_corr = 0;
int subpars_sim = 0;
p_gram illegal_gram;
int strip_grammar = 0;
int in_production; /* set when the parser is reading a production