Only one test so far, which fails on Windows (with MinGW as the native compiler - I've tested the MinGW output against MSVC and it appears the two are compatible). I've also had to modify tcc.h so that tcc_set_lib_path can point to the directory containing libtcc1.a on Windows to make the libtcc dependent tests work. I'm not sure this is the right way to fix this problem.
212 lines
6 KiB
212 lines
6 KiB
# Tiny C Compiler Makefile - tests
TOP = ..
include $(TOP)/Makefile
SRCDIR = $(top_srcdir)/tests
# what tests to run
hello-exe \
hello-run \
libtest \
test3 \
abitest-exe \
# test4 -- problem with -static
# asmtest -- minor differences with gcc
# btest -- works on i386 (including win32)
# test3 -- win32 does not know how to printf long doubles
# bounds-checking is supported only on i386
ifneq ($(ARCH),i386)
TESTS := $(filter-out btest,$(TESTS))
ifdef CONFIG_WIN32
TESTS := $(filter-out test3,$(TESTS))
ifeq ($(TARGETOS),Darwin)
TESTS := $(filter-out hello-exe test3 btest,$(TESTS))
ifeq ($(TARGETOS),Darwin)
# run local version of tcc with local libraries and includes
ifdef CONFIG_WIN32
TCCFLAGS = -B$(top_srcdir)/win32 -I$(top_srcdir)/include -I$(TOP) -L$(TOP)
TCC = $(TOP)/tcc $(TCCFLAGS)
RUN_TCC = $(NATIVE_DEFINES) -DONE_SOURCE -run $(top_srcdir)/tcc.c $(TCCFLAGS)
DISAS = objdump -d
# libtcc test
ifdef LIBTCC1
all test : $(TESTS)
hello-exe: ../examples/ex1.c
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
$(TCC) $< -o hello$(EXESUF) || ($(TOP)/tcc -vv; exit 1) && ./hello$(EXESUF)
hello-run: ../examples/ex1.c
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
$(TCC) -run $<
libtest: libtcc_test$(EXESUF) $(LIBTCC1)
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
./libtcc_test$(EXESUF) lib_path=..
libtcc_test$(EXESUF): libtcc_test.c $(top_builddir)/$(LIBTCC)
$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(NATIVE_DEFINES) $(LIBS) $(LINK_LIBTCC) $(LDFLAGS) -I$(top_srcdir)
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
$(MAKE) -C tests2
# test.ref - generate using gcc
# copy only tcclib.h so GCC's stddef and stdarg will be used
test.ref: tcctest.c
cp $(top_srcdir)/include/tcclib.h .
gcc -o tcctest.gcc $< -I. $(CPPFLAGS) -w $(CFLAGS) $(NATIVE_DEFINES) -std=gnu99 -O0 -fno-omit-frame-pointer $(LDFLAGS)
./tcctest.gcc > $@
# auto test
test1: test.ref
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
$(TCC) -run $(SRCDIR)/tcctest.c > test.out1
@if diff -u test.ref test.out1 ; then echo "Auto Test OK"; fi
# iterated test2 (compile tcc then compile tcctest.c !)
test2: test.ref
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
$(TCC) $(RUN_TCC) $(RUN_TCC) -run $(SRCDIR)/tcctest.c > test.out2
@if diff -u test.ref test.out2 ; then echo "Auto Test2 OK"; fi
# iterated test3 (compile tcc then compile tcc then compile tcctest.c !)
test3: test.ref
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
$(TCC) $(RUN_TCC) $(RUN_TCC) $(RUN_TCC) -run $(SRCDIR)/tcctest.c > test.out3
@if diff -u test.ref test.out3 ; then echo "Auto Test3 OK"; fi
# binary output test
test4: test.ref
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
# object + link output
$(TCC) -c -o tcctest3.o tcctest.c
$(TCC) -o tcctest3 tcctest3.o
./tcctest3 > test3.out
@if diff -u test.ref test3.out ; then echo "Object Auto Test OK"; fi
# dynamic output
$(TCC) -o tcctest1 tcctest.c
./tcctest1 > test1.out
@if diff -u test.ref test1.out ; then echo "Dynamic Auto Test OK"; fi
# dynamic output + bound check
$(TCC) -b -o tcctest4 tcctest.c
./tcctest4 > test4.out
@if diff -u test.ref test4.out ; then echo "BCheck Auto Test OK"; fi
# static output
$(TCC) -static -o tcctest2 tcctest.c
./tcctest2 > test2.out
@if diff -u test.ref test2.out ; then echo "Static Auto Test OK"; fi
# memory and bound check auto test
BOUNDS_OK = 1 4 8 10 14
BOUNDS_FAIL= 2 5 7 9 11 12 13 15
btest: boundtest.c
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
@for i in $(BOUNDS_OK); do \
echo ; echo --- boundtest $$i ---; \
if $(TCC) -b -run boundtest.c $$i ; then \
echo succeded as expected; \
echo Failed positive test $$i ; exit 1 ; \
fi ;\
done ;\
for i in $(BOUNDS_FAIL); do \
echo ; echo --- boundtest $$i ---; \
if $(TCC) -b -run boundtest.c $$i ; then \
echo Failed negative test $$i ; exit 1 ;\
echo failed as expected; \
fi ;\
done ;\
echo; echo Bound test OK
# speed test
speedtest: ex2 ex3
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
time ./ex2 1238 2 3 4 10 13 4
time $(TCC) -run $(top_srcdir)/examples/ex2.c 1238 2 3 4 10 13 4
time ./ex3 35
time $(TCC) -run $(top_srcdir)/examples/ex3.c 35
weaktest: test.ref
$(TCC) -c tcctest.c -o weaktest.tcc.o $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS)
$(CC) -c tcctest.c -o weaktest.gcc.o -I. $(CPPFLAGS) -w $(CFLAGS)
objdump -t weaktest.tcc.o | grep ' w ' | sed -e 's/.* \([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)$$/\1/' | LC_ALL=C sort > weaktest.tcc.o.txt
objdump -t weaktest.gcc.o | grep ' w ' | sed -e 's/.* \([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)$$/\1/' | LC_ALL=C sort > weaktest.gcc.o.txt
diff weaktest.gcc.o.txt weaktest.tcc.o.txt && echo "Weak Auto Test OK"
ex%: $(top_srcdir)/examples/ex%.c
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
# tiny assembler testing
asmtest.ref: asmtest.S
$(CC) -Wa,-W -o asmtest.ref.o -c asmtest.S
objdump -D asmtest.ref.o > asmtest.ref
asmtest: asmtest.ref
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
$(TCC) -c asmtest.S
objdump -D asmtest.o > asmtest.out
@if diff -u --ignore-matching-lines="file format" asmtest.ref asmtest.out ; then echo "ASM Auto Test OK"; fi
# Check that code generated by libtcc is binary compatible with
# that generated by CC
abitest$(EXESUF): abitest.c $(top_builddir)/$(LIBTCC)
$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(NATIVE_DEFINES) $(LIBS) $(LINK_LIBTCC) $(LDFLAGS) -I$(top_srcdir) -g -O0
abitest-exe: abitest$(EXESUF)
@echo ------------ $@ ------------
abitest$(EXESUF) lib_path=..
# targets for development
%.bin: %.c tcc
$(TCC) -g -o $@ $<
$(DISAS) $@
instr: instr.o
objdump -d instr.o
instr.o: instr.S
$(CC) -o $@ -c $< -O2 -Wall -g
cache: tcc_g
cachegrind ./tcc_g -o /tmp/linpack -lm bench/linpack.c
vg_annotate tcc.c > /tmp/linpack.cache.log
# clean
$(MAKE) -C tests2 $@
rm -vf *~ *.o *.a *.bin *.i *.ref *.out *.out? *.out?b *.gcc *.exe \
hello libtcc_test tcctest[1234] ex? tcc_g tcclib.h
Makefile: $(SRCDIR)/Makefile
cp $< $@