tkchia 249e4b9069 plat/msdos386: fix a few more issues with startup and stub code
- correctly calculate size of BSS area to clear
 - make realloc routine set both ds & es to point to new
   data segment
 - correctly initialize real mode flags when simulating real
   mode interrupt via DPMI
 - other minor fixes
2022-08-24 10:17:15 +00:00

421 lines
9.8 KiB

! $Source$
! $State$
! $Revision$
! Declare segments (the order is important).
.sect .text
.sect .rom
.sect .data
.sect .bss
.sect .text
.data2 0x5a4d ! magic number
.data2 exe_last_page ! number of bytes in last loadable page
.data2 exe_text_pages ! size of .exe, in pages
.data2 0 ! number of relocation entries
.data2 0 ! start of loadable area, in 16-byte paragraphs
.data2 exe_ram_paras ! required RAM size, in 16-byte paragraphs
.data2 exe_ram_paras ! maximum RAM siz, in 16-byte paragraphs
.data2 0 ! initial SS, relative to program
.data2 stack ! initial SP
.data2 0 ! checksum (ignored)
.data2 exe_start ! initial IP
.data2 0 ! initial CS, relative to program
.data2 0 ! offset of relocation table
.data2 0 ! overlay number
! On entry, DS=ES=PSP. Make DS=CS, so we're running in tiny mode.
push cs
pop ds
mov (rseg), ds
mov (pspseg), es
! Ensure that at least two handles are available by blindly closing some.
mov bx, 19 ! close handle
movb ah, 0x3e
int 0x21
mov bx, 18 ! close handle
movb ah, 0x3e
int 0x21
! Scan the environment to find the program name.
eseg mov es, (0x2c) ! environment pointer segment from PSP
xor di, di
xorb al, al
mov cx, 0xffff
repne scasb ! find end of next string
eseg cmpb (di), 0
jnz 1b
add di, 3
mov si, di
repne scasb
! es:si now points at the program name, and es:di at one past the end.
mov cx, di
sub cx, si
sub sp, cx ! allocate space on stack
mov di, sp ! es:si source, ds:di dest
eseg movb al, (si)
inc si
movb (di), al
inc di
cmpb al, 0
jnz 1b
! Open the file. (0x5f)
mov dx, sp
mov ax, 0x3d00
int 0x21
jc no_file
mov (fh), ax
add sp, cx ! don't need filename any more
! Get the file length (== text len).
mov bx, ax
mov ax, 0x4202
xor cx, cx ! high offset
xor dx, dx ! low offset
int 0x21 ! lseek
mov (pmemlen+0), ax
mov (pmemlen+2), dx
! Initialise DPMI.
mov ax, 0x1687
int 0x2f
or ax, ax
jnz no_dpmi
mov (pmode_switch+0), di ! write back PMODE switch routine
mov (pmode_switch+2), es
or si, si ! do we need a DPMI private area?
jz 1f
mov bx, si
movb ah, 0x48
int 0x21 ! allocate memory from DOS
mov es, ax ! data area segment -> es
! Switch to protected mode.
mov ax, 1 ! 32-bit app
callf (pmode_switch)
jc bad_dpmi
! We're now in protected mode.
mov (psegcs), cs
mov (psegds), ds
! Allocate space for the code segment.
mov ax, 0x0000
mov cx, 1
int 0x31 ! allocate LDT
jc bad_dpmi
mov fs, ax
mov (psegcs32), ax
mov cx, (pmemlen+0)
mov bx, (pmemlen+2)
mov ax, 0x0501
int 0x31 ! allocate linear address
jc bad_dpmi
mov (pmemhandle+0), di
mov (pmemhandle+2), si
mov dx, cx
mov cx, bx
mov bx, fs
mov ax, 0x0007
int 0x31 ! set segment base address
jc bad_dpmi
mov bx, fs
mov dx, (pmemlen+0)
mov cx, (pmemlen+2)
sub dx, 1
sbb cx, 0
mov ax, 0x0008
int 0x31 ! set segment limit
mov cx, cs
and cx, 3
shl cx, 5
or cx, 0xc09b ! 32-bit, big, code, non-conforming, readable
mov bx, fs
mov ax, 0x0009
int 0x31 ! set descriptor access rights
! Allocate the data segment (as a simple clone of the code segment). (10e)
mov ax, 0x000a
mov bx, fs
int 0x31
mov es, ax
mov (psegds32), ax
mov cx, ax
and cx, 3
shl cx, 5
or cx, 0xc093 ! 32-bit, big, data, r/w, expand-up
mov bx, es
mov ax, 0x0009
int 0x31 ! set descriptor access rights
! Load the program.
mov bx, (fh)
mov ax, 0x4200
xor cx, cx ! high offset
mov dx, text_top ! low offset
int 0x21 ! lseek
o32 xor edi, edi ! destination 32-bit register
movb ah, 0x3f
mov bx, (fh)
mov dx, transfer_buffer
o32 push edi
call int21 ! read up to 32kB into transfer buffer
o32 pop edi
cmp ax, 0
je 2f
o32 movzx ecx, ax ! number of bytes read
o32 mov esi, transfer_buffer
rep a32 movsb
jmp 1b
! Close the file.
movb ah, 0x3e
mov bx, (fh)
int 0x21 ! close
! Jump to the new segment and enter 32-bit mode!
o32 movzx eax, (psegcs)
o32 movzx ebx, (psegds)
o32 movzx ecx, (rseg)
o32 mov edx, realloc
o32 mov esi, interruptf
o32 mov edi, transfer_buffer
o32 movzx ebp, (pspseg)
push es
pop ds
push fs
push 0
retf ! 19b
! Helper routine which reallocates the linear block that the 32-bit code
! is running from. This can't happen from inside the 32-bit code itself
! because it might move.
! On entry, ds and ss are ignored. On exit, ds and es are set to the
! 32-bit segment.
! eax: new block size
cseg mov ds, (psegds)
cli ! atomically switch stacks
o32 mov (dpmi_ebp), esp ! yes, saving esp into the ebp field
mov (dpmi_ss), ss
mov ss, (psegds)
mov sp, dosstack
o32 add eax, 1024*1024 - 1
o32 and eax, ~[1024*1024 - 1]
o32 mov (pmemlen), eax
mov cx, (pmemlen+0)
mov bx, (pmemlen+2)
mov di, (pmemhandle+0)
mov si, (pmemhandle+2)
mov ax, 0x0503
int 0x31 ! resize memory block
jc bad_dpmi
mov (pmemhandle+0), di
mov (pmemhandle+2), si
mov (pmemaddr+0), cx
mov (pmemaddr+2), bx
mov bx, (psegcs32)
mov dx, (pmemaddr+0)
mov cx, (pmemaddr+2)
mov ax, 0x0007
int 0x31 ! set cs linear address
jc bad_dpmi
mov bx, (psegds32)
int 0x31 ! set ds linear address
jc bad_dpmi
mov dx, (pmemlen+0)
mov cx, (pmemlen+2)
sub dx, 1
sbb cx, 0
mov ax, 0x0008
int 0x31 ! set ds segment limit
jc bad_dpmi
o32 mov eax, (pmemlen)
cli ! atomically switch stacks back
mov ss, (dpmi_ss)
o32 mov esp, (dpmi_ebp)
mov es, (psegds32)
mov ds, (psegds32)
o32 retf
mov si, bad_dpmi_msg
jmp exit_with_error
mov si, no_file_msg
jmp exit_with_error
mov si, no_dpmi_msg
! fall through
! Displays the message in si and exits.
! This uses a loop because from protected mode any interrupt which
! takes a pointer parameter requires special treatment.
movb dl, (si)
cmpb dl, 0
je 1f
inc si
movb ah, 2
int 0x21 ! print character
jmp exit_with_error
mov ax, 0x4cff
int 0x21 ! terminate with error code al
! Simulate DOS interrupt.
o32 movzx ebx, bx
o32 or ebx, 0x210000
! Simulate interrupt in the high half of ebx.
mov (dpmi_eax), ax
mov (dpmi_ebx), bx
mov (dpmi_ecx), cx
mov (dpmi_edx), dx
mov (dpmi_esi), si
mov (dpmi_edi), di
pop (dpmi_flags)
mov ax, (rseg)
mov (dpmi_ds), ax
mov (dpmi_ss), ax
push es
mov (dpmi_sp), dosstack ! auto stack is too small
push ds
pop es
o32 mov edi, dpmi_edi
mov ax, 0x300
o32 shr ebx, 16
xor cx, cx
int 0x31 ! simulate DOS interrupt
pop es
o32 movzx eax, (dpmi_eax)
o32 movzx ebx, (dpmi_ebx)
o32 movzx ecx, (dpmi_ecx)
o32 movzx edx, (dpmi_edx)
o32 movzx esi, (dpmi_esi)
o32 movzx edi, (dpmi_edi)
push (dpmi_flags)
! Far call wrapper around interrupt.
push ds
cseg mov ds, (psegds)
call interrupt
pop ds
o32 retf
.asciz "DPMI error during setup"
.asciz "Couldn't open .exe"
.asciz "No DPMI host installed"
.align 4
exe_text_pages = [text_top - exe_header + 511] / 512
exe_last_page = [text_top - exe_header] % 512
.sect .rom
.sect .bss
dpmi_edi: .space 4
dpmi_esi: .space 4
dpmi_ebp: .space 4
.space 4 ! reserved
dpmi_ebx: .space 4
dpmi_edx: .space 4
dpmi_ecx: .space 4
dpmi_eax: .space 4
dpmi_flags: .space 2
dpmi_es: .space 2
dpmi_ds: .space 2
dpmi_fs: .space 2
dpmi_gs: .space 2
dpmi_ip: .space 2
dpmi_cs: .space 2
dpmi_sp: .space 2
dpmi_ss: .space 2
pmode_switch: .space 4
rseg: .space 2 ! real mode
pspseg: .space 2 ! real mode
psegcs: .space 2 ! protected mode 16-bit code segment
psegds: .space 2 ! protected mode 16-bit data segment
psegcs32: .space 2 ! protected mode 32-bit code segment
psegds32: .space 2 ! protected mode 32-bit data segment
pmemaddr: .space 4 ! protected mode linear memory address
pmemhandle: .space 4 ! protected mode linear memory handle
pmemlen: .space 4 ! protected mode linear memory length
fh: .space 2
.space 512
.space 512
exe_ram_paras = [bss_top - bss_start + 15] / 16
! vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=asm