The assembler wrongly defined _bfexts_ and _bfffo_ with the same bits as _bfextu_; this turned all bfexts and bfffo instructions into bfextu. Motorola's 68k Programmer's Reference Manual (1992) gives different bits for bfexts, but still has wrong bits for bfffo. Change bfexts and bfffo to match the 68k emulators musahi, aranym, syn68k. The bitfield width is from 1 to 32, not 0 to 31, so move the warning from 32 to 0. This doesn't change the warning message, so it will say that 0 is "too big", when 0 is really too small.
88 lines
2 KiB
88 lines
2 KiB
/* $Id$ */
* (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
* See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
* Motorola 68020 tokens
%token <y_word> SIZE
%token <y_word> DREG
%token <y_word> AREG
%token <y_word> MREG
%token <y_word> PC
%token <y_word> CREG
%token <y_word> SPEC
%token <y_word> ABCD
%token <y_word> ADDX
%token <y_word> ADD
%token <y_word> AND
%token <y_word> BITOP
%token <y_word> BITFIELD
%token <y_word> BF_TO_D
%token <y_word> BFINS
%token <y_word> SHIFT
%token <y_word> SZ_EA
%token <y_word> OP_EA
%token <y_word> OP_NOOP
%token <y_word> LEA
%token <y_word> DBR
%token <y_word> BR
%token <y_word> OP_EXT
%token <y_word> OP_RANGE
%token <y_word> TRAPCC
%token <y_word> PACK
%token <y_word> RTM
%token <y_word> CHK
%token <y_word> DIVMUL
%token <y_word> DIVL
%token <y_word> CMP
%token <y_word> MOVE
%token <y_word> MOVEM
%token <y_word> MOVEC
%token <y_word> MOVESP
%token <y_word> SWAP
%token <y_word> LINK
%token <y_word> UNLK
%token <y_word> TRAP
%token <y_word> EXG
%token <y_word> OP_IMM
%token <y_word> BKPT
%token <y_word> CALLM
%token <y_word> CAS
%token <y_word> CAS2
%token <y_word> CP
%token <y_word> CPBCC
%token <y_word> CPDBCC
%token <y_word> CPGEN
%token <y_word> CPSAVREST
%token <y_word> CPSCC
%token <y_word> CPTRAPCC
%token <y_word> FPCR
%token <y_word> FPREG
%token <y_word> FMOVE
%token <y_word> FMOVECR
%token <y_word> FMOVEM
%token <y_word> FDYADIC
%token <y_word> FMONADIC
%token <y_word> FSINCOS
%token <y_word> FBCC
%token <y_word> FDBCC
%token <y_word> FNOP
%token <y_word> FSCC
%token <y_word> FTST
%token <y_word> FSAVRES
%token <y_word> FTRAPCC
%token <y_word> FSIZE
%token <y_word> PFLUSHA
%token <y_word> PFLUSH
%token <y_word> PLOAD
%token <y_word> PTEST
%token <y_word> PMOVE
%type <y_word> bcdx op_ea regs rrange
%type <y_word> reg sizedef sizenon creg
%type <y_word> off_width off31 wid31 bd_areg_index
%type <y_word> areg_index areg scale cp_cond fc mask
%type <y_word> fsize fregs fcregs frlist frrange