typedef unsigned char u8; typedef struct {} empty_s; struct contains_empty { u8 a; empty_s empty; u8 b; }; struct contains_empty ce = { { (1) }, (empty_s){}, 022, }; /* The following decl of 'q' would demonstrate the TCC bug in init_putv when handling copying compound literals. (Compound literals aren't acceptable constant initializers in isoc99, but we accept them like gcc, except for this case) //char *q = (char *){ "trara" }; */ struct SS {u8 a[3], b; }; struct SS sinit16[] = { { 1 }, 2 }; struct S { u8 a,b; u8 c[2]; }; struct T { u8 s[16]; u8 a; }; struct U { u8 a; struct S s; u8 b; struct T t; }; struct V { struct S s; struct T t; u8 a; }; struct W { struct V t; struct S s[]; }; struct S gs = ((struct S){1, 2, 3, 4}); struct S gs2 = {1, 2, {3, 4}}; struct T gt = {"hello", 42}; struct U gu = {3, 5,6,7,8, 4, "huhu", 43}; struct U gu2 = {3, {5,6,7,8}, 4, {"huhu", 43}}; /* Optional braces around scalar initializers. Accepted, but with a warning. */ struct U gu3 = { {3}, {5,6,7,8,}, 4, {"huhu", 43}}; /* Many superfluous braces and leaving out one initializer for U.s.c[1] */ struct U gu4 = { 3, {5,6,7,}, 5, { "bla", {44}} }; /* Superfluous braces and useless parens around values */ struct S gs3 = { (1), {(2)}, {(((3))), {4}}}; /* Superfluous braces, and leaving out braces for V.t, plus cast */ struct V gv = {{{3},4,{5,6}}, "haha", (u8)45, 46}; /* Compund literal */ struct V gv2 = {(struct S){7,8,{9,10}}, {"hihi", 47}, 48}; /* Parens around compound literal */ struct V gv3 = {((struct S){7,8,{9,10}}), {"hoho", 49}, 50}; /* Initialization of a flex array member (warns in GCC) */ struct W gw = {{1,2,3,4}, {1,2,3,4,5}}; union UU { u8 a; u8 b; }; struct SU { union UU u; u8 c; }; struct SU gsu = {5,6}; /* Unnamed struct/union members aren't ISO C, but it's a widely accepted extension. See below for further extensions to that under -fms-extension.*/ union UV { struct {u8 a,b;}; struct S s; }; union UV guv = {{6,5}}; union UV guv2 = {{.b = 7, .a = 8}}; union UV guv3 = {.b = 8, .a = 7}; /* Under -fms-extensions also the following is valid: union UV2 { struct Anon {u8 a,b;}; // unnamed member, but tagged struct, ... struct S s; }; struct Anon gan = { 10, 11 }; // ... which makes it available here. union UV2 guv4 = {{4,3}}; // and the other inits from above as well */ #include void print_ (const char *name, const u8 *p, long size) { printf ("%s:", name); while (size--) { printf (" %x", *p++); } printf ("\n"); } #define print(x) print_(#x, (u8*)&x, sizeof (x)) #if 1 void foo (struct W *w) { struct S ls = {1, 2, 3, 4}; struct S ls2 = {1, 2, {3, 4}}; struct T lt = {"hello", 42}; struct U lu = {3, 5,6,7,8, 4, "huhu", 43}; struct U lu1 = {3, ls, 4, {"huhu", 43}}; struct U lu2 = {3, (ls), 4, {"huhu", 43}}; /* Incomplete bracing. */ struct U lu21 = {3, ls, 4, "huhu", 43}; /* Optional braces around scalar initializers. Accepted, but with a warning. */ struct U lu3 = { 3, {5,6,7,8,}, 4, {"huhu", 43}}; /* Many superfluous braces and leaving out one initializer for U.s.c[1] */ struct U lu4 = { 3, {5,6,7,}, 5, { "bla", 44} }; /* Superfluous braces and useless parens around values */ struct S ls3 = { (1), (2), {(((3))), 4}}; /* Superfluous braces, and leaving out braces for V.t, plus cast */ struct V lv = {{3,4,{5,6}}, "haha", (u8)45, 46}; /* Compund literal */ struct V lv2 = {(struct S)w->t.s, {"hihi", 47}, 48}; /* Parens around compound literal */ struct V lv3 = {((struct S){7,8,{9,10}}), w->t.t, 50}; print(ls); print(ls2); print(lt); print(lu); print(lu1); print(lu2); print(lu21); print(lu3); print(lu4); print(ls3); print(lv); print(lv2); print(lv3); } #endif int main() { print(ce); print(gs); print(gs2); print(gt); print(gu); print(gu2); print(gu3); print(gu4); print(gs3); print(gv); print(gv2); print(gv3); print(sinit16); print(gw); print(gsu); print(guv); print(guv.b); print(guv2); print(guv3); foo(&gw); //printf("q: %s\n", q); return 0; }