4.5 KiB
4.5 KiB
65∞2 Instruction Set Architecture
- PC
- Program counter (32bit)
- A
- Accumulator (32bit)
- X
- X index register (32bit)
- Y
- Y index register (32bit)
- SR
- status register (8bit)
- SP
- stack pointer (32bit)
Status register flags
7 0
- N
- Negative The negative flag (N) indicates the presence of a set sign bit in bit-position 31.
- V
- Overflow The overflow flag (V) indicates overflow with signed binary arithmetics.
- B
- Break
- D
- Decimal
- Z
- Zero The zero flag (Z) indicates a value of all zero bits.
- C
- Carry
Control Registers
Addressing Modes
Implied Addressing
Remative Addressing
Immediate Addressing
A size and a literal operand is given immediately after the instruction.
LDA.B #7
LDA.W #300
LDA.SB #-5 ! sign extended
LDA.SW #-5367 ! sign extended
Absolute Addressing
-0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -5 | -6 | -7 | -8 | -9 | -A | -B | -C | -D | -E | -F | |
0- | BRK impl | ORA X,ind | prefix | prefix | PHP impl | ORA # | ASL A | ORA abs | ASL abs | |||||||
1- | BPL rel | ORA ind,Y | prefix | prefix | CLC impl | ORA abs,Y | ORA abs,X | ASL abs,X | ||||||||
2- | JSR abs | AND X,ind | prefix | prefix | PLP impl | AND # | ROL A | BIT abs | AND abs | ROL abs | ||||||
3- | BMI rel | AND ind,Y | prefix | prefix | SEC impl | AND abs,Y | AND abs,X | ROL abs,X | ||||||||
4- | RTI impl | EOR X,ind | prefix | prefix | PHA impl | EOR # | LSR A | JMP abs | EOR abs | LSR abs | ||||||
5- | BVC rel | EOR ind,Y | prefix | prefix | CLI impl | EOR abs,Y | EOR abs,X | LSR abs,X | ||||||||
6- | RTS impl | ADC X,ind | PER? | prefix | prefix | PLA impl | ADC # | ROR A | JMP ind | ADC abs | ROR abs | |||||
7- | BVS rel | ADC ind,Y | prefix | prefix | SEI impl | ADC abs,Y | ADC abs,X | ROR abs,X | ||||||||
8- | STA X,ind | prefix | prefix | DEY impl | TXA impl | STY abs | STA abs | STX abs | ||||||||
9- | BCC rel | STA ind,Y | prefix | prefix | TYA impl | STA abs,Y | TXS impl | STA abs,X | ||||||||
A- | LDY # | LDA X,ind | LDX # | prefix | prefix | TAY impl | LDA # | TAX impl | LDY abs | LDA abs | LDX abs | |||||
B- | BCS rel | LDA ind,Y | prefix | prefix | CLV impl | LDA abs,Y | TSX impl | LDY abs,X | LDA abs,X | LDX abs,Y | ||||||
C- | CPY # | CMP X,ind | prefix | prefix | INY impl | CMP # | DEX impl | CPY abs | CMP abs | DEC abs | ||||||
D- | BNE rel | CMP ind,Y | prefix | prefix | CLD impl | CMP abs,Y | CMP abs,X | DEC abs,X | ||||||||
E- | CPX # | SBC X,ind | prefix | prefix | INX impl | SBC # | NOP impl | CPX abs | SBC abs | INC abs | ||||||
F- | BEQ rel | SBC ind,Y | prefix | prefix | SED impl | SBC abs,Y | SBC abs,X | INC abs,X |
Instruction encoding
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
A | A | OS | OS | 0 | S | 1 | 1 |
- OS
- 00 8bit
- 01 16bit
- 10 32bit
- 11 64bit
- A
- Address Size
- S
- sign-extension
8bits 8bits 8/16/32/64bits
| prefix | opcode | value |
Instructions Listing
- add with carry
- and (with accumulator)
- arithmetic shift left
- branch on carry clear
- branch on carry set
- branch on equal (zero set)
- bitwise test with accumulator
- branch on minus
- branch not equal
- Branch on plus