/* * TCC - Tiny C Compiler * * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "tcc.h" /********************************************************/ /* global variables */ /* use GNU C extensions */ ST_DATA int gnu_ext = 1; /* use TinyCC extensions */ ST_DATA int tcc_ext = 1; /* XXX: get rid of this ASAP */ ST_DATA struct TCCState *tcc_state; /********************************************************/ #ifdef ONE_SOURCE #include "tccpp.c" #include "tccgen.c" #include "tccelf.c" #include "tccrun.c" #ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386 #include "i386-gen.c" #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_ARM #include "arm-gen.c" #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_ARM64 #include "arm64-gen.c" #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_C67 #include "c67-gen.c" #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64 #include "x86_64-gen.c" #endif #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_ASM #include "tccasm.c" #if defined TCC_TARGET_I386 || defined TCC_TARGET_X86_64 #include "i386-asm.c" #endif #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_COFF #include "tcccoff.c" #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE #include "tccpe.c" #endif #endif /* ONE_SOURCE */ /********************************************************/ #ifndef CONFIG_TCC_ASM ST_FUNC void asm_instr(void) { tcc_error("inline asm() not supported"); } ST_FUNC void asm_global_instr(void) { tcc_error("inline asm() not supported"); } #endif /********************************************************/ #ifdef _WIN32 static char *normalize_slashes(char *path) { char *p; for (p = path; *p; ++p) if (*p == '\\') *p = '/'; return path; } static HMODULE tcc_module; /* on win32, we suppose the lib and includes are at the location of 'tcc.exe' */ static void tcc_set_lib_path_w32(TCCState *s) { char path[1024], *p; GetModuleFileNameA(tcc_module, path, sizeof path); p = tcc_basename(normalize_slashes(strlwr(path))); if (p - 5 > path && 0 == strncmp(p - 5, "/bin/", 5)) p -= 5; else if (p > path) p--; *p = 0; tcc_set_lib_path(s, path); } #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE static void tcc_add_systemdir(TCCState *s) { char buf[1000]; GetSystemDirectory(buf, sizeof buf); tcc_add_library_path(s, normalize_slashes(buf)); } #endif #ifndef CONFIG_TCC_STATIC void dlclose(void *p) { FreeLibrary((HMODULE)p); } #endif #ifdef LIBTCC_AS_DLL BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved) { if (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH == dwReason) tcc_module = hDll; return TRUE; } #endif #endif /********************************************************/ /* copy a string and truncate it. */ PUB_FUNC char *pstrcpy(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *s) { char *q, *q_end; int c; if (buf_size > 0) { q = buf; q_end = buf + buf_size - 1; while (q < q_end) { c = *s++; if (c == '\0') break; *q++ = c; } *q = '\0'; } return buf; } /* strcat and truncate. */ PUB_FUNC char *pstrcat(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *s) { int len; len = strlen(buf); if (len < buf_size) pstrcpy(buf + len, buf_size - len, s); return buf; } PUB_FUNC char *pstrncpy(char *out, const char *in, size_t num) { memcpy(out, in, num); out[num] = '\0'; return out; } /* extract the basename of a file */ PUB_FUNC char *tcc_basename(const char *name) { char *p = strchr(name, 0); while (p > name && !IS_DIRSEP(p[-1])) --p; return p; } /* extract extension part of a file * * (if no extension, return pointer to end-of-string) */ PUB_FUNC char *tcc_fileextension (const char *name) { char *b = tcc_basename(name); char *e = strrchr(b, '.'); return e ? e : strchr(b, 0); } /********************************************************/ /* memory management */ #undef free #undef malloc #undef realloc #ifdef MEM_DEBUG ST_DATA int mem_cur_size; ST_DATA int mem_max_size; unsigned malloc_usable_size(void*); #endif PUB_FUNC void tcc_free(void *ptr) { #ifdef MEM_DEBUG mem_cur_size -= malloc_usable_size(ptr); #endif free(ptr); } PUB_FUNC void *tcc_malloc(unsigned long size) { void *ptr; ptr = malloc(size); if (!ptr && size) tcc_error("memory full (malloc)"); #ifdef MEM_DEBUG mem_cur_size += malloc_usable_size(ptr); if (mem_cur_size > mem_max_size) mem_max_size = mem_cur_size; #endif return ptr; } PUB_FUNC void *tcc_mallocz(unsigned long size) { void *ptr; ptr = tcc_malloc(size); memset(ptr, 0, size); return ptr; } PUB_FUNC void *tcc_realloc(void *ptr, unsigned long size) { void *ptr1; #ifdef MEM_DEBUG mem_cur_size -= malloc_usable_size(ptr); #endif ptr1 = realloc(ptr, size); if (!ptr1 && size) tcc_error("memory full (realloc)"); #ifdef MEM_DEBUG /* NOTE: count not correct if alloc error, but not critical */ mem_cur_size += malloc_usable_size(ptr1); if (mem_cur_size > mem_max_size) mem_max_size = mem_cur_size; #endif return ptr1; } PUB_FUNC char *tcc_strdup(const char *str) { char *ptr; ptr = tcc_malloc(strlen(str) + 1); strcpy(ptr, str); return ptr; } PUB_FUNC void tcc_memstats(void) { #ifdef MEM_DEBUG printf("memory: %d bytes, max = %d bytes\n", mem_cur_size, mem_max_size); #endif } #define free(p) use_tcc_free(p) #define malloc(s) use_tcc_malloc(s) #define realloc(p, s) use_tcc_realloc(p, s) /********************************************************/ /* dynarrays */ ST_FUNC void dynarray_add(void ***ptab, int *nb_ptr, void *data) { int nb, nb_alloc; void **pp; nb = *nb_ptr; pp = *ptab; /* every power of two we double array size */ if ((nb & (nb - 1)) == 0) { if (!nb) nb_alloc = 1; else nb_alloc = nb * 2; pp = tcc_realloc(pp, nb_alloc * sizeof(void *)); *ptab = pp; } pp[nb++] = data; *nb_ptr = nb; } ST_FUNC void dynarray_reset(void *pp, int *n) { void **p; for (p = *(void***)pp; *n; ++p, --*n) if (*p) tcc_free(*p); tcc_free(*(void**)pp); *(void**)pp = NULL; } static void tcc_split_path(TCCState *s, void ***p_ary, int *p_nb_ary, const char *in) { const char *p; do { int c; CString str; cstr_new(&str); for (p = in; c = *p, c != '\0' && c != PATHSEP; ++p) { if (c == '{' && p[1] && p[2] == '}') { c = p[1], p += 2; if (c == 'B') cstr_cat(&str, s->tcc_lib_path); } else { cstr_ccat(&str, c); } } cstr_ccat(&str, '\0'); dynarray_add(p_ary, p_nb_ary, str.data); in = p+1; } while (*p); } /********************************************************/ ST_FUNC Section *new_section(TCCState *s1, const char *name, int sh_type, int sh_flags) { Section *sec; sec = tcc_mallocz(sizeof(Section) + strlen(name)); strcpy(sec->name, name); sec->sh_type = sh_type; sec->sh_flags = sh_flags; switch(sh_type) { case SHT_HASH: case SHT_REL: case SHT_RELA: case SHT_DYNSYM: case SHT_SYMTAB: case SHT_DYNAMIC: sec->sh_addralign = 4; break; case SHT_STRTAB: sec->sh_addralign = 1; break; default: sec->sh_addralign = 32; /* default conservative alignment */ break; } if (sh_flags & SHF_PRIVATE) { dynarray_add((void ***)&s1->priv_sections, &s1->nb_priv_sections, sec); } else { sec->sh_num = s1->nb_sections; dynarray_add((void ***)&s1->sections, &s1->nb_sections, sec); } return sec; } static void free_section(Section *s) { tcc_free(s->data); } /* realloc section and set its content to zero */ ST_FUNC void section_realloc(Section *sec, unsigned long new_size) { unsigned long size; unsigned char *data; size = sec->data_allocated; if (size == 0) size = 1; while (size < new_size) size = size * 2; data = tcc_realloc(sec->data, size); memset(data + sec->data_allocated, 0, size - sec->data_allocated); sec->data = data; sec->data_allocated = size; } /* reserve at least 'size' bytes in section 'sec' from sec->data_offset. */ ST_FUNC void *section_ptr_add(Section *sec, unsigned long size) { unsigned long offset, offset1; offset = sec->data_offset; offset1 = offset + size; if (offset1 > sec->data_allocated) section_realloc(sec, offset1); sec->data_offset = offset1; return sec->data + offset; } /* reserve at least 'size' bytes from section start */ ST_FUNC void section_reserve(Section *sec, unsigned long size) { if (size > sec->data_allocated) section_realloc(sec, size); if (size > sec->data_offset) sec->data_offset = size; } /* return a reference to a section, and create it if it does not exists */ ST_FUNC Section *find_section(TCCState *s1, const char *name) { Section *sec; int i; for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) { sec = s1->sections[i]; if (!strcmp(name, sec->name)) return sec; } /* sections are created as PROGBITS */ return new_section(s1, name, SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC); } /* update sym->c so that it points to an external symbol in section 'section' with value 'value' */ ST_FUNC void put_extern_sym2(Sym *sym, Section *section, addr_t value, unsigned long size, int can_add_underscore) { int sym_type, sym_bind, sh_num, info, other; ElfW(Sym) *esym; const char *name; char buf1[256]; if (section == NULL) sh_num = SHN_UNDEF; else if (section == SECTION_ABS) sh_num = SHN_ABS; else sh_num = section->sh_num; if ((sym->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FUNC) { sym_type = STT_FUNC; } else if ((sym->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_VOID) { sym_type = STT_NOTYPE; } else { sym_type = STT_OBJECT; } if (sym->type.t & VT_STATIC) sym_bind = STB_LOCAL; else { if (sym->type.t & VT_WEAK) sym_bind = STB_WEAK; else sym_bind = STB_GLOBAL; } if (!sym->c) { name = get_tok_str(sym->v, NULL); #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_BCHECK char buf[32]; if (tcc_state->do_bounds_check) { /* XXX: avoid doing that for statics ? */ /* if bound checking is activated, we change some function names by adding the "__bound" prefix */ switch(sym->v) { #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE /* XXX: we rely only on malloc hooks */ case TOK_malloc: case TOK_free: case TOK_realloc: case TOK_memalign: case TOK_calloc: #endif case TOK_memcpy: case TOK_memmove: case TOK_memset: case TOK_strlen: case TOK_strcpy: case TOK_alloca: strcpy(buf, "__bound_"); strcat(buf, name); name = buf; break; } } #endif other = 0; #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE if (sym->type.t & VT_EXPORT) other |= ST_PE_EXPORT; if (sym_type == STT_FUNC && sym->type.ref) { Sym *ref = sym->type.ref; if (ref->a.func_export) other |= ST_PE_EXPORT; if (ref->a.func_call == FUNC_STDCALL && can_add_underscore) { sprintf(buf1, "_%s@%d", name, ref->a.func_args * PTR_SIZE); name = buf1; other |= ST_PE_STDCALL; can_add_underscore = 0; } } else { if (find_elf_sym(tcc_state->dynsymtab_section, name)) other |= ST_PE_IMPORT; if (sym->type.t & VT_IMPORT) other |= ST_PE_IMPORT; } #else if (! (sym->type.t & VT_STATIC)) other = (sym->type.t & VT_VIS_MASK) >> VT_VIS_SHIFT; #endif if (tcc_state->leading_underscore && can_add_underscore) { buf1[0] = '_'; pstrcpy(buf1 + 1, sizeof(buf1) - 1, name); name = buf1; } if (sym->asm_label) { name = sym->asm_label; } info = ELFW(ST_INFO)(sym_bind, sym_type); sym->c = add_elf_sym(symtab_section, value, size, info, other, sh_num, name); } else { esym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data)[sym->c]; esym->st_value = value; esym->st_size = size; esym->st_shndx = sh_num; } } ST_FUNC void put_extern_sym(Sym *sym, Section *section, addr_t value, unsigned long size) { put_extern_sym2(sym, section, value, size, 1); } /* add a new relocation entry to symbol 'sym' in section 's' */ ST_FUNC void greloca(Section *s, Sym *sym, unsigned long offset, int type, unsigned long addend) { int c = 0; if (sym) { if (0 == sym->c) put_extern_sym(sym, NULL, 0, 0); c = sym->c; } /* now we can add ELF relocation info */ put_elf_reloca(symtab_section, s, offset, type, c, addend); } ST_FUNC void greloc(Section *s, Sym *sym, unsigned long offset, int type) { greloca(s, sym, offset, type, 0); } /********************************************************/ static void strcat_vprintf(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { int len; len = strlen(buf); vsnprintf(buf + len, buf_size - len, fmt, ap); } static void strcat_printf(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); strcat_vprintf(buf, buf_size, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } static void error1(TCCState *s1, int is_warning, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char buf[2048]; BufferedFile **pf, *f; buf[0] = '\0'; /* use upper file if inline ":asm:" or token ":paste:" */ for (f = file; f && f->filename[0] == ':'; f = f->prev) ; if (f) { for(pf = s1->include_stack; pf < s1->include_stack_ptr; pf++) strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf), "In file included from %s:%d:\n", (*pf)->filename, (*pf)->line_num); if (f->line_num > 0) { strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%d: ", f->filename, f->line_num); } else { strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: ", f->filename); } } else { strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf), "tcc: "); } if (is_warning) strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf), "warning: "); else strcat_printf(buf, sizeof(buf), "error: "); strcat_vprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap); if (!s1->error_func) { /* default case: stderr */ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf); } else { s1->error_func(s1->error_opaque, buf); } if (!is_warning || s1->warn_error) s1->nb_errors++; } LIBTCCAPI void tcc_set_error_func(TCCState *s, void *error_opaque, void (*error_func)(void *opaque, const char *msg)) { s->error_opaque = error_opaque; s->error_func = error_func; } /* error without aborting current compilation */ PUB_FUNC void tcc_error_noabort(const char *fmt, ...) { TCCState *s1 = tcc_state; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); error1(s1, 0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } PUB_FUNC void tcc_error(const char *fmt, ...) { TCCState *s1 = tcc_state; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); error1(s1, 0, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); /* better than nothing: in some cases, we accept to handle errors */ if (s1->error_set_jmp_enabled) { longjmp(s1->error_jmp_buf, 1); } else { /* XXX: eliminate this someday */ exit(1); } } PUB_FUNC void tcc_warning(const char *fmt, ...) { TCCState *s1 = tcc_state; va_list ap; if (s1->warn_none) return; va_start(ap, fmt); error1(s1, 1, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } /********************************************************/ /* I/O layer */ ST_FUNC void tcc_open_bf(TCCState *s1, const char *filename, int initlen) { BufferedFile *bf; int buflen = initlen ? initlen : IO_BUF_SIZE; bf = tcc_malloc(sizeof(BufferedFile) + buflen); bf->buf_ptr = bf->buffer; bf->buf_end = bf->buffer + initlen; bf->buf_end[0] = CH_EOB; /* put eob symbol */ pstrcpy(bf->filename, sizeof(bf->filename), filename); #ifdef _WIN32 normalize_slashes(bf->filename); #endif bf->line_num = 1; bf->ifndef_macro = 0; bf->ifdef_stack_ptr = s1->ifdef_stack_ptr; bf->fd = -1; bf->prev = file; file = bf; } ST_FUNC void tcc_close(void) { BufferedFile *bf = file; if (bf->fd > 0) { close(bf->fd); total_lines += bf->line_num; } file = bf->prev; tcc_free(bf); } ST_FUNC int tcc_open(TCCState *s1, const char *filename) { int fd; if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) fd = 0, filename = "stdin"; else fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY); if ((s1->verbose == 2 && fd >= 0) || s1->verbose == 3) printf("%s %*s%s\n", fd < 0 ? "nf":"->", (int)(s1->include_stack_ptr - s1->include_stack), "", filename); if (fd < 0) return -1; tcc_open_bf(s1, filename, 0); file->fd = fd; return fd; } /* compile the C file opened in 'file'. Return non zero if errors. */ static int tcc_compile(TCCState *s1) { Sym *define_start; SValue *pvtop; char buf[512]; volatile int section_sym; #ifdef INC_DEBUG printf("%s: **** new file\n", file->filename); #endif preprocess_init(s1); cur_text_section = NULL; funcname = ""; anon_sym = SYM_FIRST_ANOM; /* file info: full path + filename */ section_sym = 0; /* avoid warning */ if (s1->do_debug) { section_sym = put_elf_sym(symtab_section, 0, 0, ELFW(ST_INFO)(STB_LOCAL, STT_SECTION), 0, text_section->sh_num, NULL); getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)); #ifdef _WIN32 normalize_slashes(buf); #endif pstrcat(buf, sizeof(buf), "/"); put_stabs_r(buf, N_SO, 0, 0, text_section->data_offset, text_section, section_sym); put_stabs_r(file->filename, N_SO, 0, 0, text_section->data_offset, text_section, section_sym); } /* an elf symbol of type STT_FILE must be put so that STB_LOCAL symbols can be safely used */ put_elf_sym(symtab_section, 0, 0, ELFW(ST_INFO)(STB_LOCAL, STT_FILE), 0, SHN_ABS, file->filename); /* define some often used types */ int_type.t = VT_INT; char_pointer_type.t = VT_BYTE; mk_pointer(&char_pointer_type); #if PTR_SIZE == 4 size_type.t = VT_INT; #else size_type.t = VT_LLONG; #endif func_old_type.t = VT_FUNC; func_old_type.ref = sym_push(SYM_FIELD, &int_type, FUNC_CDECL, FUNC_OLD); #ifdef TCC_TARGET_ARM arm_init(s1); #endif #if 0 /* define 'void *alloca(unsigned int)' builtin function */ { Sym *s1; p = anon_sym++; sym = sym_push(p, mk_pointer(VT_VOID), FUNC_CDECL, FUNC_NEW); s1 = sym_push(SYM_FIELD, VT_UNSIGNED | VT_INT, 0, 0); s1->next = NULL; sym->next = s1; sym_push(TOK_alloca, VT_FUNC | (p << VT_STRUCT_SHIFT), VT_CONST, 0); } #endif define_start = define_stack; if (setjmp(s1->error_jmp_buf) == 0) { s1->nb_errors = 0; s1->error_set_jmp_enabled = 1; ch = file->buf_ptr[0]; tok_flags = TOK_FLAG_BOL | TOK_FLAG_BOF; parse_flags = PARSE_FLAG_PREPROCESS | PARSE_FLAG_TOK_NUM; pvtop = vtop; next(); decl(VT_CONST); if (tok != TOK_EOF) expect("declaration"); if (pvtop != vtop) tcc_warning("internal compiler error: vstack leak? (%d)", vtop - pvtop); /* end of translation unit info */ if (s1->do_debug) { put_stabs_r(NULL, N_SO, 0, 0, text_section->data_offset, text_section, section_sym); } } s1->error_set_jmp_enabled = 0; /* reset define stack, but leave -Dsymbols (may be incorrect if they are undefined) */ free_defines(define_start); gen_inline_functions(); sym_pop(&global_stack, NULL); sym_pop(&local_stack, NULL); return s1->nb_errors != 0 ? -1 : 0; } LIBTCCAPI int tcc_compile_string(TCCState *s, const char *str) { int len, ret; len = strlen(str); tcc_open_bf(s, "", len); memcpy(file->buffer, str, len); ret = tcc_compile(s); tcc_close(); return ret; } /* define a preprocessor symbol. A value can also be provided with the '=' operator */ LIBTCCAPI void tcc_define_symbol(TCCState *s1, const char *sym, const char *value) { int len1, len2; /* default value */ if (!value) value = "1"; len1 = strlen(sym); len2 = strlen(value); /* init file structure */ tcc_open_bf(s1, "", len1 + len2 + 1); memcpy(file->buffer, sym, len1); file->buffer[len1] = ' '; memcpy(file->buffer + len1 + 1, value, len2); /* parse with define parser */ ch = file->buf_ptr[0]; next_nomacro(); parse_define(); tcc_close(); } /* undefine a preprocessor symbol */ LIBTCCAPI void tcc_undefine_symbol(TCCState *s1, const char *sym) { TokenSym *ts; Sym *s; ts = tok_alloc(sym, strlen(sym)); s = define_find(ts->tok); /* undefine symbol by putting an invalid name */ if (s) define_undef(s); } /* cleanup all static data used during compilation */ static void tcc_cleanup(void) { int i, n; if (NULL == tcc_state) return; tcc_state = NULL; /* free -D defines */ free_defines(NULL); /* free tokens */ n = tok_ident - TOK_IDENT; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) tcc_free(table_ident[i]); tcc_free(table_ident); /* free sym_pools */ dynarray_reset(&sym_pools, &nb_sym_pools); /* string buffer */ cstr_free(&tokcstr); /* reset symbol stack */ sym_free_first = NULL; /* cleanup from error/setjmp */ macro_ptr = NULL; } LIBTCCAPI TCCState *tcc_new(void) { TCCState *s; char buffer[100]; int a,b,c; tcc_cleanup(); s = tcc_mallocz(sizeof(TCCState)); if (!s) return NULL; tcc_state = s; #ifdef _WIN32 tcc_set_lib_path_w32(s); #else tcc_set_lib_path(s, CONFIG_TCCDIR); #endif s->output_type = 0; preprocess_new(); s->include_stack_ptr = s->include_stack; /* we add dummy defines for some special macros to speed up tests and to have working defined() */ define_push(TOK___LINE__, MACRO_OBJ, NULL, NULL); define_push(TOK___FILE__, MACRO_OBJ, NULL, NULL); define_push(TOK___DATE__, MACRO_OBJ, NULL, NULL); define_push(TOK___TIME__, MACRO_OBJ, NULL, NULL); /* define __TINYC__ 92X */ sscanf(TCC_VERSION, "%d.%d.%d", &a, &b, &c); sprintf(buffer, "%d", a*10000 + b*100 + c); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__TINYC__", buffer); /* standard defines */ tcc_define_symbol(s, "__STDC__", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__STDC_VERSION__", "199901L"); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__STDC_HOSTED__", NULL); /* target defines */ #if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386) tcc_define_symbol(s, "__i386__", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__i386", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "i386", NULL); #elif defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64) tcc_define_symbol(s, "__x86_64__", NULL); #elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) tcc_define_symbol(s, "__ARM_ARCH_4__", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm_elf__", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm_elf", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "arm_elf", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm__", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "arm", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__APCS_32__", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__ARMEL__", NULL); #if defined(TCC_ARM_EABI) tcc_define_symbol(s, "__ARM_EABI__", NULL); #endif #if defined(TCC_ARM_HARDFLOAT) s->float_abi = ARM_HARD_FLOAT; tcc_define_symbol(s, "__ARM_PCS_VFP", NULL); #else s->float_abi = ARM_SOFTFP_FLOAT; #endif #elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM64) tcc_define_symbol(s, "__aarch64__", NULL); #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE tcc_define_symbol(s, "_WIN32", NULL); # ifdef TCC_TARGET_X86_64 tcc_define_symbol(s, "_WIN64", NULL); # endif #else tcc_define_symbol(s, "__unix__", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__unix", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "unix", NULL); # if defined(__linux) tcc_define_symbol(s, "__linux__", NULL); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__linux", NULL); # endif # if defined(__FreeBSD__) # define str(s) #s tcc_define_symbol(s, "__FreeBSD__", str( __FreeBSD__)); # undef str # endif # if defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) tcc_define_symbol(s, "__FreeBSD_kernel__", NULL); # endif #endif /* TinyCC & gcc defines */ #if defined TCC_TARGET_PE && defined TCC_TARGET_X86_64 tcc_define_symbol(s, "__SIZE_TYPE__", "unsigned long long"); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__PTRDIFF_TYPE__", "long long"); #else tcc_define_symbol(s, "__SIZE_TYPE__", "unsigned long"); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__PTRDIFF_TYPE__", "long"); #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE tcc_define_symbol(s, "__WCHAR_TYPE__", "unsigned short"); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__WINT_TYPE__", "unsigned short"); #else tcc_define_symbol(s, "__WCHAR_TYPE__", "int"); /* wint_t is unsigned int by default, but (signed) int on BSDs and unsigned short on windows. Other OSes might have still other conventions, sigh. */ #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD_kernel__) tcc_define_symbol(s, "__WINT_TYPE__", "int"); #else tcc_define_symbol(s, "__WINT_TYPE__", "unsigned int"); #endif #endif #ifndef TCC_TARGET_PE /* glibc defines */ tcc_define_symbol(s, "__REDIRECT(name, proto, alias)", "name proto __asm__ (#alias)"); tcc_define_symbol(s, "__REDIRECT_NTH(name, proto, alias)", "name proto __asm__ (#alias) __THROW"); /* paths for crt objects */ tcc_split_path(s, (void ***)&s->crt_paths, &s->nb_crt_paths, CONFIG_TCC_CRTPREFIX); #endif /* no section zero */ dynarray_add((void ***)&s->sections, &s->nb_sections, NULL); /* create standard sections */ text_section = new_section(s, ".text", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC | SHF_EXECINSTR); data_section = new_section(s, ".data", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE); bss_section = new_section(s, ".bss", SHT_NOBITS, SHF_ALLOC | SHF_WRITE); /* symbols are always generated for linking stage */ symtab_section = new_symtab(s, ".symtab", SHT_SYMTAB, 0, ".strtab", ".hashtab", SHF_PRIVATE); strtab_section = symtab_section->link; s->symtab = symtab_section; /* private symbol table for dynamic symbols */ s->dynsymtab_section = new_symtab(s, ".dynsymtab", SHT_SYMTAB, SHF_PRIVATE, ".dynstrtab", ".dynhashtab", SHF_PRIVATE); s->alacarte_link = 1; s->nocommon = 1; #ifdef CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED s->char_is_unsigned = 1; #endif /* enable this if you want symbols with leading underscore on windows: */ #if 0 /* def TCC_TARGET_PE */ s->leading_underscore = 1; #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386 s->seg_size = 32; #endif #ifdef TCC_IS_NATIVE s->runtime_main = "main"; #endif return s; } LIBTCCAPI void tcc_delete(TCCState *s1) { int i; tcc_cleanup(); /* free all sections */ for(i = 1; i < s1->nb_sections; i++) free_section(s1->sections[i]); dynarray_reset(&s1->sections, &s1->nb_sections); for(i = 0; i < s1->nb_priv_sections; i++) free_section(s1->priv_sections[i]); dynarray_reset(&s1->priv_sections, &s1->nb_priv_sections); /* free any loaded DLLs */ #ifdef TCC_IS_NATIVE for ( i = 0; i < s1->nb_loaded_dlls; i++) { DLLReference *ref = s1->loaded_dlls[i]; if ( ref->handle ) dlclose(ref->handle); } #endif /* free loaded dlls array */ dynarray_reset(&s1->loaded_dlls, &s1->nb_loaded_dlls); /* free library paths */ dynarray_reset(&s1->library_paths, &s1->nb_library_paths); dynarray_reset(&s1->crt_paths, &s1->nb_crt_paths); /* free include paths */ dynarray_reset(&s1->cached_includes, &s1->nb_cached_includes); dynarray_reset(&s1->include_paths, &s1->nb_include_paths); dynarray_reset(&s1->sysinclude_paths, &s1->nb_sysinclude_paths); tcc_free(s1->tcc_lib_path); tcc_free(s1->soname); tcc_free(s1->rpath); tcc_free(s1->init_symbol); tcc_free(s1->fini_symbol); tcc_free(s1->outfile); tcc_free(s1->deps_outfile); dynarray_reset(&s1->files, &s1->nb_files); dynarray_reset(&s1->target_deps, &s1->nb_target_deps); #ifdef TCC_IS_NATIVE # ifdef HAVE_SELINUX munmap (s1->write_mem, s1->mem_size); munmap (s1->runtime_mem, s1->mem_size); # else tcc_free(s1->runtime_mem); # endif #endif if(s1->sym_attrs) tcc_free(s1->sym_attrs); tcc_free(s1); } LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_include_path(TCCState *s, const char *pathname) { tcc_split_path(s, (void ***)&s->include_paths, &s->nb_include_paths, pathname); return 0; } LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_sysinclude_path(TCCState *s, const char *pathname) { tcc_split_path(s, (void ***)&s->sysinclude_paths, &s->nb_sysinclude_paths, pathname); return 0; } ST_FUNC int tcc_add_file_internal(TCCState *s1, const char *filename, int flags) { const char *ext; ElfW(Ehdr) ehdr; int fd, ret, size; /* find source file type with extension */ ext = tcc_fileextension(filename); if (ext[0]) ext++; #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_ASM /* if .S file, define __ASSEMBLER__ like gcc does */ if (!strcmp(ext, "S")) tcc_define_symbol(s1, "__ASSEMBLER__", NULL); #endif /* open the file */ ret = tcc_open(s1, filename); if (ret < 0) { if (flags & AFF_PRINT_ERROR) tcc_error_noabort("file '%s' not found", filename); return ret; } /* update target deps */ dynarray_add((void ***)&s1->target_deps, &s1->nb_target_deps, tcc_strdup(filename)); if (flags & AFF_PREPROCESS) { ret = tcc_preprocess(s1); goto the_end; } if (!ext[0] || !PATHCMP(ext, "c") || !PATHCMP(ext, "i")) { /* C file assumed */ ret = tcc_compile(s1); goto the_end; } #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_ASM if (!strcmp(ext, "S")) { /* preprocessed assembler */ ret = tcc_assemble(s1, 1); goto the_end; } if (!strcmp(ext, "s")) { /* non preprocessed assembler */ ret = tcc_assemble(s1, 0); goto the_end; } #endif fd = file->fd; /* assume executable format: auto guess file type */ size = read(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); if (size <= 0) { tcc_error_noabort("could not read header"); goto the_end; } if (size == sizeof(ehdr) && ehdr.e_ident[0] == ELFMAG0 && ehdr.e_ident[1] == ELFMAG1 && ehdr.e_ident[2] == ELFMAG2 && ehdr.e_ident[3] == ELFMAG3) { /* do not display line number if error */ file->line_num = 0; if (ehdr.e_type == ET_REL) { ret = tcc_load_object_file(s1, fd, 0); goto the_end; } #ifndef TCC_TARGET_PE if (ehdr.e_type == ET_DYN) { if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY) { #ifdef TCC_IS_NATIVE void *h; h = dlopen(filename, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY); if (h) #endif ret = 0; } else { ret = tcc_load_dll(s1, fd, filename, (flags & AFF_REFERENCED_DLL) != 0); } goto the_end; } #endif tcc_error_noabort("unrecognized ELF file"); goto the_end; } if (memcmp((char *)&ehdr, ARMAG, 8) == 0) { file->line_num = 0; /* do not display line number if error */ ret = tcc_load_archive(s1, fd); goto the_end; } #ifdef TCC_TARGET_COFF if (*(uint16_t *)(&ehdr) == COFF_C67_MAGIC) { ret = tcc_load_coff(s1, fd); goto the_end; } #endif #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE ret = pe_load_file(s1, filename, fd); #else /* as GNU ld, consider it is an ld script if not recognized */ ret = tcc_load_ldscript(s1); #endif if (ret < 0) tcc_error_noabort("unrecognized file type"); the_end: tcc_close(); return ret; } LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_file(TCCState *s, const char *filename) { if (s->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_PREPROCESS) return tcc_add_file_internal(s, filename, AFF_PRINT_ERROR | AFF_PREPROCESS); else return tcc_add_file_internal(s, filename, AFF_PRINT_ERROR); } LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_library_path(TCCState *s, const char *pathname) { tcc_split_path(s, (void ***)&s->library_paths, &s->nb_library_paths, pathname); return 0; } static int tcc_add_library_internal(TCCState *s, const char *fmt, const char *filename, int flags, char **paths, int nb_paths) { char buf[1024]; int i; for(i = 0; i < nb_paths; i++) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, paths[i], filename); if (tcc_add_file_internal(s, buf, flags) == 0) return 0; } return -1; } /* find and load a dll. Return non zero if not found */ /* XXX: add '-rpath' option support ? */ ST_FUNC int tcc_add_dll(TCCState *s, const char *filename, int flags) { return tcc_add_library_internal(s, "%s/%s", filename, flags, s->library_paths, s->nb_library_paths); } ST_FUNC int tcc_add_crt(TCCState *s, const char *filename) { if (-1 == tcc_add_library_internal(s, "%s/%s", filename, 0, s->crt_paths, s->nb_crt_paths)) tcc_error_noabort("file '%s' not found", filename); return 0; } /* the library name is the same as the argument of the '-l' option */ LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_library(TCCState *s, const char *libraryname) { #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE const char *libs[] = { "%s/%s.def", "%s/lib%s.def", "%s/%s.dll", "%s/lib%s.dll", "%s/lib%s.a", NULL }; const char **pp = s->static_link ? libs + 4 : libs; #else const char *libs[] = { "%s/lib%s.so", "%s/lib%s.a", NULL }; const char **pp = s->static_link ? libs + 1 : libs; #endif while (*pp) { if (0 == tcc_add_library_internal(s, *pp, libraryname, 0, s->library_paths, s->nb_library_paths)) return 0; ++pp; } return -1; } LIBTCCAPI int tcc_add_symbol(TCCState *s, const char *name, const void *val) { #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE /* On x86_64 'val' might not be reachable with a 32bit offset. So it is handled here as if it were in a DLL. */ pe_putimport(s, 0, name, (uintptr_t)val); #else add_elf_sym(symtab_section, (uintptr_t)val, 0, ELFW(ST_INFO)(STB_GLOBAL, STT_NOTYPE), 0, SHN_ABS, name); #endif return 0; } LIBTCCAPI int tcc_set_output_type(TCCState *s, int output_type) { s->output_type = output_type; if (!s->nostdinc) { /* default include paths */ /* -isystem paths have already been handled */ tcc_add_sysinclude_path(s, CONFIG_TCC_SYSINCLUDEPATHS); } /* if bound checking, then add corresponding sections */ #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_BCHECK if (s->do_bounds_check) { /* define symbol */ tcc_define_symbol(s, "__BOUNDS_CHECKING_ON", NULL); /* create bounds sections */ bounds_section = new_section(s, ".bounds", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC); lbounds_section = new_section(s, ".lbounds", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC); } #endif if (s->char_is_unsigned) { tcc_define_symbol(s, "__CHAR_UNSIGNED__", NULL); } /* add debug sections */ if (s->do_debug) { /* stab symbols */ stab_section = new_section(s, ".stab", SHT_PROGBITS, 0); stab_section->sh_entsize = sizeof(Stab_Sym); stabstr_section = new_section(s, ".stabstr", SHT_STRTAB, 0); put_elf_str(stabstr_section, ""); stab_section->link = stabstr_section; /* put first entry */ put_stabs("", 0, 0, 0, 0); } tcc_add_library_path(s, CONFIG_TCC_LIBPATHS); #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE # ifdef _WIN32 tcc_add_systemdir(s); # endif #else /* add libc crt1/crti objects */ if ((output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE || output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) && !s->nostdlib) { if (output_type != TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) tcc_add_crt(s, "crt1.o"); tcc_add_crt(s, "crti.o"); } #endif return 0; } LIBTCCAPI void tcc_set_lib_path(TCCState *s, const char *path) { tcc_free(s->tcc_lib_path); s->tcc_lib_path = tcc_strdup(path); } #define WD_ALL 0x0001 /* warning is activated when using -Wall */ #define FD_INVERT 0x0002 /* invert value before storing */ typedef struct FlagDef { uint16_t offset; uint16_t flags; const char *name; } FlagDef; static const FlagDef warning_defs[] = { { offsetof(TCCState, warn_unsupported), 0, "unsupported" }, { offsetof(TCCState, warn_write_strings), 0, "write-strings" }, { offsetof(TCCState, warn_error), 0, "error" }, { offsetof(TCCState, warn_implicit_function_declaration), WD_ALL, "implicit-function-declaration" }, }; ST_FUNC int set_flag(TCCState *s, const FlagDef *flags, int nb_flags, const char *name, int value) { int i; const FlagDef *p; const char *r; r = name; if (r[0] == 'n' && r[1] == 'o' && r[2] == '-') { r += 3; value = !value; } for(i = 0, p = flags; i < nb_flags; i++, p++) { if (!strcmp(r, p->name)) goto found; } return -1; found: if (p->flags & FD_INVERT) value = !value; *(int *)((uint8_t *)s + p->offset) = value; return 0; } /* set/reset a warning */ static int tcc_set_warning(TCCState *s, const char *warning_name, int value) { int i; const FlagDef *p; if (!strcmp(warning_name, "all")) { for(i = 0, p = warning_defs; i < countof(warning_defs); i++, p++) { if (p->flags & WD_ALL) *(int *)((uint8_t *)s + p->offset) = 1; } return 0; } else { return set_flag(s, warning_defs, countof(warning_defs), warning_name, value); } } static const FlagDef flag_defs[] = { { offsetof(TCCState, char_is_unsigned), 0, "unsigned-char" }, { offsetof(TCCState, char_is_unsigned), FD_INVERT, "signed-char" }, { offsetof(TCCState, nocommon), FD_INVERT, "common" }, { offsetof(TCCState, leading_underscore), 0, "leading-underscore" }, }; /* set/reset a flag */ static int tcc_set_flag(TCCState *s, const char *flag_name, int value) { return set_flag(s, flag_defs, countof(flag_defs), flag_name, value); } static int strstart(const char *val, const char **str) { const char *p, *q; p = *str; q = val; while (*q) { if (*p != *q) return 0; p++; q++; } *str = p; return 1; } /* Like strstart, but automatically takes into account that ld options can * * - start with double or single dash (e.g. '--soname' or '-soname') * - arguments can be given as separate or after '=' (e.g. '-Wl,-soname,x.so' * or '-Wl,-soname=x.so') * * you provide `val` always in 'option[=]' form (no leading -) */ static int link_option(const char *str, const char *val, const char **ptr) { const char *p, *q; /* there should be 1 or 2 dashes */ if (*str++ != '-') return 0; if (*str == '-') str++; /* then str & val should match (potentialy up to '=') */ p = str; q = val; while (*q != '\0' && *q != '=') { if (*p != *q) return 0; p++; q++; } /* '=' near eos means ',' or '=' is ok */ if (*q == '=') { if (*p != ',' && *p != '=') return 0; p++; q++; } if (ptr) *ptr = p; return 1; } static const char *skip_linker_arg(const char **str) { const char *s1 = *str; const char *s2 = strchr(s1, ','); *str = s2 ? s2++ : (s2 = s1 + strlen(s1)); return s2; } static char *copy_linker_arg(const char *p) { const char *q = p; skip_linker_arg(&q); return pstrncpy(tcc_malloc(q - p + 1), p, q - p); } /* set linker options */ static int tcc_set_linker(TCCState *s, const char *option) { while (option && *option) { const char *p = option; char *end = NULL; int ignoring = 0; if (link_option(option, "Bsymbolic", &p)) { s->symbolic = 1; } else if (link_option(option, "nostdlib", &p)) { s->nostdlib = 1; } else if (link_option(option, "fini=", &p)) { s->fini_symbol = copy_linker_arg(p); ignoring = 1; } else if (link_option(option, "image-base=", &p) || link_option(option, "Ttext=", &p)) { s->text_addr = strtoull(p, &end, 16); s->has_text_addr = 1; } else if (link_option(option, "init=", &p)) { s->init_symbol = copy_linker_arg(p); ignoring = 1; } else if (link_option(option, "oformat=", &p)) { #if defined(TCC_TARGET_PE) if (strstart("pe-", &p)) { #elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM64) || defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64) if (strstart("elf64-", &p)) { #else if (strstart("elf32-", &p)) { #endif s->output_format = TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_ELF; } else if (!strcmp(p, "binary")) { s->output_format = TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_BINARY; #ifdef TCC_TARGET_COFF } else if (!strcmp(p, "coff")) { s->output_format = TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_COFF; #endif } else goto err; } else if (link_option(option, "as-needed", &p)) { ignoring = 1; } else if (link_option(option, "O", &p)) { ignoring = 1; } else if (link_option(option, "rpath=", &p)) { s->rpath = copy_linker_arg(p); } else if (link_option(option, "section-alignment=", &p)) { s->section_align = strtoul(p, &end, 16); } else if (link_option(option, "soname=", &p)) { s->soname = copy_linker_arg(p); #ifdef TCC_TARGET_PE } else if (link_option(option, "file-alignment=", &p)) { s->pe_file_align = strtoul(p, &end, 16); } else if (link_option(option, "stack=", &p)) { s->pe_stack_size = strtoul(p, &end, 10); } else if (link_option(option, "subsystem=", &p)) { #if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386) || defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64) if (!strcmp(p, "native")) { s->pe_subsystem = 1; } else if (!strcmp(p, "console")) { s->pe_subsystem = 3; } else if (!strcmp(p, "gui")) { s->pe_subsystem = 2; } else if (!strcmp(p, "posix")) { s->pe_subsystem = 7; } else if (!strcmp(p, "efiapp")) { s->pe_subsystem = 10; } else if (!strcmp(p, "efiboot")) { s->pe_subsystem = 11; } else if (!strcmp(p, "efiruntime")) { s->pe_subsystem = 12; } else if (!strcmp(p, "efirom")) { s->pe_subsystem = 13; #elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) if (!strcmp(p, "wince")) { s->pe_subsystem = 9; #endif } else goto err; #endif } else goto err; if (ignoring && s->warn_unsupported) err: { char buf[100], *e; pstrcpy(buf, sizeof buf, e = copy_linker_arg(option)), tcc_free(e); if (ignoring) tcc_warning("unsupported linker option '%s'", buf); else tcc_error("unsupported linker option '%s'", buf); } option = skip_linker_arg(&p); } return 0; } typedef struct TCCOption { const char *name; uint16_t index; uint16_t flags; } TCCOption; enum { TCC_OPTION_HELP, TCC_OPTION_I, TCC_OPTION_D, TCC_OPTION_U, TCC_OPTION_L, TCC_OPTION_B, TCC_OPTION_l, TCC_OPTION_bench, TCC_OPTION_bt, TCC_OPTION_b, TCC_OPTION_g, TCC_OPTION_c, TCC_OPTION_float_abi, TCC_OPTION_static, TCC_OPTION_shared, TCC_OPTION_soname, TCC_OPTION_o, TCC_OPTION_r, TCC_OPTION_s, TCC_OPTION_Wl, TCC_OPTION_W, TCC_OPTION_O, TCC_OPTION_m, TCC_OPTION_f, TCC_OPTION_isystem, TCC_OPTION_nostdinc, TCC_OPTION_nostdlib, TCC_OPTION_print_search_dirs, TCC_OPTION_rdynamic, TCC_OPTION_pedantic, TCC_OPTION_pthread, TCC_OPTION_run, TCC_OPTION_v, TCC_OPTION_w, TCC_OPTION_pipe, TCC_OPTION_E, TCC_OPTION_MD, TCC_OPTION_MF, TCC_OPTION_x, TCC_OPTION_dumpversion, }; #define TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG 0x0001 #define TCC_OPTION_NOSEP 0x0002 /* cannot have space before option and arg */ static const TCCOption tcc_options[] = { { "h", TCC_OPTION_HELP, 0 }, { "-help", TCC_OPTION_HELP, 0 }, { "?", TCC_OPTION_HELP, 0 }, { "I", TCC_OPTION_I, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "D", TCC_OPTION_D, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "U", TCC_OPTION_U, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "L", TCC_OPTION_L, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "B", TCC_OPTION_B, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "l", TCC_OPTION_l, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG | TCC_OPTION_NOSEP }, { "bench", TCC_OPTION_bench, 0 }, #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_BACKTRACE { "bt", TCC_OPTION_bt, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, #endif #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_BCHECK { "b", TCC_OPTION_b, 0 }, #endif { "g", TCC_OPTION_g, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG | TCC_OPTION_NOSEP }, { "c", TCC_OPTION_c, 0 }, #ifdef TCC_TARGET_ARM { "mfloat-abi", TCC_OPTION_float_abi, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, #endif { "static", TCC_OPTION_static, 0 }, { "shared", TCC_OPTION_shared, 0 }, { "soname", TCC_OPTION_soname, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "o", TCC_OPTION_o, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "pedantic", TCC_OPTION_pedantic, 0}, { "pthread", TCC_OPTION_pthread, 0}, { "run", TCC_OPTION_run, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG | TCC_OPTION_NOSEP }, { "rdynamic", TCC_OPTION_rdynamic, 0 }, { "r", TCC_OPTION_r, 0 }, { "s", TCC_OPTION_s, 0 }, { "Wl,", TCC_OPTION_Wl, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG | TCC_OPTION_NOSEP }, { "W", TCC_OPTION_W, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG | TCC_OPTION_NOSEP }, { "O", TCC_OPTION_O, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG | TCC_OPTION_NOSEP }, { "m", TCC_OPTION_m, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "f", TCC_OPTION_f, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG | TCC_OPTION_NOSEP }, { "isystem", TCC_OPTION_isystem, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "nostdinc", TCC_OPTION_nostdinc, 0 }, { "nostdlib", TCC_OPTION_nostdlib, 0 }, { "print-search-dirs", TCC_OPTION_print_search_dirs, 0 }, { "v", TCC_OPTION_v, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG | TCC_OPTION_NOSEP }, { "w", TCC_OPTION_w, 0 }, { "pipe", TCC_OPTION_pipe, 0}, { "E", TCC_OPTION_E, 0}, { "MD", TCC_OPTION_MD, 0}, { "MF", TCC_OPTION_MF, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "x", TCC_OPTION_x, TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG }, { "dumpversion", TCC_OPTION_dumpversion, 0}, { NULL, 0, 0 }, }; static void parse_option_D(TCCState *s1, const char *optarg) { char *sym = tcc_strdup(optarg); char *value = strchr(sym, '='); if (value) *value++ = '\0'; tcc_define_symbol(s1, sym, value); tcc_free(sym); } PUB_FUNC int tcc_parse_args(TCCState *s, int argc, char **argv) { const TCCOption *popt; const char *optarg, *r; int run = 0; int pthread = 0; int optind = 0; /* collect -Wl options for input such as "-Wl,-rpath -Wl," */ CString linker_arg; cstr_new(&linker_arg); while (optind < argc) { r = argv[optind++]; if (r[0] != '-' || r[1] == '\0') { /* add a new file */ dynarray_add((void ***)&s->files, &s->nb_files, tcc_strdup(r)); if (run) { optind--; /* argv[0] will be this file */ break; } continue; } /* find option in table */ for(popt = tcc_options; ; ++popt) { const char *p1 = popt->name; const char *r1 = r + 1; if (p1 == NULL) tcc_error("invalid option -- '%s'", r); if (!strstart(p1, &r1)) continue; optarg = r1; if (popt->flags & TCC_OPTION_HAS_ARG) { if (*r1 == '\0' && !(popt->flags & TCC_OPTION_NOSEP)) { if (optind >= argc) tcc_error("argument to '%s' is missing", r); optarg = argv[optind++]; } } else if (*r1 != '\0') continue; break; } switch(popt->index) { case TCC_OPTION_HELP: return 0; case TCC_OPTION_I: if (tcc_add_include_path(s, optarg) < 0) tcc_error("too many include paths"); break; case TCC_OPTION_D: parse_option_D(s, optarg); break; case TCC_OPTION_U: tcc_undefine_symbol(s, optarg); break; case TCC_OPTION_L: tcc_add_library_path(s, optarg); break; case TCC_OPTION_B: /* set tcc utilities path (mainly for tcc development) */ tcc_set_lib_path(s, optarg); break; case TCC_OPTION_l: dynarray_add((void ***)&s->files, &s->nb_files, tcc_strdup(r)); s->nb_libraries++; break; case TCC_OPTION_pthread: parse_option_D(s, "_REENTRANT"); pthread = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_bench: s->do_bench = 1; break; #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_BACKTRACE case TCC_OPTION_bt: tcc_set_num_callers(atoi(optarg)); break; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_TCC_BCHECK case TCC_OPTION_b: s->do_bounds_check = 1; s->do_debug = 1; break; #endif case TCC_OPTION_g: s->do_debug = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_c: if (s->output_type) tcc_warning("-c: some compiler action already specified (%d)", s->output_type); s->output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ; break; #ifdef TCC_TARGET_ARM case TCC_OPTION_float_abi: /* tcc doesn't support soft float yet */ if (!strcmp(optarg, "softfp")) { s->float_abi = ARM_SOFTFP_FLOAT; tcc_undefine_symbol(s, "__ARM_PCS_VFP"); } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "hard")) s->float_abi = ARM_HARD_FLOAT; else tcc_error("unsupported float abi '%s'", optarg); break; #endif case TCC_OPTION_static: s->static_link = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_shared: if (s->output_type) tcc_warning("-shared: some compiler action already specified (%d)", s->output_type); s->output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_DLL; break; case TCC_OPTION_soname: s->soname = tcc_strdup(optarg); break; case TCC_OPTION_m: s->option_m = tcc_strdup(optarg); break; case TCC_OPTION_o: s->outfile = tcc_strdup(optarg); break; case TCC_OPTION_r: /* generate a .o merging several output files */ if (s->output_type) tcc_warning("-r: some compiler action already specified (%d)", s->output_type); s->option_r = 1; s->output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ; break; case TCC_OPTION_isystem: tcc_add_sysinclude_path(s, optarg); break; case TCC_OPTION_nostdinc: s->nostdinc = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_nostdlib: s->nostdlib = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_print_search_dirs: s->print_search_dirs = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_run: if (s->output_type) tcc_warning("-run: some compiler action already specified (%d)", s->output_type); s->output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_MEMORY; tcc_set_options(s, optarg); run = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_v: do ++s->verbose; while (*optarg++ == 'v'); break; case TCC_OPTION_f: if (tcc_set_flag(s, optarg, 1) < 0 && s->warn_unsupported) goto unsupported_option; break; case TCC_OPTION_W: if (tcc_set_warning(s, optarg, 1) < 0 && s->warn_unsupported) goto unsupported_option; break; case TCC_OPTION_w: s->warn_none = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_rdynamic: s->rdynamic = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_Wl: if (linker_arg.size) --linker_arg.size, cstr_ccat(&linker_arg, ','); cstr_cat(&linker_arg, optarg); cstr_ccat(&linker_arg, '\0'); break; case TCC_OPTION_E: if (s->output_type) tcc_warning("-E: some compiler action already specified (%d)", s->output_type); s->output_type = TCC_OUTPUT_PREPROCESS; break; case TCC_OPTION_MD: s->gen_deps = 1; break; case TCC_OPTION_MF: s->deps_outfile = tcc_strdup(optarg); break; case TCC_OPTION_dumpversion: printf ("%s\n", TCC_VERSION); exit(0); case TCC_OPTION_O: case TCC_OPTION_pedantic: case TCC_OPTION_pipe: case TCC_OPTION_s: case TCC_OPTION_x: /* ignored */ break; default: if (s->warn_unsupported) { unsupported_option: tcc_warning("unsupported option '%s'", r); } break; } } if (pthread && s->output_type != TCC_OUTPUT_OBJ) tcc_set_options(s, "-lpthread"); tcc_set_linker(s, (const char *)linker_arg.data); cstr_free(&linker_arg); return optind; } LIBTCCAPI int tcc_set_options(TCCState *s, const char *str) { const char *s1; char **argv, *arg; int argc, len; int ret; argc = 0, argv = NULL; for(;;) { while (is_space(*str)) str++; if (*str == '\0') break; s1 = str; while (*str != '\0' && !is_space(*str)) str++; len = str - s1; arg = tcc_malloc(len + 1); pstrncpy(arg, s1, len); dynarray_add((void ***)&argv, &argc, arg); } ret = tcc_parse_args(s, argc, argv); dynarray_reset(&argv, &argc); return ret; } PUB_FUNC void tcc_print_stats(TCCState *s, int64_t total_time) { double tt; tt = (double)total_time / 1000000.0; if (tt < 0.001) tt = 0.001; if (total_bytes < 1) total_bytes = 1; printf("%d idents, %d lines, %d bytes, %0.3f s, %d lines/s, %0.1f MB/s\n", tok_ident - TOK_IDENT, total_lines, total_bytes, tt, (int)(total_lines / tt), total_bytes / tt / 1000000.0); } PUB_FUNC void tcc_set_environment(TCCState *s) { char * path; path = getenv("C_INCLUDE_PATH"); if(path != NULL) { tcc_add_include_path(s, path); } path = getenv("CPATH"); if(path != NULL) { tcc_add_include_path(s, path); } path = getenv("LIBRARY_PATH"); if(path != NULL) { tcc_add_library_path(s, path); } }