331 lines
6 KiB
331 lines
6 KiB
The logging machine
/* $Id$ */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#if __STDC__
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <varargs.h>
#include "logging.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "linfil.h"
#ifdef LOGGING
extern long mess_id; /* from io.c */
extern FILE *fcreat_high(); /* from io.c */
/******** The Logging Machine Variables ********/
extern long atol();
long inr; /* current instruction number */
int must_log; /* set if logging may be required */
long log_start; /* first instruction to be logged */
int logging; /* set as soon as logging starts */
PRIVATE long stop; /* inr after which to stop */
PRIVATE long gdump; /* inr at which to dump GDA */
PRIVATE ptr gmin, gmax; /* GDA dump limits */
PRIVATE long hdump; /* inr at which to dump the heap */
PRIVATE long stdsize; /* optional size of stack dump */
PRIVATE int stdrawflag; /* set if unformatted stack dump */
PRIVATE char log_file[64] = "int.log"; /* Name of log file */
PRIVATE long at; /* patch to set log_start */
PRIVATE char *lmask; /* patch to set logmask */
PRIVATE char *logvar; /* Name of LOG variable */
PRIVATE int log_level[128]; /* Holds the log levels */
PRIVATE FILE *log_fp; /* Filepointer of log file */
/* arguments for the logging machine */
PRIVATE int argcount;
PRIVATE char *arglist[20]; /* arbitrary size */
PRIVATE char *getpar();
PRIVATE long longpar();
PRIVATE set_lmask();
int logarg(str)
char *str;
/* If the string might be an interesting argument for the
logging machine, it is stored in the arglist, and logarg
succeeds. Otherwise it fails.
The string is interesting if it contains a '='.
register char *arg = str;
register char ch;
while ((ch = *arg) && (ch != '=')) {
if (ch == '=') {
if (argcount == (sizeof arglist /sizeof arglist[0]))
fatal("too many logging arguments on command line");
arglist[argcount++] = str;
return 1;
return 0;
/* setting the logging machine */
stop = longpar("STOP", 0L);
gdump = longpar("GDA", 0L);
if (gdump) {
gmin = i2p(longpar("GMIN", 0L));
gmax = i2p(longpar("GMAX", 0L));
hdump = longpar("HEAP", 0L);
if (hdump) {
stdsize = longpar("STDSIZE", 0L);
stdrawflag = longpar("RAWSTACK", 0L);
if (getpar("LOGFILE")) {
strcpy(log_file, getpar("LOGFILE"));
if ((at = longpar("AT", 0L))) {
/* abbreviation for: */
stop = at + 1; /* stop AFTER at + 1 */
/* Note: the setting of log_start is deferred to
init_ofiles(1), for implementation reasons. The
AT-variable presently only works for the top
if ((lmask = getpar("L"))) {
/* abbreviation for: */
log_start = 0;
must_log = 1;
inr = 0;
/******** The log file ********/
int firsttime;
if (!firsttime) {
sprintf(logvar, "%s%ld", logvar, mess_id);
if (log_fp) {
log_fp = 0;
logging = 0;
if ((must_log = getpar(logvar) != 0)) {
sprintf(log_file, "%s%ld", log_file, mess_id);
log_start = atol(getpar(logvar));
else {
/* first time, top level */
logvar = "LOG\0 ";
if (at) { /* patch */
must_log = 1;
log_start = at - 1;
if (!must_log && (must_log = getpar(logvar) != 0)) {
log_start = atoi(getpar(logvar));
set_lmask(lmask ? lmask :
getpar("LOGMASK") ? getpar("LOGMASK") :
/* Create logfile if needed */
if (must_log) {
if ((log_fp = fcreat_high(log_file)) == NULL)
fatal("Cannot create logfile '%s'", log_file);
if (must_log && inr >= log_start) {
logging = 1;
close_log() {
if (log_fp) {
log_fp = 0;
/******** The logmask ********/
#define inrange(c,l,h) (l <= c && c <= h)
#define layout(c) (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == ',')
PRIVATE set_lmask(mask)
char *mask;
register char *mp = mask;
while (*mp != 0) {
register char *lvp;
register int lev;
while (layout(*mp)) {
/* find level */
lvp = mp;
while (*lvp != 0 && !inrange(*lvp, '0', '9')) {
lev = *lvp - '0';
/* find classes */
while (mp != lvp) {
register mc = *mp;
if ( inrange(mc, 'a', 'z')
|| inrange(mc, 'A', 'Z')
|| mc == '+'
|| mc == '*'
) {
log_level[mc] = lev;
else if (mc == '-') {
register char c;
for (c = *(mp-1) + 1; c <= *(mp + 1); c++) {
log_level[c] = lev;
mp += 2;
else if (layout(mc)) {
else fatal("Bad logmask initialization string");
mp = lvp + 1;
/******** The logging ********/
int check_log(mark)
char mark[];
/* mark must be of the form ".CL...", C is class letter,
L is level digit.
if (!logging)
return 0;
return ((mark[2] - '0') <= log_level[mark[1]]);
#if __STDC__
do_log(char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
va_list ap;
char *fmt = va_arg(ap, char *);
if (!check_log(fmt))
if (fmt[0] == '@') {
/* include position */
fprintf(log_fp, "%.4s%s, ", fmt, position());
vfprintf(log_fp, &fmt[4], ap);
else {
vfprintf(log_fp, &fmt[0], ap);
putc('\n', log_fp);
/* Logging to be done at end of instruction */
if (logging) {
if (inr == gdump)
gdad_all(gmin, gmax);
if (inr == hdump)
std_all(stdsize, stdrawflag);
if (inr == stop) {
message("program stopped on request");
/******** Service routines ********/
PRIVATE char *getpar(var)
char *var;
/* Looks up the name in the argument list.
register int count;
register int ln = strlen(var);
for (count = 0; count < argcount; count++) {
register char *arg = arglist[count];
if (strncmp(var, arg, ln) == 0 && arg[ln] == '=') {
return &arg[ln+1];
return 0;
PRIVATE long longpar(var, def)
char *var; /* name of the variable */
long def; /* default value */
register char *res = getpar(var);
return (res ? atol(res) : def);
#endif /* LOGGING */