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1987-03-09 19:15:41 +00:00
* (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
1994-06-24 14:02:31 +00:00
#define RCSID3 "$Id$"
1985-06-10 16:57:01 +00:00
* Zilog Z80 keywords
{0, R8, B, "b"},
{0, R8, C, "c"},
{0, R8, D, "d"},
{0, R8, E, "e"},
{0, R8, H, "h"},
{0, R8, L, "l"},
{0, R8, F, "f"},
{0, R8, A, "a"},
{0, R8, I, "i"},
{0, R8, R, "r"},
{0, R16, BC, "bc"},
{0, R16, DE, "de"},
{0, R16, HL, "hl"},
{0, R16, SP, "sp"},
{0, R16, AF, "af"},
{0, R16, AF2, "af2"},
{0, R16, IX, "ix"},
{0, R16, IY, "iy"},
{0, CC, 0, "nz"},
{0, CC, 1, "z"},
{0, CC, 2, "nc"},
{0, CC, 4, "po"},
{0, CC, 5, "pe"},
{0, CC, 6, "p"},
{0, CC, 7, "m"},
{0, LDOP, 0, "ld"},
{0, PSHPOP, 0305, "push"},
{0, PSHPOP, 0301, "pop"},
{0, EXOP, 0343, "ex"},
{0, NOOPOP, 0331, "exx"},
{0, E_ED, 0240, "ldi"},
{0, E_ED, 0260, "ldir"},
{0, E_ED, 0250, "ldd"},
{0, E_ED, 0270, "lddr"},
{0, E_ED, 0241, "cpi"},
{0, E_ED, 0261, "cpir"},
{0, E_ED, 0251, "cpd"},
{0, E_ED, 0271, "cpdr"},
{0, ADDOP, 0200, "add"},
{0, ADCSBC, 0210, "adc"},
{0, ADCSBC, 0230, "sbc"},
{0, ARI8, 0220, "sub"},
{0, ARI8, 0240, "and"},
{0, ARI8, 0260, "or"},
{0, ARI8, 0250, "xor"},
{0, ARI8, 0270, "cp"},
{0, INCDEC, 04, "inc"},
{0, INCDEC, 05, "dec"},
{0, NOOPOP, 047, "daa"},
{0, NOOPOP, 057, "cpl"},
{0, E_ED, 0104, "neg"},
{0, NOOPOP, 077, "ccf"},
{0, NOOPOP, 067, "scf"},
{0, NOOPOP, 0, "nop"},
{0, NOOPOP, 0166, "halt"},
{0, NOOPOP, 0363, "di"},
{0, NOOPOP, 0373, "ei"},
{0, IMOP, 0106, "im"},
{0, NOOPOP, 07, "rlca"},
{0, NOOPOP, 027, "rla"},
{0, NOOPOP, 017, "rrca"},
{0, NOOPOP, 037, "rra"},
{0, ROTATE, 0, "rlc"},
{0, ROTATE, 020, "rl"},
{0, ROTATE, 010, "rrc"},
{0, ROTATE, 030, "rr"},
{0, ROTATE, 040, "sla"},
{0, ROTATE, 050, "sra"},
{0, ROTATE, 070, "srl"},
{0, E_ED, 0157, "rld"},
{0, E_ED, 0147, "rrd"},
{0, BITS, 0100, "bit"},
{0, BITS, 0200, "res"},
{0, BITS, 0300, "set"},
{0, JP, 0303, "jp"},
{0, JR, 030, "jr"},
{0, DJNZ, 020, "djnz"},
{0, CALL, 0315, "call"},
{0, RET, 0311, "ret"},
{0, E_ED, 0115, "reti"},
{0, E_ED, 0105, "retn"},
{0, RST, 0307, "rst"},
{0, IN, 0333, "in"},
{0, E_ED, 0242, "ini"},
{0, E_ED, 0262, "inir"},
{0, E_ED, 0252, "ind"},
{0, E_ED, 0272, "indr"},
{0, OUT, 0323, "out"},
{0, E_ED, 0243, "outi"},
{0, E_ED, 0263, "otir"},
{0, E_ED, 0253, "outd"},
{0, E_ED, 0273, "otdr"},