extern int printf(const char*, ...); static int glob_i = 0; void incr_glob_i(int *i) { glob_i += *i; } #define INCR_GI { \ int i __attribute__ ((__cleanup__(incr_glob_i))) = 1; \ } #define INCR_GI0 INCR_GI INCR_GI INCR_GI INCR_GI #define INCR_GI1 INCR_GI0 INCR_GI0 INCR_GI0 INCR_GI0 #define INCR_GI2 INCR_GI1 INCR_GI1 INCR_GI1 INCR_GI1 #define INCR_GI3 INCR_GI2 INCR_GI2 INCR_GI2 INCR_GI2 #define INCR_GI4 INCR_GI3 INCR_GI3 INCR_GI3 INCR_GI3 #define INCR_GI5 INCR_GI4 INCR_GI4 INCR_GI4 INCR_GI4 #define INCR_GI6 INCR_GI5 INCR_GI5 INCR_GI5 INCR_GI5 #define INCR_GI7 INCR_GI6 INCR_GI6 INCR_GI6 INCR_GI6 void check2(char **hum); void check(int *j) { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) stop_that = "wololo"; int chk = 0; { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) stop_that = "plop"; { non_plopage: printf("---- %d\n", chk); } if (!chk) { chk = 1; goto non_plopage; } } { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) stop_that = "tata !"; goto out; stop_that = "titi"; } again: chk = 2; { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) cascade1 = "1"; { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) cascade2 = "2"; { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) cascade3 = "3"; goto out; cascade3 = "nope"; } } } out: if (chk != 2) goto again; { { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) out = "last goto out"; ++chk; if (chk != 3) goto out; } } return; } void check_oh_i(char *oh_i) { printf("c: %c\n", *oh_i); } void goto_hell(double *f) { printf("oo: %f\n", *f); } char *test() { char *__attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) str = "I don't think this should be print(but gcc got it wrong too)"; return str; } void test_ret_subcall(char *that) { printf("should be print before\n"); } void test_ret() { char *__attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) that = "that"; return test_ret_subcall(that); } void test_ret2() { char *__attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) that = "-that"; { char *__attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) that = "this should appear only once"; } { char *__attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) that = "-that2"; return; } } void test2(void) { int chk = 0; again: if (!chk) { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) stop_that = "test2"; chk++; goto again; } } int test3(void) { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) stop_that = "three"; int chk = 0; if (chk) { { outside: { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) stop_that = "two"; printf("---- %d\n", chk); } } } if (!chk) { char * __attribute__ ((cleanup(check2))) stop_that = "one"; if (!chk) { chk = 1; goto outside; } } return 0; } int main() { int i __attribute__ ((__cleanup__(check))) = 0, not_i; int chk = 0; { __attribute__ ((__cleanup__(check_oh_i))) char oh_i = 'o', o = 'a'; } INCR_GI7; printf("glob_i: %d\n", glob_i); naaaaaaaa: if (!chk) { __attribute__ ((__cleanup__(check_oh_i))) char oh_i = 'f'; double __attribute__ ((__cleanup__(goto_hell))) f = 2.6; chk = 1; goto naaaaaaaa; } i = 105; printf("because what if free was call inside cleanup function\n", test()); test_ret(); test_ret2(); test2(); test3(); return i; } void check2(char **hum) { printf("str: %s\n", *hum); }