1989-05-08 12:39:33 +00:00

155 lines
3.3 KiB

/* $Header$ */
* (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
* Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
* obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
* Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
* Wiskundig Seminarium
* Vrije Universiteit
* Postbox 7161
* 1007 MC Amsterdam
* The Netherlands
#include <em_abs.h>
#include <pc_err.h>
#include <pc_file.h>
#define MESLEN 30
#define PATHLEN 100
/* to make it easier to patch ... */
extern struct file *_curfil;
static struct errm {
int errno;
char *errmes;
} errors[] = {
{ EARRAY, "array bound error"},
{ ERANGE, "range bound error"},
{ ESET, "set bound error"},
{ EIOVFL, "integer overflow"},
{ EFOVFL, "real overflow"},
{ EFUNFL, "real underflow"},
{ EIDIVZ, "divide by 0"},
{ EFDIVZ, "divide by 0.0"},
{ EIUND, "undefined integer"},
{ EFUND, "undefined real"},
{ ECONV, "conversion error"},
{ ESTACK, "stack overflow"},
{ EHEAP, "heap overflow"},
{ EILLINS, "illegal instruction"},
{ EODDZ, "illegal size argument"},
{ ECASE, "case error"},
{ EMEMFLT, "addressing non existent memory"},
{ EBADPTR, "bad pointer used"},
{ EBADPC, "program counter out of range"},
{ EBADLAE, "bad argument of lae"},
{ EBADMON, "bad monitor call"},
{ EBADLIN, "argument if LIN too high"},
{ EBADGTO, "GTO descriptor error"},
{ EARGC, "more args expected" },
{ EEXP, "error in exp" },
{ ELOG, "error in ln" },
{ ESQT, "error in sqrt" },
{ EASS, "assertion failed" },
{ EPACK, "array bound error in pack" },
{ EUNPACK, "array bound error in unpack" },
{ EMOD, "only positive j in 'i mod j'" },
{ EBADF, "file not yet open" },
{ EFREE, "dispose error" },
{ EFUNASS, "function not assigned" },
{ EWIDTH, "illegal field width" },
{ EWRITEF, "not writable" },
{ EREADF, "not readable" },
{ EEOF, "end of file" },
{ EFTRUNC, "truncated" },
{ ERESET, "reset error" },
{ EREWR, "rewrite error" },
{ ECLOSE, "close error" },
{ EREAD, "read error" },
{ EWRITE, "write error" },
{ EDIGIT, "digit expected" },
{ EASCII, "non-ASCII char read" },
{ -1, 0}
extern int _pargc;
extern char **_pargv;
extern char **_penvp;
extern char *_hol0();
extern _trp();
extern exit();
extern int open();
extern int read();
extern int write();
_catch(erno) unsigned erno; {
register struct errm *ep = &errors[0];
char *p,*q,*s,**qq;
char buf[20];
unsigned i;
int j = erno;
char *pp[10];
char mes[MESLEN];
qq = pp;
if (p = FILN)
*qq++ = p;
*qq++ = _pargv[0];
while (ep->errno != erno && ep->errmes != 0) ep++;
p = &("xxxxx: "[5]);
if (i = LINO) {
*qq++ = ", ";
*--p = i % 10 + '0';
while (i /= 10);
*qq++ = p;
if ((erno & ~037) == 0140 && (_curfil->flags&0377)==MAGIC) {
/* file error */
*qq++ = "file ";
*qq++ = _curfil->fname;
*qq++ = ": ";
if (ep->errmes) *qq++ = ep->errmes;
else {
q = "error number xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
p = &q[13];
s = buf;
if (j < 0) {
j = -j;
*p++ = '-';
*s++ = j % 10 + '0';
while (j /= 10);
while (s > buf) *p++ = *--s;
*p = 0;
*qq++ = q;
*qq++ = "\n";
*qq = 0;
qq = pp;
while (q = *qq++) {
p = q;
while (*p)
if (write(2,q,p-q) < 0)