find new registers when evicting values. Input constraints work (they were being ignored before). Various bug fixing so they actually work.
377 lines
7.8 KiB
377 lines
7.8 KiB
/* Registers are allocated top down; the order here is odd in order to make
* sure that non-volatile registers get allocated from r31 (or f31) down.
* Attributes ending in an exclamation mark must match exactly when copying
* a register into another register (e.g. for eviction).
r12 bytes4! int! volatile;
r11 bytes4! int! volatile;
r10 bytes4! int! volatile;
r9 bytes4! int! volatile;
r8 bytes4! int! volatile;
r7 bytes4! int! volatile;
r6 bytes4! int! volatile;
r5 bytes4! int! volatile;
r4 bytes4! int! volatile;
r3 bytes4! int! ret volatile;
r31 bytes4! int!;
r30 bytes4! int!;
r29 bytes4! int!;
r28 bytes4! int!;
r27 bytes4! int!;
r26 bytes4! int!;
r25 bytes4! int!;
r24 bytes4! int!;
r23 bytes4! int!;
r22 bytes4! int!;
r21 bytes4! int!;
r20 bytes4! int!;
r19 bytes4! int!;
r18 bytes4! int!;
r17 bytes4! int!;
r16 bytes4! int!;
r15 bytes4! int!;
r14 bytes4! int!;
f14 bytes4! float! volatile;
f13 bytes4! float! volatile;
f12 bytes4! float! volatile;
f11 bytes4! float! volatile;
f10 bytes4! float! volatile;
f9 bytes4! float! volatile;
f8 bytes4! float! volatile;
f7 bytes4! float! volatile;
f6 bytes4! float! volatile;
f5 bytes4! float! volatile;
f4 bytes4! float! volatile;
f3 bytes4! float! volatile;
f2 bytes4! float! volatile;
f1 bytes4! float! volatile;
f0 bytes4! float! volatile;
f31 bytes4! float!;
f30 bytes4! float!;
f29 bytes4! float!;
f28 bytes4! float!;
f27 bytes4! float!;
f26 bytes4! float!;
f25 bytes4! float!;
f24 bytes4! float!;
f23 bytes4! float!;
f22 bytes4! float!;
f21 bytes4! float!;
f20 bytes4! float!;
f19 bytes4! float!;
f18 bytes4! float!;
f17 bytes4! float!;
f16 bytes4! float!;
f15 bytes4! float!;
cr0 cr!;
address fragment;
/* Special */
/* Miscellaneous special things */
emit "stwu %in, -4(sp)"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = POP4
emit "lwz %out, 0(sp)"
emit "addi sp, sp, 4"
cost 8;
out:(float)reg = POPF4
emit "lfs %out, 0(sp)"
emit "addi sp, sp, 4"
cost 8;
emit "ret"
cost 4;
emit "! setret4"
cost 4;
(ret)reg = GETRET4
emit "! getret4"
cost 1;
when signed_constant(%delta, 16)
emit "addi sp, sp, $delta"
cost 4;
/* Memory operations */
STORE4(addr:address, value:(int)reg)
emit "stw %value, %addr"
cost 4;
STORE2(addr:address, value:(int)reg)
emit "sth %value, %addr"
cost 4;
STORE1(addr:address, value:(int)ubyte_to_be)
emit "stb %value, %addr"
cost 4;
STORE1(ADD4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg), value:(int)ubyte_to_be)
emit "stbx %value, %left, %right"
cost 4;
out:(int)ubyte_to_be = in:(int)reg
emit "! reg -> ubyte"
cost 1;
out:(int)ubyte_to_be = CIU41(value:(int)reg)
emit "! CIU41(reg) -> ubyte"
cost 1;
out:(int)ubyte_to_be = CIU41(CII14(CIU41(value:(int)reg)))
emit "! CIU41(CII14(CIU41(reg))) -> ubyte"
cost 1;
out:(int)reg = LOAD4(addr:address)
emit "lwz %out, %addr"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = LOAD2(addr:address)
emit "lhz %out, %addr"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = LOAD1(addr:address)
emit "lbz %out, %addr"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = CIU14(LOAD1(addr:address))
emit "lbz %out, %addr"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = CIU24(LOAD2(addr:address))
emit "lhz %out, %addr"
cost 4;
/* Locals */
out:(int)reg = in:LOCAL4
emit "addi %out, fp, #$in"
cost 4;
address = in:LOCAL4
emit "$in(fp)";
/* Memory addressing modes */
address = ADD4(addr:(int)reg, offset:CONST4)
when signed_constant(%offset, 16)
emit "$offset(%addr)";
address = addr:(int)reg
emit "0(%addr)";
/* Branches */
emit "b $addr"
cost 4;
CJUMPEQ(value:(cr)cr, PAIR(true:BLOCK4, false:BLOCK4))
emit "bc IFTRUE, EQ, $true"
emit "b $false"
cost 8;
CJUMPLE(value:(cr)cr, PAIR(true:BLOCK4, false:BLOCK4))
emit "bc IFTRUE, LE, $true"
emit "b $false"
cost 8;
CJUMPLT(value:(cr)cr, PAIR(true:BLOCK4, false:BLOCK4))
emit "bc IFTRUE, LT, $true"
emit "b $false"
cost 8;
emit "bl $dest"
cost 4;
emit "mtspr ctr, %dest"
emit "bcctrl ALWAYS, 0, 0"
cost 8;
emit "b $dest"
cost 4;
/* Comparisons */
cr:(cr)cr = COMPARES4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg)
emit "cmp %cr, 0, %left, %right"
cost 4;
cr:(cr)cr = COMPARES4(left:(int)reg, right:CONST4)
when signed_constant(%right, 16)
emit "cmpi %cr, 0, %left, $right"
cost 4;
cr:(cr)cr = COMPAREU4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg)
emit "cmpl %cr, 0, %left, %right"
cost 4;
cr:(cr)cr = COMPAREU4(left:(int)reg, right:CONST4)
when signed_constant(%right, 16)
emit "cmpli %cr, 0, %left, $right"
cost 4;
cr:(cr)cr = COMPARES4(COMPARES4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg), result:CONST4)
when specific_constant(%result, 0)
emit "cmp %cr, 0, %left, %right"
cost 4;
cr:(cr)cr = COMPARES4(COMPARES4(left:(int)reg, right:CONST4), result:CONST4)
when specific_constant(%result, 0)
when signed_constant(%right, 16)
emit "cmpi %cr, 0, %left, $right"
cost 4;
cr:(cr)cr = COMPARES4(COMPAREU4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg), result:CONST4)
when specific_constant(%result, 0)
emit "cmpl %cr, 0, %left, %right"
cost 4;
/* Conversions */
out:(int)reg = CII14(CIU41(value:(int)reg))
emit "extsb %out, %value"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = CII24(CIU42(value:(int)reg))
emit "extsh %out, %value"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = CIU41(in:(int)reg)
emit "andi %out, %in, 0xff"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = CIU42(in:(int)reg)
emit "andi %out, %in, 0xffff"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = CIU44(in:(int)reg)
emit "mr %out, %in ! ciu44"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = CUI44(in:(int)reg)
emit "mr %out, %in ! cui44"
cost 4;
/* ALU operations */
out:(int)reg = ADD4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg)
emit "add %out, %left, %right"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = ADD4(left:(int)reg, right:CONST4)
when signed_constant(%right, 16)
emit "addi %out, %left, $right"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = SUB4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg)
emit "subf %out, %left, %right"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = SUB4(left:(int)reg, right:CONST4)
emit "addi %out, %left, -($right)"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = MUL4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg)
emit "mullw %out, %right, %left"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = MOD4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg)
emit "divw %out, %left, %right"
emit "mullw %out, %out, %right"
emit "subf %out, %out, %left"
cost 12;
out:(int)reg = DIV4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg)
emit "divw %out, %left, %right"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = ASL4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg)
emit "slw %out, %left, %right"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = NEG4(left:(int)reg)
emit "neg %out, %left"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = EOR4(left:(int)reg, right:(int)reg)
emit "xor %out, %right, %left"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = value:LABEL4
emit "la %out, $value"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = value:BLOCK4
emit "la %out, $value"
cost 4;
out:(int)reg = value:CONST4
emit "li %out, $value"
cost 8;
/* FPU operations */
out:(float)reg = value:CONSTF4
emit "lfs %out, address-containing-$value"
cost 8;
out:(float)reg = ADDF4(left:(float)reg, right:(float)reg)
emit "fadds %out, %left, %right"
cost 4;
out:(float)reg = SUBF4(left:(float)reg, right:(float)reg)
emit "fsubs %out, %left, %right"
cost 4;
/* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab : */