#include "types.h"
#include "mp.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "x86.h"
#include "traps.h"
#include "mmu.h"
#include "proc.h"

static char* buses[] = {
	"CBUSI ",
	"EISA  ",
	"ISA   ",
	"MBI   ",
	"MBII  ",
	"MCA   ",
	"MPI   ",
	"MPSA  ",
	"NUBUS ",
	"PCI   ",
	"TC    ",
	"VL    ",
	"VME   ",

struct cpu cpus[NCPU];
int ncpu;
uchar ioapic_id;

static struct cpu *bcpu;
static struct mp* mp;  // The MP floating point structure

static struct mp*
mp_scan(uchar *addr, int len)
  uchar *e, *p, sum;
  int i;

  cprintf("scanning: 0x%x\n", (uint)addr);
  e = addr+len;
  for(p = addr; p < e; p += sizeof(struct mp)){
    if(memcmp(p, "_MP_", 4))
    sum = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < sizeof(struct mp); i++)
      sum += p[i];
    if(sum == 0)
      return (struct mp *)p;
  return 0;

static struct mp*
  uchar *bda;
  uint p;
  struct mp *mp;

   * Search for the MP Floating Pointer Structure, which according to the
   * spec is in one of the following three locations:
   * 1) in the first KB of the EBDA;
   * 2) in the last KB of system base memory;
   * 3) in the BIOS ROM between 0xE0000 and 0xFFFFF.
  bda = (uchar*) 0x400;
  if((p = (bda[0x0F]<<8)|bda[0x0E])){
    if((mp = mp_scan((uchar*) p, 1024)))
      return mp;
    p = ((bda[0x14]<<8)|bda[0x13])*1024;
    if((mp = mp_scan((uchar*)p-1024, 1024)))
      return mp;
  return mp_scan((uchar*)0xF0000, 0x10000);

static int 
  struct mpctb *pcmp;
  uchar *p, sum;
  uint length;

   * Search for an MP configuration table. For now,
   * don't accept the default configurations (physaddr == 0).
   * Check for correct signature, calculate the checksum and,
   * if correct, check the version.
   * To do: check extended table checksum.
  if((mp = mp_search()) == 0 || mp->physaddr == 0)
    return 1;

  pcmp = (struct mpctb *) mp->physaddr;
  if(memcmp(pcmp, "PCMP", 4))
    return 2;

  length = pcmp->length;
  sum = 0;
  for(p = (uchar*)pcmp; length; length--)
    sum += *p++;

  if(sum || (pcmp->version != 1 && pcmp->version != 4))
    return 3;

  return 0;

  int r;
  uchar *p, *e;
  struct mpctb *mpctb;
  struct mppe *proc;
  struct mpbe *bus;
  struct mpioapic *ioapic;
  struct mpie *intr;
  int i;
  uchar byte;

  ncpu = 0;
  if ((r = mp_detect()) != 0) return;

  cprintf("Mp spec rev #: %x imcrp 0x%x\n", mp->specrev, mp->imcrp);

   * Run through the table saving information needed for starting
   * application processors and initialising any I/O APICs. The table
   * is guaranteed to be in order such that only one pass is necessary.
  mpctb = (struct mpctb *) mp->physaddr;
  lapicaddr = (uint *) mpctb->lapicaddr;
  cprintf("apicaddr: %x\n", lapicaddr);
  p = ((uchar*)mpctb)+sizeof(struct mpctb);
  e = ((uchar*)mpctb)+mpctb->length;

  while(p < e) {
      proc = (struct mppe *) p;
      cpus[ncpu].apicid = proc->apicid;
      cprintf("a processor %x\n", cpus[ncpu].apicid);
      if (proc->flags & MPBP) {
	bcpu = &cpus[ncpu];
      p += sizeof(struct mppe);
    case MPBUS:
      bus = (struct mpbe *) p;
      for(i = 0; buses[i]; i++){
	if(strncmp(buses[i], bus->string, sizeof(bus->string)) == 0)
      cprintf("a bus %d\n", i);
      p += sizeof(struct mpbe);
    case MPIOAPIC:
      ioapic = (struct mpioapic *) p;
      cprintf("an I/O APIC: id %d %x\n", ioapic->apicno, ioapic->flags);
      ioapic_id = ioapic->apicno;
      p += sizeof(struct mpioapic);
    case MPIOINTR:
      intr = (struct mpie *) p;
      // cprintf("an I/O intr: type %d flags 0x%x bus %d souce bus irq %d dest ioapic id %d dest ioapic intin %d\n", intr->intr, intr->flags, intr->busno, intr->irq, intr->apicno, intr->intin);
      p += sizeof(struct mpie);
      cprintf("mpinit: unknown PCMP type 0x%x (e-p 0x%x)\n", *p, e-p);
      while(p < e){
	cprintf("%uX ", *p);

  if (mp->imcrp) {  // it appears that bochs doesn't support IMCR, and code won't run
    outb(0x22, 0x70);	/* select IMCR */
    byte = inb(0x23);	/* current contents */
    byte |= 0x01;	/* mask external INTR */
    outb(0x23, byte);	/* disconnect 8259s/NMI */

  cprintf("ncpu: %d boot %d\n", ncpu, bcpu-cpus);

  return bcpu-cpus;

extern void mpmain(void);

#define APBOOTCODE 0x7000 // XXX hack

  extern uchar _binary_bootother_start[], _binary_bootother_size[];
  extern int main();
  int c;

  memmove((void *) APBOOTCODE,_binary_bootother_start, 
	  (uint) _binary_bootother_size);

  for(c = 0; c < ncpu; c++){
    if (c == cpu()) continue;
    cprintf ("cpu%d: starting processor %d\n", cpu(), c);
    *(uint *)(APBOOTCODE-4) = (uint) (cpus[c].mpstack) + MPSTACK; // tell it what to use for %esp
    *(uint *)(APBOOTCODE-8) = (uint)mpmain; // tell it where to jump to
    lapic_startap(cpus[c].apicid, (uint) APBOOTCODE);
    while(cpus[c].booted == 0)