David Given bb17aea73a You can now mark a register as corrupting a certain register class; calls work,
or at least look like they work. The bad news is that the register allocator
has a rare talent for putting things in the wrong register.
2016-10-15 01:15:08 +02:00

652 lines
18 KiB

#include "mcg.h"
struct assignment
struct vreg* in;
struct vreg* out;
static ARRAYOF(struct hreg) hregs;
static PMAPOF(struct vreg, struct hreg) evicted;
static struct hop* current_hop;
static register_assignment_t* current_ins;
static register_assignment_t* current_outs;
static int insert_moves(struct basicblock* bb, int index,
register_assignment_t* srcregs, register_assignment_t* destregs);
static void populate_hregs(void)
const struct burm_register_data* brd = burm_register_data;
hregs.count = 0;
while (brd->name)
array_append(&hregs, new_hreg(brd));
static void wire_up_blocks_ins_outs(void)
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<dominance.preorder.count; i++)
struct basicblock* bb = dominance.preorder.item[i];
assert(bb->hops.count >= 1);
bb->regsin = &bb->hops.item[0]->regsin;
bb->regsout = &bb->hops.item[bb->hops.count-1]->regsout;
static struct hreg* allocate_phi_hreg(register_assignment_t* regs,
struct vreg* vreg, uint32_t attrs)
int i;
/* We need a new register at the beginning of the block to put a phi value
* into. */
for (i=0; i<hregs.count; i++)
struct hreg* hreg = hregs.item[i];
if (!pmap_findleft(regs, hreg) && (hreg->attrs & attrs))
/* This one is unused. Use it. */
return hreg;
/* We'll need to allocate a new stack slot for it. */
static bool evictable(struct hreg* hreg, struct vreg* vreg)
struct constraint* c = pmap_findleft(&current_hop->constraints, vreg);
return (hreg->attrs & c->attrs) && !array_contains(&current_hop->ins, vreg);
/* Find an unused output register of the right class which is not also being used as an input register. */
static struct hreg* evict(struct vreg* vreg)
int i;
/* Look for a through register which matches our requirements. We should be
* doing some calculation here to figure out the cheapest register to
* evict, but for now we're picking the first one. FIXME. */
for (i=0; i<hregs.count; i++)
struct hreg* hreg = hregs.item[i];
struct vreg* candidate = pmap_findleft(current_ins, hreg);
if (candidate &&
(pmap_findleft(current_outs, hreg) == candidate) &&
evictable(hreg, vreg))
tracef('R', "R: evicting %%%d from %s\n", candidate->id, hreg->name);
pmap_put(&evicted, candidate, hreg);
pmap_remove(current_ins, hreg, candidate);
pmap_remove(current_outs, hreg, candidate);
return hreg;
/* Couldn't find anything to evict */
static bool allocatable_input(struct hreg* hreg, struct vreg* vreg)
struct constraint* c = pmap_findleft(&current_hop->constraints, vreg);
return !pmap_findleft(current_ins, hreg) &&
(!c || (hreg->attrs & c->attrs));
static bool allocatable_output(struct hreg* hreg, struct vreg* vreg)
struct constraint* c = pmap_findleft(&current_hop->constraints, vreg);
return !pmap_findleft(current_outs, hreg) &&
(!c || (hreg->attrs & c->attrs)) &&
!(hreg->attrs & current_hop->insndata->corrupts);
static struct hreg* find_input_reg(struct vreg* vreg)
int i;
struct hreg* hreg = NULL;
for (i=0; i<hregs.count; i++)
hreg = hregs.item[i];
if (allocatable_input(hreg, vreg))
return hreg;
return NULL;
static struct hreg* find_output_reg(struct vreg* vreg)
int i;
struct hreg* hreg = NULL;
for (i=0; i<hregs.count; i++)
hreg = hregs.item[i];
if (allocatable_output(hreg, vreg))
return hreg;
return NULL;
static struct hreg* find_through_reg(struct vreg* vreg)
int i;
struct hreg* hreg = NULL;
for (i=0; i<hregs.count; i++)
hreg = hregs.item[i];
if (allocatable_input(hreg, vreg) &&
allocatable_output(hreg, vreg))
return hreg;
return NULL;
static void add_input_register(struct vreg* vreg, struct hreg* hreg)
int i;
/* Register hint for an input? */
if (hreg)
if (pmap_findleft(current_ins, hreg) == vreg)
/* Yup, already there. */
else if (allocatable_input(hreg, vreg))
/* The register is free. */
/* Can't honour the hint. */
hreg = NULL;
if (!hreg)
/* Find an unused input register of the right class. */
hreg = find_input_reg(vreg);
if (!hreg)
hreg = evict(vreg);
pmap_add(current_ins, hreg, vreg);
static void add_output_register(struct vreg* vreg)
struct hreg* hreg;
int i;
struct constraint* c;
/* Is this register supposed to be the same as one of the input registers?
* */
c = pmap_findleft(&current_hop->constraints, vreg);
if (c->equals_to)
tracef('R', "R: outputput equality constraint of %%%d to %%%d\n",
vreg->id, c->equals_to->id);
/* This output register is constrained to be in the same hreg as an
* input register (most likely for a 2op instruction). */
hreg = pmap_findright(current_ins, c->equals_to);
/* If this register is currently unused as an output, use it. */
if (allocatable_output(hreg, c->equals_to))
pmap_add(current_outs, hreg, vreg);
/* Okay, something's in it. Most likely it's a through being used as an
* input register. Trying to evict it would be pointless as that would
* also evict the input. So, we're going to have to do this the hard
* way: we try to allocate a matched set of input and output registers.
* */
hreg = find_through_reg(vreg);
if (!hreg)
hreg = evict(vreg);
pmap_add(current_outs, hreg, vreg);
tracef('R', "R: output equality constraint requires extra move of %%%d => %s\n",
c->equals_to->id, hreg->name);
pmap_add(current_ins, hreg, c->equals_to);
/* This is an ordinary new register. */
hreg = find_output_reg(vreg);
if (!hreg)
hreg = evict(vreg);
pmap_add(current_outs, hreg, vreg);
static void add_through_register(struct vreg* vreg, struct hreg* hreg)
/* Register hint for an input? */
if (hreg)
bool infree = allocatable_input(hreg, vreg);
bool outfree = allocatable_output(hreg, vreg);
if (infree && outfree)
/* Register unused --- use it. */
if ((infree || pmap_findleft(current_ins, hreg) == vreg) &&
(outfree || pmap_findleft(current_outs, hreg) == vreg))
/* Input and output are either free or already assigned. */
/* Nope, can't honour the hint. */
hreg = NULL;
if (!hreg)
hreg = find_through_reg(vreg);
pmap_put(current_ins, hreg, vreg);
pmap_put(current_outs, hreg, vreg);
static void find_new_home_for_evicted_register(struct vreg* vreg, struct hreg* src)
uint32_t srctype = src->type;
struct hreg* hreg;
int i;
/* Find an unused output register of the right class which is not also
* being used as an input register. */
hreg = NULL;
for (i=0; i<hregs.count; i++)
hreg = hregs.item[i];
if ((hreg->type == src->type) &&
allocatable_input(hreg, vreg) &&
allocatable_output(hreg, vreg))
goto found;
/* No more registers --- allocate a stack slot. */
tracef('R', "R: evicted %%%d moving to %s\n", vreg->id, hreg->name);
pmap_add(current_ins, hreg, vreg);
pmap_add(current_outs, hreg, vreg);
static void select_registers(struct hop* hop,
register_assignment_t* old, register_assignment_t* in, register_assignment_t* out)
int i;
current_hop = hop;
current_ins = in;
current_outs = out;
evicted.count = 0;
/* First, any vregs passing through the instruction stay in the same
* registers they are currently in. */
for (i=0; i<hop->throughs.count; i++)
struct vreg* vreg = hop->throughs.item[i];
struct hreg* hreg = pmap_findright(old, vreg);
add_through_register(vreg, hreg);
/* Any registers being *read* by the instruction should also stay where
* they are. (This is likely to duplicate some throughs.) */
for (i=0; i<hop->ins.count; i++)
struct vreg* vreg = hop->ins.item[i];
struct hreg* hreg = pmap_findright(old, vreg);
add_input_register(vreg, hreg);
/* Any output registers will be *new* vregs (because SSA). So, allocate
* new hregs for them. */
for (i=0; i<hop->outs.count; i++)
struct vreg* vreg = hop->outs.item[i];
/* Any evicted registers now need to go somewhere (potentially, the stack).
* */
for (i=0; i<evicted.count; i++)
struct vreg* vreg = evicted.item[i].left;
struct hreg* src = evicted.item[i].right;
find_new_home_for_evicted_register(vreg, src);
static void assign_hregs_to_vregs(void)
int i, j, k;
for (i=0; i<dominance.preorder.count; i++)
struct basicblock* bb = dominance.preorder.item[i];
register_assignment_t* old = bb->regsin;
tracef('R', "R: considering block %s\n", bb->name);
/* Attempt to import any block input registers from a predecessor. At
* least one predecessor should export it; our graph traversal order
* guarantees it. */
for (j=0; j<bb->liveins.count; j++)
struct vreg* vreg = bb->liveins.item[j];
for (k=0; k<bb->prevs.count; k++)
struct basicblock* prevbb = bb->prevs.item[k];
struct hreg* hreg = pmap_findright(prevbb->regsout, vreg);
if (hreg)
tracef('R', "R: import hreg %s for input %%%d from %s\n",
hreg->name, vreg->id, prevbb->name);
assert(!pmap_findleft(old, hreg));
pmap_put(old, hreg, vreg);
goto nextvreg;
fatal("couldn't find a register assignment for $%d", vreg->id);
/* And now do the same for the phis. Unlike input vregs, a phi can
* import a vreg from multiple locations. However, we don't care which
* one we find, as this is just a hint. Picking the same register as a
* predecessor helps reduce the number of copies the SSA deconstruction
* pass will need to insert. */
for (j=0; j<bb->phis.count; j++)
struct vreg* vreg = bb->phis.item[j].left;
struct phi* phi = bb->phis.item[j].right;
if (!pmap_findright(old, vreg))
/* This variable isn't allocated yet. */
struct hreg* hreg = pmap_findright(
phi->prev->regsout, phi->ir->result);
if (hreg && !pmap_findleft(old, hreg))
tracef('R', "R: import hreg %s for phi input %%%d from %s\n",
hreg->name, vreg->id, phi->prev->name);
pmap_put(old, hreg, vreg);
/* It's possible for the previous stage to fail because in in has
* clobbered the physical register we were wanting. So we need to
* allocate a new register for that phi value.
for (j=0; j<bb->phis.count; j++)
struct vreg* vreg = bb->phis.item[j].left;
struct phi* phi = bb->phis.item[j].right;
if (!pmap_findright(old, vreg))
struct phicongruence* c = vreg->congruence;
struct hreg* hreg = allocate_phi_hreg(old, vreg, c->attrs);
tracef('R', "R: import fallback hreg %s for phi input %%%d from %s\n",
hreg->name, vreg->id, phi->prev->name);
pmap_add(old, hreg, vreg);
for (j=0; j<bb->hops.count; j++)
struct hop* hop = bb->hops.item[j];
register_assignment_t* in = &hop->regsin;
register_assignment_t* out = &hop->regsout;;
hop_print('R', hop);
select_registers(hop, old, in, out);
tracef('R', "R: %d from $%d: [", hop->id, hop->ir->id);
for (k=0; k<hop->regsin.count; k++)
struct hreg* hreg = hop->regsin.item[k].left;
struct vreg* vreg = hop->regsin.item[k].right;
if (k != 0)
tracef('R', " ");
tracef('R', "%%%d=>%s", vreg->id, hreg->name);
tracef('R', "] [");
for (k=0; k<hop->regsout.count; k++)
struct hreg* hreg = hop->regsout.item[k].left;
struct vreg* vreg = hop->regsout.item[k].right;
if (k != 0)
tracef('R', " ");
tracef('R', "%%%d=>%s", vreg->id, hreg->name);
tracef('R', "]\n");
if (j > 0)
j += insert_moves(bb, j, old, in);
old = out;
static struct hop* create_move(struct basicblock* bb, struct hreg* src, struct hreg* dest)
struct hop* hop = new_hop(bb, NULL);
hop_add_string_insel(hop, "! move ");
hop_add_hreg_insel(hop, src);
hop_add_string_insel(hop, " -> ");
hop_add_hreg_insel(hop, dest);
return hop;
static struct hop* create_swap(struct basicblock* bb, struct hreg* src, struct hreg* dest)
struct hop* hop = new_hop(bb, NULL);
hop_add_string_insel(hop, "! swap ");
hop_add_hreg_insel(hop, src);
hop_add_string_insel(hop, " <-> ");
hop_add_hreg_insel(hop, dest);
return hop;
/* returns the number of instructions inserted */
static int insert_moves(struct basicblock* bb, int index,
register_assignment_t* srcregs, register_assignment_t* destregs)
int i;
int inserted = 0;
static PMAPOF(struct hreg, struct hreg) copies;
copies.count = 0;
for (i=0; i<destregs->count; i++)
struct hreg* dest = destregs->item[i].left;
struct vreg* vreg = destregs->item[i].right;
struct hreg* src = pmap_findright(srcregs, vreg);
assert(src != NULL);
if (src != dest)
pmap_add(&copies, src, dest);
while (copies.count > 0)
struct hreg* src;
struct hreg* dest;
struct hreg* temp;
struct hop* hop;
/* Try and find a destination which isn't a source. */
src = NULL;
for (i=0; i<copies.count; i++)
dest = copies.item[i].right;
if (!pmap_findleft(&copies, dest))
src = copies.item[i].left;
if (src)
/* Copy. */
hop = create_move(bb, src, dest);
pmap_remove(&copies, src, dest);
/* Swap. */
src = copies.item[0].left;
dest = pmap_findleft(&copies, src);
hop = create_move(bb, src, dest);
pmap_remove(&copies, src, dest);
pmap_remove(&copies, dest, src);
array_insert(&bb->hops, hop, index + inserted);
return inserted;
static void insert_phi_copies(void)
int i, j, k;
/* If we're importing an hreg from a parent block via a phi, insert a move
* at the end of the parent block to put the result into the right
* register. */
for (i=0; i<cfg.preorder.count; i++)
struct basicblock* bb = cfg.preorder.item[i];
/* Group together copies from each predecessor, so we can generate the
* appropriate parallel move. */
for (j=0; j<bb->prevs.count; j++)
struct basicblock* prevbb = bb->prevs.item[j];
static register_assignment_t destregs;
tracef('R', "R: inserting phis for %s -> %s\n",
prevbb->name, bb->name);
destregs.count = 0;
for (k=0; k<bb->phis.count; k++)
struct vreg* vreg = bb->phis.item[k].left;
struct phi* phi = bb->phis.item[k].right;
struct hreg* dest = pmap_findright(bb->regsin, vreg);
if ((phi->prev == prevbb) && dest)
/* We inserted critical edges to guarantee this. */
assert(prevbb->nexts.count == 1);
tracef('R', "R: map %%%d -> %%%d (%s)\n",
vreg->id, dest->name);
pmap_put(&destregs, dest, phi->ir->result);
/* Add any non-phi inputs. */
for (k=0; k<bb->regsin->count; k++)
struct hreg* hreg = bb->regsin->item[k].left;
struct vreg* vreg = bb->regsin->item[k].right;
if (!pmap_findleft(&bb->phis, vreg))
pmap_add(&destregs, hreg, vreg);
/* The last instruction of a block should be the jump that sends us
* to the next block. Insert the moves before then. */
insert_moves(prevbb, prevbb->hops.count-1, prevbb->regsout, &destregs);
void pass_register_allocator(void)
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