This uncovers a problem in il/il_aux.c: it passes 3 arguments to getlines(), but the function expects 4 arguments. I add FALSE as the 4th argument. TRUE would fill in the list of mesregs. IL uses mesregs during phase 1, but this call to getlines() is in phase 2. TRUE would leak memory unless I added a call to Ldeleteset(mesregs). So I pass FALSE. Functions passed to go() now have a `void *` parameter because no_action() now takes a `void *`.
78 lines
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78 lines
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/* $Id$ */
* (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
/* S H A R E D
* A U X I L I A R Y R O U T I N E S
offset off_set(line_p lnp); /*
* lnp has a SHORT or OFFSET operand. Return
* the value of this operand as an offset.
offset aoff(arg_p list, int n); /*
* Determine the offset field of the
* n'th argument in the list (this argument
* must have type ARGOFF). Start counting at 0.
offset tmplocal(proc_p p, offset size);
* Allocate a new local variable in the
* stack frame of p.
line_p int_line(offset off); /*
* Allocate a line struct of type OPSHORT
* or OPOFFSET, whichever one fits best.
line_p reg_mes(offset tmp, short size, int typ, int score);
* Generate a register message with the
* given arguments.
bool dom(bblock_p b1, bblock_p b2);
* See if b1 dominates b2. Note that a
* block always * dominates itself.
bblock_p common_dom(bblock_p a, bblock_p b);
* Find a basic block that dominates a as
* well as b; note that a basic block also
* dominates itself.
short add_timespace(short time, short space);
* Add together a time and space, using
* the time_space_ratio parameter that
* may be set by the user.
void rm_line(line_p l, bblock_p b);
* Remove line l from b basic block b.
void appnd_line(line_p l1, line_p l2);
* Put line l1 after l2.
line_p last_instr(bblock_p b); /*
* Determine the last line of a basic block.
line_p find_mesreg(offset off); /*
* Find the register message for the local
* with the given offset.
bool is_regvar(offset off); /*
* See if there is a 'register message'
* for the local variable with the
* given offset.
offset regv_arg(offset off, int n);
* Fetch the n'th argument of the
* register message of the local with
* the given offset.