Michael Matz 9309585dbe riscv: some long double support
long double on risc-v is 128bit, but there are no registers
for that type (without the Q ISA extension).  They are passed
like two 64bit integers values (with an exception for varargs,
where it's an aligned register pair).  This all requires some
hacks in generic code as otherwise RC_FLOAT regs are tried for
holding values of long double type, but we need a RC_INT register
pair.  This really could all use some cleanup for all archs.

This doesn't implement any conversions of operations for long
double, but it's enough to get 70_floating_point_literals working.
2019-09-01 23:13:19 +02:00

817 lines
25 KiB

// Number of registers available to allocator:
#define NB_REGS 16 // x10-x17 aka a0-a7, f10-f17 aka fa0-fa7
#define TREG_R(x) (x) // x = 0..7
#define TREG_F(x) (x + 8) // x = 0..7
// Register classes sorted from more general to more precise:
#define RC_INT (1 << 0)
#define RC_FLOAT (1 << 1)
#define RC_R(x) (1 << (2 + (x))) // x = 0..7
#define RC_F(x) (1 << (10 + (x))) // x = 0..7
#define RC_IRET (RC_R(0)) // int return register class
#define RC_FRET (RC_F(0)) // float return register class
#define REG_IRET (TREG_R(0)) // int return register number
#define REG_FRET (TREG_F(0)) // float return register number
#define PTR_SIZE 8
#define LDOUBLE_SIZE 16
#define LDOUBLE_ALIGN 16
#define MAX_ALIGN 16
#include "tcc.h"
#include <assert.h>
#define XLEN 8
#define TREG_RA 17
#define TREG_SP 18
ST_DATA const int reg_classes[NB_REGS] = {
RC_INT | RC_R(0),
RC_INT | RC_R(1),
RC_INT | RC_R(2),
RC_INT | RC_R(3),
RC_INT | RC_R(4),
RC_INT | RC_R(5),
RC_INT | RC_R(6),
RC_INT | RC_R(7),
static int ireg(int r)
if (r == TREG_RA)
return 1; // ra
if (r == TREG_SP)
return 2; // sp
assert(r >= 0 && r < 8);
return r + 10; // tccrX --> aX == x(10+X)
static int is_ireg(int r)
return r < 8 || r == TREG_RA || r == TREG_SP;
static int freg(int r)
assert(r >= 8 && r < 16);
return r - 8 + 10; // tccfX --> faX == f(10+X)
static int is_freg(int r)
return r >= 8 && r < 16;
ST_FUNC void o(unsigned int c)
int ind1 = ind + 4;
if (nocode_wanted)
if (ind1 > cur_text_section->data_allocated)
section_realloc(cur_text_section, ind1);
write32le(cur_text_section->data + ind, c);
ind = ind1;
static void EI(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t func3,
uint32_t rd, uint32_t rs1, uint32_t imm)
assert(! ((imm + (1 << 11)) >> 12));
o(opcode | (func3 << 12) | (rd << 7) | (rs1 << 15) | (imm << 20));
static void ES(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t func3,
uint32_t rs1, uint32_t rs2, uint32_t imm)
assert(! ((imm + (1 << 11)) >> 12));
o(opcode | (func3 << 12) | ((imm & 0x1f) << 7) | (rs1 << 15)
| (rs2 << 20) | ((imm >> 5) << 25));
// Patch all branches in list pointed to by t to branch to a:
ST_FUNC void gsym_addr(int t_, int a_)
uint32_t t = t_;
uint32_t a = a_;
while (t) {
unsigned char *ptr = cur_text_section->data + t;
uint32_t next = read32le(ptr);
uint32_t r = a - t, imm;
if ((r + (1 << 21)) & ~((1U << 22) - 2))
tcc_error("out-of-range branch chain");
imm = (((r >> 12) & 0xff) << 12)
| (((r >> 11) & 1) << 20)
| (((r >> 1) & 0x3ff) << 21)
| (((r >> 20) & 1) << 31);
write32le(ptr, r == 4 ? 0x33 : 0x6f | imm); // nop || j imm
t = next;
ST_FUNC void load(int r, SValue *sv)
int fr = sv->r;
int v = fr & VT_VALMASK;
int rr = is_ireg(r) ? ireg(r) : freg(r);
int fc = sv->c.i;
int bt = sv->type.t & VT_BTYPE;
int align, size = type_size(&sv->type, &align);
if (fr & VT_LVAL) {
int func3, opcode = 0x03;
if (is_freg(r)) {
assert(bt == VT_DOUBLE || bt == VT_FLOAT);
opcode = 0x07;
func3 = bt == VT_DOUBLE ? 3 : 2;
} else {
if (bt == VT_FUNC)
size = PTR_SIZE;
func3 = size == 1 ? 0 : size == 2 ? 1 : size == 4 ? 2 : 3;
if (size < 8 && !is_float(sv->type.t) && (sv->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED))
func3 |= 4;
if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
if (((unsigned)fc + (1 << 11)) >> 12)
tcc_error("unimp: load(large local ofs) (0x%x)", fc);
EI(opcode, func3, rr, 8, fc); // l[bhwd][u]/fl[wd] RR, fc(s0)
} else if (v < VT_CONST) {
/*if (((unsigned)fc + (1 << 11)) >> 12)
tcc_error("unimp: load(large addend) (0x%x)", fc);*/
fc = 0; // XXX store ofs in LVAL(reg)
EI(opcode, func3, rr, ireg(v), fc); // l[bhwd][u] RR, 0(V)
} else if (v == VT_CONST && (fr & VT_SYM)) {
static Sym label;
int addend = 0, tempr;
if (1 || ((unsigned)fc + (1 << 11)) >> 12)
addend = fc, fc = 0;
greloca(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind,
R_RISCV_PCREL_HI20, addend);
if (!label.v) {
label.v = tok_alloc(".L0 ", 4)->tok;
label.type.t = VT_VOID | VT_STATIC;
label.c = 0; /* force new local ELF symbol */
put_extern_sym(&label, cur_text_section, ind, 0);
tempr = is_ireg(r) ? rr : ireg(get_reg(RC_INT));
o(0x17 | (tempr << 7)); // auipc TR, 0 %pcrel_hi(sym)+addend
greloca(cur_text_section, &label, ind,
EI(opcode, func3, rr, tempr, fc); // l[bhwd][u] RR, fc(TR)
} else if (v == VT_LLOCAL) {
int tempr = rr;
if (((unsigned)fc + (1 << 11)) >> 12)
tcc_error("unimp: load(large local ofs) (0x%x)", fc);
if (!is_ireg(r))
tempr = ireg(get_reg(RC_INT));
EI(0x03, 3, tempr, 8, fc); // ld TEMPR, fc(s0)
EI(opcode, func3, rr, tempr, 0); // l[bhwd][u] RR, 0(TEMPR)
} else {
tcc_error("unimp: load(non-local lval)");
} else if (v == VT_CONST) {
int rb = 0;
assert(!is_float(sv->type.t) && is_ireg(r));
if (fr & VT_SYM) {
static Sym label;
greloca(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind,
R_RISCV_PCREL_HI20, sv->c.i);
if (!label.v) {
label.v = tok_alloc(".L0 ", 4)->tok;
label.type.t = VT_VOID | VT_STATIC;
label.c = 0; /* force new local ELF symbol */
put_extern_sym(&label, cur_text_section, ind, 0);
o(0x17 | (rr << 7)); // auipc RR, 0 %call(func)
greloca(cur_text_section, &label, ind,
rb = rr;
fc = 0;
sv->c.i = 0;
if (is_float(sv->type.t))
tcc_error("unimp: load(float)");
if (fc != sv->c.i) {
int64_t si = sv->c.i;
uint32_t pi;
si >>= 32;
if (si != 0)
tcc_error("unimp: load(very large const)");
/* A 32bit unsigned constant. lui always sign extends, so we need
tricks. */
pi = (uint32_t)sv->c.i;
o(0x37 | (rr << 7) | (((pi + 0x80000) & 0xfff00000) >> 8)); // lui RR, up(fc)>>8
EI(0x13, 0, rr, rr, (((pi + 0x200) & 0x000ffc00) >> 8) | (-((int)(pi + 0x200) & 0x80000) >> 8)); // addi RR, RR, mid(fc)
EI(0x13, 1, rr, rr, 8); // slli RR, RR, 8
fc = (pi & 0x3ff) | (-((int)(pi & 0x200)));
rb = rr;
if (((unsigned)fc + (1 << 11)) >> 12)
o(0x37 | (rr << 7) | ((0x800 + fc) & 0xfffff000)), rb = rr; //lui RR, upper(fc)
EI(0x13, 0, rr, rb, fc << 20 >> 20); // addi R, x0|R, FC
} else if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
if (((unsigned)fc + (1 << 11)) >> 12)
tcc_error("unimp: load(addr large local ofs) (0x%x)", fc);
EI(0x13, 0, rr, 8, fc); // addi R, s0, FC
} else if (v < VT_CONST) {
/* reg-reg */
//assert(!fc); XXX support offseted regs
if (is_freg(r) && is_freg(v))
o(0x53 | (rr << 7) | (freg(v) << 15) | (freg(v) << 20) | ((bt == VT_DOUBLE ? 0x11 : 0x10) << 25)); //fsgnj.[sd] RR, V, V == fmv.[sd] RR, V
else if (is_ireg(r) && is_ireg(v))
EI(0x13, 0, rr, ireg(v), 0); // addi RR, V, 0 == mv RR, V
else {
int func7 = is_ireg(r) ? 0x70 : 0x78;
if (size == 8)
func7 |= 1;
assert(size == 4 || size == 8);
o(0x53 | (rr << 7) | ((is_freg(v) ? freg(v) : ireg(v)) << 15)
| (func7 << 25)); // fmv.{w.x, x.w, d.x, x.d} RR, VR
} else if (v == VT_CMP) { // we rely on cmp_r to be the correct result
EI(0x13, 0, rr, vtop->cmp_r, 0); // mv RR, CMP_R
} else if ((v & ~1) == VT_JMP) {
int t = v & 1;
EI(0x13, 0, rr, 0, t); // addi RR, x0, t
gjmp_addr(ind + 8);
EI(0x13, 0, rr, 0, t ^ 1); // addi RR, x0, !t
} else
tcc_error("unimp: load(non-const)");
ST_FUNC void store(int r, SValue *sv)
int fr = sv->r & VT_VALMASK;
int rr = is_ireg(r) ? ireg(r) : freg(r);
int fc = sv->c.i;
int ft = sv->type.t;
int bt = ft & VT_BTYPE;
int align, size = type_size(&sv->type, &align);
assert(!is_float(bt) || is_freg(r));
if (bt == VT_STRUCT)
tcc_error("unimp: store(struct)");
if (size > 8)
tcc_error("unimp: large sized store");
assert(sv->r & VT_LVAL);
if (fr == VT_LOCAL) {
if (((unsigned)fc + (1 << 11)) >> 12)
tcc_error("unimp: store(large local off) (0x%x)", fc);
if (is_freg(r))
ES(0x27, size == 4 ? 2 : 3, 8, rr, fc); // fs[wd] RR, fc(s0)
ES(0x23, size == 1 ? 0 : size == 2 ? 1 : size == 4 ? 2 : 3,
8, rr, fc); // s[bhwd] RR, fc(s0)
} else if (fr < VT_CONST) {
int ptrreg = ireg(fr);
/*if (((unsigned)fc + (1 << 11)) >> 12)
tcc_error("unimp: store(large addend) (0x%x)", fc);*/
fc = 0; // XXX support offsets regs
if (is_freg(r))
ES(0x27, size == 4 ? 2 : 3, ptrreg, rr, fc); // fs[wd] RR, fc(PTRREG)
ES(0x23, size == 1 ? 0 : size == 2 ? 1 : size == 4 ? 2 : 3,
ptrreg, rr, fc); // s[bhwd] RR, fc(PTRREG)
} else if (sv->r == (VT_CONST | VT_SYM | VT_LVAL)) {
static Sym label;
int tempr, addend = 0;
if (1 || ((unsigned)fc + (1 << 11)) >> 12)
addend = fc, fc = 0;
tempr = ireg(get_reg(RC_INT));
greloca(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind,
R_RISCV_PCREL_HI20, addend);
if (!label.v) {
label.v = tok_alloc(".L0 ", 4)->tok;
label.type.t = VT_VOID | VT_STATIC;
label.c = 0; /* force new local ELF symbol */
put_extern_sym(&label, cur_text_section, ind, 0);
o(0x17 | (tempr << 7)); // auipc TEMPR, 0 %pcrel_hi(sym)+addend
greloca(cur_text_section, &label, ind,
if (is_freg(r))
ES(0x27, size == 4 ? 2 : 3, tempr, rr, fc); // fs[wd] RR, fc(TEMPR)
ES(0x23, size == 1 ? 0 : size == 2 ? 1 : size == 4 ? 2 : 3,
tempr, rr, fc); // s[bhwd] RR, fc(TEMPR)
} else
tcc_error("implement me: %s(!local)", __FUNCTION__);
static void gcall(void)
if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST &&
((vtop->r & VT_SYM) && vtop->c.i == (int)vtop->c.i)) {
/* constant symbolic case -> simple relocation */
greloca(cur_text_section, vtop->sym, ind,
R_RISCV_CALL_PLT, (int)vtop->c.i);
o(0x17 | (1 << 7)); // auipc ra, 0 %call(func)
o(0x80e7); // jalr ra, 0 %call(func)
} else if ((vtop->r & VT_VALMASK) < VT_CONST) {
int r = ireg(vtop->r & VT_VALMASK);
EI(0x67, 0, 1, r, 0); // jalr ra, 0(R)
} else {
int r = TREG_RA;
load(r, vtop);
r = ireg(r);
EI(0x67, 0, 1, r, 0); // jalr ra, 0(R)
ST_FUNC void gfunc_call(int nb_args)
int i, align, size, aireg, afreg;
int info[nb_args ? nb_args : 1];
int stack_adj = 0, ofs;
int force_stack = 0;
SValue *sv;
Sym *sa;
aireg = afreg = 0;
sa = vtop[-nb_args].type.ref->next;
for (i = 0; i < nb_args; i++) {
int *pareg, nregs, infreg = 0;
sv = &vtop[1 + i - nb_args];
sv->type.t &= ~VT_ARRAY; // XXX this should be done in tccgen.c
size = type_size(&sv->type, &align);
if ((size > 8 && ((sv->type.t & VT_BTYPE) != VT_LDOUBLE))
|| ((sv->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT))
tcc_error("unimp: call arg %d wrong type", nb_args - i);
nregs = 1;
if ((sv->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE) {
infreg = 0, nregs = 2;
if (!sa) {
aireg = (aireg + 1) & ~1;
} else
infreg = sa && is_float(sv->type.t);
pareg = infreg ? &afreg : &aireg;
if ((*pareg < 8) && !force_stack) {
info[i] = *pareg + (infreg ? 8 : 0);
if (nregs == 1)
else if (*pareg < 8)
else {
info[i] |= 16;
stack_adj += 8;
tcc_error("unimp: param passing half in reg, half on stack");
} else {
info[i] = 32;
stack_adj += (size + align - 1) & -align;
if (!sa)
force_stack = 1;
if (sa)
sa = sa->next;
stack_adj = (stack_adj + 15) & -16;
if (stack_adj) {
EI(0x13, 0, 2, 2, -stack_adj); // addi sp, sp, -adj
for (i = ofs = 0; i < nb_args; i++) {
if (1 && info[i] >= 32) {
vrotb(nb_args - i);
size = type_size(&vtop->type, &align);
/* Once we support offseted regs we can do this:
vset(&vtop->type, TREG_SP | VT_LVAL, ofs);
to construct the lvalue for the outgoing stack slot,
until then we have to jump through hoops. */
vset(&char_pointer_type, TREG_SP, 0);
vtop->type = vtop[-1].type;
vrott(nb_args - i);
ofs += (size + align - 1) & -align;
ofs = (ofs + 7) & -8;
for (i = 0; i < nb_args; i++) {
int r = info[nb_args - 1 - i];
if (r < 32) {
r &= 15;
gv(r < 8 ? RC_R(r) : RC_F(r - 8));
if (vtop->r2 < VT_CONST) {
assert((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LDOUBLE);
assert(vtop->r < 7);
if (vtop->r2 != 1 + vtop->r) {
/* XXX we'd like to have 'gv' move directly into
the right class instead of us fixing it up. */
EI(0x13, 0, ireg(vtop->r) + 1, ireg(vtop->r2), 0); // mv Ra+1, RR2
vtop->r2 = 1 + vtop->r;
vrotb(nb_args + 1);
vtop -= nb_args + 1;
if (stack_adj)
EI(0x13, 0, 2, 2, stack_adj); // addi sp, sp, adj
static int func_sub_sp_offset;
ST_FUNC void gfunc_prolog(CType *func_type)
int i, addr, align, size;
int param_addr = 0;
int aireg, afreg;
Sym *sym;
CType *type;
sym = func_type->ref;
func_vt = sym->type;
loc = -16; // for ra and s0
func_sub_sp_offset = ind;
ind += 4 * 4;
if (sym->f.func_type == FUNC_ELLIPSIS) {
tcc_error("unimp: vararg prologue");
aireg = afreg = 0;
addr = 0; // XXX not correct
/* if the function returns a structure, then add an
implicit pointer parameter */
size = type_size(&func_vt, &align);
if (size > 2 * XLEN) {
tcc_error("unimp: struct return");
func_vc = loc;
/* define parameters */
while ((sym = sym->next) != NULL) {
type = &sym->type;
size = type_size(type, &align);
if (size > 2 * XLEN) {
addr = (addr + align - 1) & -align;
param_addr = addr;
addr += size;
} else {
int regcount = 1;
if (size > XLEN)
regcount++, tcc_error("unimp: scalars > 64bit");
if (regcount + (is_float(type->t) ? afreg : aireg) >= 8)
goto from_stack;
loc -= regcount * 8; // XXX could reserve only 'size' bytes
param_addr = loc;
for (i = 0; i < regcount; i++) {
if (is_float(type->t)) {
assert(type->t == VT_FLOAT || type->t == VT_DOUBLE);
ES(0x27, size == 4 ? 2 : 3, 8, 10 + afreg, loc + i*8); // fs[wd] FAi, loc(s0)
} else {
ES(0x23, 3, 8, 10 + aireg, loc + i*8); // sd aX, loc(s0) // XXX
sym_push(sym->v & ~SYM_FIELD, type,
VT_LOCAL | lvalue_type(type->t), param_addr);
ST_FUNC int gfunc_sret(CType *vt, int variadic, CType *ret,
int *ret_align, int *regsize)
/* generic code can only deal with structs of pow(2) sizes
(it always deals with whole registers), so go through our own
code. */
return 0;
ST_FUNC void gfunc_return(CType *func_type)
int align, size = type_size(func_type, &align);
if ((func_type->t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT
|| size > 2 * XLEN) {
tcc_error("unimp: struct or large return");
if (is_float(func_type->t))
ST_FUNC void gfunc_epilog(void)
int v, saved_ind;
v = (-loc + 15) & -16;
EI(0x03, 3, 1, 2, v - 8); // ld ra, v-8(sp)
EI(0x03, 3, 8, 2, v - 16); // ld s0, v-16(sp)
EI(0x13, 0, 2, 2, v); // addi sp, sp, v
EI(0x67, 0, 0, 1, 0); // jalr x0, 0(x1), aka ret
saved_ind = ind;
ind = func_sub_sp_offset;
EI(0x13, 0, 2, 2, -v); // addi sp, sp, -v
ES(0x23, 3, 2, 1, v - 8); // sd ra, v-8(sp)
ES(0x23, 3, 2, 8, v - 16); // sd s0, v-16(sp)
EI(0x13, 0, 8, 2, v); // addi s0, sp, v
ind = saved_ind;
ST_FUNC void gen_va_start(void)
tcc_error("implement me: %s", __FUNCTION__);
ST_FUNC void gen_va_arg(CType *t)
tcc_error("implement me: %s", __FUNCTION__);
ST_FUNC void gen_fill_nops(int bytes)
tcc_error("implement me: %s", __FUNCTION__);
if ((bytes & 3))
tcc_error("alignment of code section not multiple of 4");
// Generate forward branch to label:
ST_FUNC int gjmp(int t)
if (nocode_wanted)
return t;
return ind - 4;
// Generate branch to known address:
ST_FUNC void gjmp_addr(int a)
uint32_t r = a - ind, imm;
if ((r + (1 << 21)) & ~((1U << 22) - 2))
tcc_error("out-of-range jump");
imm = (((r >> 12) & 0xff) << 12)
| (((r >> 11) & 1) << 20)
| (((r >> 1) & 0x3ff) << 21)
| (((r >> 20) & 1) << 31);
o(0x6f | imm); // jal x0, imm == j imm
ST_FUNC int gjmp_cond(int op, int t)
int inv = op & 1;
assert(op == TOK_EQ || op == TOK_NE);
assert(vtop->cmp_r >= 10 && vtop->cmp_r < 18);
o(0x63 | (!inv << 12) | (vtop->cmp_r << 15) | (8 << 7)); // bne/beq x0,r,+4
return gjmp(t);
ST_FUNC int gjmp_append(int n, int t)
void *p;
/* insert jump list n into t */
if (n) {
uint32_t n1 = n, n2;
while ((n2 = read32le(p = cur_text_section->data + n1)))
n1 = n2;
write32le(p, t);
t = n;
return t;
static void gen_opil(int op, int ll)
int a, b, d;
int inv = 0;
int func3 = 0, func7 = 0;
/* XXX We could special-case some constant args. */
gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
a = ireg(vtop[-1].r);
b = ireg(vtop[0].r);
vtop -= 2;
d = get_reg(RC_INT);
vtop[0].r = d;
d = ireg(d);
switch (op) {
case '%':
case TOK_SAR:
case TOK_SHR:
case TOK_PDIV:
tcc_error("implement me: %s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, get_tok_str(op, NULL));
case '+':
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20)); // add d, a, b
case '-':
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (0x20 << 25)); //sub d, a, b
case TOK_SHL:
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (1 << 12)); //sll d, a, b
case '*':
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (0x01 << 25)); //mul d, a, b
case '/':
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (0x01 << 25) | (4 << 12)); //div d, a, b
case '&':
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (7 << 12)); // and d, a, b
case '^':
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (4 << 12)); // xor d, a, b
case '|':
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (6 << 12)); // or d, a, b
case TOK_UMOD:
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (0x01 << 25) | (7 << 12)); //remu d, a, b
case TOK_UDIV:
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (0x01 << 25) | (5 << 12)); //divu d, a, b
case TOK_ULT:
case TOK_UGE:
case TOK_ULE:
case TOK_UGT:
case TOK_LT:
case TOK_GE:
case TOK_LE:
case TOK_GT:
if (op & 1) { // remove [U]GE,GT
inv = 1;
if ((op & 7) == 6) { // [U]LE
int t = a; a = b; b = t;
inv ^= 1;
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (((op > TOK_UGT) ? 2 : 3) << 12)); // slt[u] d, a, b
if (inv)
EI(0x13, 4, d, d, 1); // xori d, d, 1
vtop->cmp_r = d;
case TOK_NE:
case TOK_EQ:
o(0x33 | (d << 7) | (a << 15) | (b << 20) | (0x20 << 25)); // sub d, a, b
if (op == TOK_NE)
o(0x33 | (3 << 12) | (d << 7) | (0 << 15) | (d << 20)); // sltu d, x0, d == snez d,d
EI(0x13, 3, d, d, 1); // sltiu d, d, 1 == seqz d,d
vtop->cmp_r = d;
ST_FUNC void gen_opi(int op)
gen_opil(op, 0);
ST_FUNC void gen_opl(int op)
gen_opil(op, 1);
ST_FUNC void gen_opf(int op)
int rs1, rs2, rd, dbl, invert;
assert(vtop->type.t == VT_DOUBLE || vtop->type.t == VT_FLOAT);
dbl = vtop->type.t == VT_DOUBLE;
rs1 = freg(vtop[-1].r);
rs2 = freg(vtop->r);
invert = 0;
switch(op) {
case '+':
op = 0; // fadd
rd = get_reg(RC_FLOAT);
vtop->r = rd;
rd = freg(rd);
o(0x53 | (rd << 7) | (rs1 << 15) | (rs2 << 20) | (7 << 12) | (dbl << 25) | (op << 27)); // fop.[sd] RD, RS1, RS2 (dyn rm)
case '-':
op = 1; // fsub
goto arithop;
case '*':
op = 2; // fmul
goto arithop;
case '/':
op = 3; // fdiv
goto arithop;
case TOK_EQ:
op = 2; // EQ
rd = get_reg(RC_INT);
vtop->r = rd;
rd = ireg(rd);
o(0x53 | (rd << 7) | (rs1 << 15) | (rs2 << 20) | (op << 12) | (dbl << 25) | (0x14 << 27)); // fcmp.[sd] RD, RS1, RS2 (op == eq/lt/le)
if (invert)
EI(0x13, 4, rd, rd, 1); // xori RD, 1
case TOK_NE:
invert = 1;
op = 2; // EQ
goto cmpop;
case TOK_LT:
op = 1; // LT
goto cmpop;
case TOK_LE:
op = 0; // LE
goto cmpop;
case TOK_GT:
op = 1; // LT
rd = rs1, rs1 = rs2, rs2 = rd;
goto cmpop;
case TOK_GE:
op = 0; // LE
rd = rs1, rs1 = rs2, rs2 = rd;
goto cmpop;
ST_FUNC void gen_cvt_sxtw(void)
/* XXX on risc-v the registers are usually sign-extended already.
Let's try to not do anything here. */
ST_FUNC void gen_cvt_itof(int t)
tcc_error("implement me: %s", __FUNCTION__);
ST_FUNC void gen_cvt_ftoi(int t)
tcc_error("implement me: %s", __FUNCTION__);
ST_FUNC void gen_cvt_ftof(int dt)
int st = vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE, rs, rd;
dt &= VT_BTYPE;
assert (dt == VT_FLOAT || dt == VT_DOUBLE);
assert (st == VT_FLOAT || st == VT_DOUBLE);
if (st == dt)
rs = gv(RC_FLOAT);
rd = get_reg(RC_FLOAT);
if (dt == VT_DOUBLE)
EI(0x53, 7, freg(rd), freg(rs), 0x21 << 5); // fcvt.d.s RD, RS (dyn rm)
EI(0x53, 7, freg(rd), freg(rs), (0x20 << 5) | 1); // fcvt.s.d RD, RS
vtop->r = rd;
ST_FUNC void ggoto(void)
tcc_error("implement me: %s", __FUNCTION__);
ST_FUNC void gen_vla_sp_save(int addr)
tcc_error("implement me: %s", __FUNCTION__);
ST_FUNC void gen_vla_sp_restore(int addr)
tcc_error("implement me: %s", __FUNCTION__);
ST_FUNC void gen_vla_alloc(CType *type, int align)
tcc_error("implement me: %s", __FUNCTION__);