1987-01-28 18:57:04 +00:00

40 lines
582 B

.define .cms
.sect .text
.sect .rom
.sect .data
.sect .bss
.sect .text
! Any size compare
! Expects: size in de-registers
! operands on stack
! Yields in de-registers: 0 if operands are equal
! 1 if operands are not equal
pop h
shld .retadr
mov l,e
mov h,d
mov a,l
cc eoddz !trap is size is odd
dad sp !now hl points to second operand
!and sp points to the first.
1: dcx sp
pop psw !get next byte in accumulator
cmp m
inx h
dcx d
jnz 2f !jump if bytes are not equal
mov a,d
ora e
jnz 1b
jmp 3f
2: dad d
lxi d,1
3: sphl
lhld .retadr