This preserves the name and value of every symbol. The type and other info of a symbol might be lost. In gdb, one can now "disas main" or "disas '.ret'" to disassemble functions by name. Most symbols are in sections, so I also teach cvmach to emit the Mach section headers. The entry point in plat/osx*/descr moves down to make room for the section headers and LC_SYMTAB. I fix some bugs in calculations of cvmach. They were wrong if ROM had a greater alignment than TEXT, or if DATA did not start on a page boundary. I introduce machseg[] to simplify the mess of variables in main(). I declare most functions as static. Also, cvmach becomes the first program to #include <object.h>. |
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include | ||
libsys | ||
boot.s | ||
build-pkg.lua | ||
build-tools.lua | ||
descr |