grischka f24727b6bb tcc -freverse-funcargs (reverse evaluation)
patch originally made to prove correctness (comparing stages)
with tinycc compiling gcc 2.95.3 which would assign registers
differently (but still correctly) when compiled with tcc without
this option).

Also: fixes get_temp_local_var() which on 32-bit systems
happened to return a temporary location that was still
in use because its offset was changed on the vstack
(incremented by four in gv() to load the second register
of a long long).

Also: optimize vrot-t/b (slightly) by using one memmove
instead of moving elements one by one in a loop.
2024-11-17 21:04:29 +01:00

519 lines
10 KiB

#if defined test_56_btype_excess_1
struct A {} int i;
#elif defined test_57_btype_excess_2
char int i;
#elif defined test_58_function_redefinition
int f(void) { return 0; }
int f(void) { return 1; }
#elif defined test_global_redefinition
int xxx = 1;
int xxx;
int xxx = 2;
#elif defined test_59_function_array
int (*fct)[42](int x);
#elif defined test_60_enum_redefinition
enum color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
enum color { R, G, B };
enum color c;
#elif defined test_62_enumerator_redefinition
enum color { RED, GREEN, BLUE };
enum rgb { RED, G, B};
enum color c = RED;
#elif defined test_63_local_enumerator_redefinition
enum {
int main(void)
enum {
FOO = 2,
return BAR - FOO;
#elif defined test_61_undefined_enum
enum rgb3 c = 42;
#elif defined test_74_non_const_init
int i = i++;
#elif defined test_pointer_assignment
void (*f1)(void);
void f2(void) {}
struct s1 *ps1;
struct s2 *ps2;
void *v1, **v2, ***v3;
enum e1 { a = 4 } e10, *e11, *e12;
enum e2 { b = -4 } e20, *e21;
enum e3 { c = 5000000000LL } e30;
int *ip;
unsigned int *up;
long *lp;
long long *llp;
char **c1;
char const **c2;
unsigned char **u1;
int no_main ()
// function
f1 = f2;
// struct
ps1 = ps2;
// void*
v1 = v3;
v2 = v3;
// enum
e11 = e12;
e11 = e21;
e11 = &e10;
ip = &e10;
ip = &e20;
up = &e10;
up = &e20;
up = &e30;
lp = ip;
lp = llp;
// constness
c1 = c2;
*c1 = *c2;
**c1 = **c2;
// unsigned = signed
u1 = c2;
*u1 = *c2;
**u1 = **c2;
c2 = c1;
*c2 = *c1;
**c2 = **c1;
return 0;
#elif defined test_enum_compat
enum e4;
enum e5;
void f3(enum e4 e);
void f3(enum e5 e);
#elif defined test_enum_compat_2
enum e6 { E1 = -1, E0 };
void f3(enum e6);
void f3(int); // should work as int and e6 are compatible
void f4(enum e6 e);
void f4(unsigned e); // should error as unsigned and e6 are incompatible
#elif defined test_ptr_to_str
void f() { _Generic((int const *[]){0}, int:0); }
#elif defined test_fnptr_to_str
void f() { _Generic((int (*(*)(float,char))(double,int)){0}, int:0); }
#elif defined test_array_to_str
void f() { _Generic((int(*)[3]){0}, int:0); }
#elif defined test_duplicate_def_1
static enum myenum { L = -1 } L;
#elif defined test_duplicate_def_2
void foo(void) {
static enum myenum { L = -1 } L;
#elif defined test_abstract_decls
int bar(const char *()); // abstract declarator here is okay
int bar (const char *(*g)()) // should match this 'g' argument
return 42;
int foo(int ()) // abstract decl is wrong in definitions
return 0;
#elif defined test_invalid_1
void f(char*);
void g(void) {
f((char[]){1, ,});
#elif defined test_invalid_2
int ga = 0.42 { 2 };
#elif defined test_invalid_3
struct S { int a, b; };
struct T { struct S x; };
struct T gt = { 42 a: 1, 43 };
#elif defined test_invalid_4
enum E {
x = 1 / 0
#elif defined test_conflicting_types
int i;
void foo(void) {
int i;
extern double i;
i = 42.2;
#elif defined test_nested_types
union u {
union u {
int i;
} m;
#elif defined test_vla_1
int X=1;
int main(void) {
int t[][][X];
#elif defined test_invalid_alignas
/* _Alignas is no type qualifier */
void * _Alignas(16) p1;
#elif defined test_static_assert
#define ONE 0
_Static_assert(ONE == 0, "don't show me this");
struct x{ _Static_assert(ONE == 1, "ONE is not 1"); };
#elif defined test_static_assert_2
_Static_assert(1, "1"" is 1");
struct y { _Static_assert(0, "0"" is 0"); };
#elif defined test_static_assert_c2x
struct z { _Static_assert(0); }
#elif defined test_static_assert_empty_string
#elif defined test_void_array
void t[3];
#elif defined test_incomplete_enum_array
enum e t[3];
#elif defined test_incomplete_struct_array
struct s t[3];
#elif defined test_const_fun_array
typedef void f(void);
const f t[3];
#elif defined test_incomplete_array_array
int t[][3]; // gr: not an error, see below
#elif defined test_extern_array
int iii[] = { 1,2,3 };
extern int iii[];
int x[];
int x[2];
int x[];
int x[2];
int x[];
extern int x[2];
extern int x[];
int x[3];
#elif defined test_func_1 \
|| defined test_func_2 \
|| defined test_func_3 \
|| defined test_func_4 \
|| defined test_func_5 \
|| defined test_func_6
#if defined test_func_1
int hello(int);
#elif defined test_func_4
static int hello(int);
int main () {
#if defined test_func_6
int hello(int);
return 0;
int printf(const char*, ...);
#if defined test_func_3
static int hello(int a)
#elif defined test_func_5
int hello(int a, int b)
int hello(int a)
{ printf("%s: a = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, a); return 0; }
#elif defined test_var_1 \
|| defined test_var_2 \
|| defined test_var_3
#define P(n,v) printf("%-5s: %d ; %d\n", __FUNCTION__, n, v)
#if defined test_var_1
int xxx[];
int bar();
int printf(const char*, ...);
int main ()
#if !defined test_var_3
int xxx = 2;
extern int xxx[
#if defined test_var_3
P(1, xxx[0]);
xxx[0] += 2;
#if !defined test_var_3
P(2, xxx);
return 0;
int xxx[1] = {1};
int bar() { P(3, xxx[0]); return 0; }
#elif defined test_var_4
struct yyy { int y; };
struct zzz;
void f1() {
extern char *x;
extern char **xx;
extern struct yyy y;
extern struct yyy *yy;
extern struct zzz z;
extern struct zzz *zz;
void f2() {
extern char *x;
extern char **xx;
extern struct yyy y;
extern struct yyy *yy;
extern struct zzz z;
extern struct zzz *zz;
struct yyy y, *yy;
struct zzz { int z; } z, *zz;
#elif defined test_long_double_type_for_win32
int main()
double *a = 0;
long double *b = a;
int n = _Generic(*a, double:0, long double:1);
#elif defined test_stray_backslash
#define x \a
#elif defined test_stray_backslash2
int printf(const char*, ...);
int main()
#define _S(x) #x
#define S(x) _S(x)
printf("%sn\n", S(\\));
#elif defined test_var_array
static struct var_len { int i; const char str[]; } var_array[] =
{ { 1, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" },
{ 2, "longlonglonglonglong" },
{ 3, "tst3" } };
#elif defined test_var_array2
struct c1 { int a; int b[]; };
struct c1 c1 = { 1, { 2, 3, 4 } };
struct c2 { int c; struct c1 c1; };
struct c2 c2 = { 1, { 2, { 3, 4, 5 }}};
#elif defined test_var_array3
/* similar to test_var_array2 but with string initializers */
struct A { int a; char b[]; };
struct A a = { 1, "1" };
struct B { struct A a; };
struct B b = { { 1, "1" } };
#elif defined test_default_int_type
n; // warn
f(); // don't warn
#elif defined test_invalid_global_stmtexpr
n[sizeof({3;})]; // crashed in block() due to missing local scope
#elif defined test_invalid_tokckill
f(){"12"3;} // second const token killed the value of the first
#elif defined test_duplicate_member
struct S {
int a, a;
#elif defined test_duplicate_member_anon
struct S1 {
int b;
struct {
int b;
} c;
struct S2 {
int d;
struct {
int d;
#elif defined test_conflicting_array_definition
extern int array[2];
int array[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
#elif defined test_incompatible_local_redef
void foo (void)
typedef int localfunctype (int);
extern localfunctype func2;
typedef void localfunctype (int, int);
#elif defined test_cast_from_void
void v() {}
int f() { return v(); }
#elif defined test_switch_W1 || defined test_switch_W2 \
|| defined test_switch_W3 || defined test_switch_W4
#if defined test_switch_W1
#pragma comment(option, "-Wall")
#elif defined test_switch_W2
#pragma comment(option, "-Wunsupported -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wstuff")
#elif defined test_switch_W3
#pragma comment(option, "-Wwrite-strings -Werror=discarded-qualifiers")
#elif defined test_switch_W4
#pragma comment(option, "-Wunsupported -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration -Werror")
void func()
char *ccp = "123";
__attribute__((stuff)) int fink() {return 0;}
#elif defined test_invalid_funcparam_1
void func(int a, int b, int a);
#elif defined test_invalid_funcparam_2
void func(int a, int if);
#elif defined test_array_funcparam
int amain(int argc, char *argv[static argc + 1])
int i;
int printf(const char*, ...);
for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
printf("arg[%d] = \"%s\"\n", i, argv[i]);
return 0;
int main()
return amain(2, (char *[]){ "X", "Y", 0 });
#elif defined test_return_from_statement_expr
int f() { ({ return 78; }); }
int main() { return f(); }
#elif defined test_illegal_unicode
int main() {
char *str = "\Uffffffff";
#elif defined test_error_string
#error \123\\
#elif defined test_error_incomplete_type
struct A;
void f(struct A *);
int main()
f(&(struct A){});
struct A {
int x;
#elif defined test_pp_error_1
# if //no expression
# endif
#elif defined test_pp_error_2
# if X(1,2) //undefined function macro
# endif
#elif defined test_pointer_plus_double
int *invalid_operation(int *p, double d)
return p + d;
#elif defined test_duplicate_case
int main()
unsigned int x;
switch (x) {
case -1 ... 0: /* empty case range with unsigned */
case 3:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3: /* show this line number in error */
case 4:
case 5:
#elif defined test_normal_funcargs || defined test_reverse_funcargs
#ifdef test_reverse_funcargs
# pragma comment(option, "-freverse-funcargs")
int printf(const char*, ...);
int main()
printf(" %d %d %d\n", printf("1"), printf("22"), printf("333"));