227 lines
4.9 KiB
227 lines
4.9 KiB
.define WRCH, RDCH, Earray, Erange, Eset
.define Eiovfl, Eidivz, Eiund, Econv
.define Estack, Eheap, Eillins, Eoddz
.define Ecase , Ebadmon, OSBYTE, MON
.define Ebadlin, Ebadgto, BASE, NBYTES
.define Ytmp, EXG, ARTH, RETURN, SIGN
.define start, Push, Pop, STACKTh, STACKTl
.define F_DUM
! The next three definitions are special for the
! BBC microcomputer
WRCH = 0FFEEh ! This subroutine writes the character in
! register A to the screen
RDCH = 0FFE0h ! This subroutine returns a character in
! register A from the current input stream
OSBYTE = 0FFF4h ! This subroutine performs miscelaneous
! operating system calls
F_DUM = 0 ! Dummy floating point constant
! Here are the error numbers
Earray = 0
Erange = 1
Eset = 2
Eiovfl = 3
Eidivz = 6
Eiund = 8
Econv = 10
Estack = 16
Eheap = 17
Eillins = 18
Eoddz = 19
Ecase = 20
Ebadmon = 25
Ebadlin = 26
Ebadgto = 27
MON = 78D0h
BASE = 240 ! This is the offset from the localbase
! for the second localbase
STACKTh = 78h ! This is the top of the stack
STACKTl = 0D0h
! Some zeropage declarations
RES: .space 76 ! special for the operating system
hol0: .space 16 ! the hol0 block
IGNMASK: .space 2 ! can hold the ingnore mask
ADDR: .space 4 ! used for indirect addressing
LB: .space 2 ! the localbase
LBl: .space 2 ! the second localbase (localbase-BASE)
SP: .space 3 ! the stackpointer (real_stack)
HP: .space 2 ! the heap pointer
BRANCH: .space 2 ! used for branch instructions
ERRPROC: .space 2 ! can hold the address of the error handler
Ytmp: .space 1 ! used for intermediate storage in Y
EXG: .space 2 ! used by the exchange subroutine Exg
ARTH: .space 16 ! used for arithmetic
NBYTES: .space 2 ! containes the number of bytes for a block move
RETURN: .space 4 ! the return area
RETSIZE: .space 1 ! the size of the object returned
SIGN: .space 1 ! the sign of the calculation
UNSIGN : .space 1 ! is it signed or unsigned arithmetic
TRAPVAL: .space 1 ! intermediate storage of the error number
STACK: .space 1 ! contains the hardware stackpointer on
! entering m_a_i_n for a neat return
RESERVED: .space 112 ! used by the operating system
.base 0E02h ! where to start in the BBC micro
stx STACK ! save stackpointer for exit and error
! The following three operating system calls are only
! for the BBC microcomputer
lda #2
ldx #0
ldy #0
jsr OSBYTE ! return control to the keyboard
lda #15
ldx #0
ldy #0
jsr OSBYTE ! clear all internal buffers
lda #3
ldx #5
ldy #0
jsr OSBYTE ! output to screen and RS423
lda #STACKTl
sta LB ! set localbase (lowbyte)
sta SP+2
lda #0
sta SP ! set stackpointer (lowbyte)
sta ERRPROC ! set start address for error handler (lowbyte)
sta ERRPROC+1 ! set start address for error handler (highbyte)
sta hol0 ! set the line number (lowbyte)
sta hol0+1 ! set the line number (highbyte)
lda #STACKTh
sta SP+1 ! set the stacpointer (highbyte)
sta LB+1 ! set the localbase (highbyte)
lda #[endbss].l
sta HP ! set the heap pointer (lowbyte)
lda #[endbss].h
sta HP+1 ! set the heap pointer (highbyte)
lda #[PROGNAME].l
sta hol0+4 ! set fake programname pointer (lowbyte)
lda #[PROGNAME].h
sta hol0+5 ! set fake programname pointer (highbyte)
lda #[beginbss].l
sta ADDR ! start address of bss block (lowbyte)
lda #[beginbss].h
sta ADDR+1 ! start address of bss block (highbyte)
ldy #0
lda #0
4: ldx #[endbss].h ! clear bss block
cpx ADDR+1
bcc 1f ! end of bss block reached
bne 2f
ldx #[endbss].l
cpx ADDR
bcc 1f ! end of bss block reached
2: sta (ADDR),y
inc ADDR
bne 3f
inc ADDR+1
3: jmp 4b
1: lda #0
jsr Push ! push fake envelope pointer
lda #[PROGNAME].h
ldx #[PROGNAME].l
jsr Push ! push argv[0]
lda #0
ldx #1
jsr Push ! push argc
jsr _m_a_i_n ! start the real program
lda #0FFh
jsr WRCH ! send end of program to R423
lda #3
ldx #0
jsr OSBYTE ! send output to screen only
lda #2
ldx #1
jsr OSBYTE ! input only from R423
! The subroutine Push pushes the registerpair AX onto the stack.
sty Ytmp ! save Y
ldy SP+2
bne 1f ! lowbyte of stackpointer <> 0
dec SP+1 ! decrement highbyte of stackpointer
1: dey
dey ! decrement lowbyte of stackpointer
sty SP+2 ! save lowbyte of stackpointer
pha ! save A
sta (SP),y ! push X onto the stack
pla ! get A
sta (SP),y ! push A onto the stack
ldy Ytmp ! restore Y
! The subroutine Pop pops the registerpair AX from the stack.
sty Ytmp ! save Y
ldy SP+2
lda (SP),y ! pop X from the stack
lda (SP),y ! pop A from the stack
bne 1f ! lowbyte of stackpointer <> 0
inc SP+1 ! increment highbyte of stackpointer
1: sty SP+2 ! store lowbyte of stackpointer
pha ! save A
pla ! get A
ldy Ytmp ! restore Y
PROGNAME: ! for initialising the programname pointer
.asciz "program"